View Full Version : Now I UNDERSTAND!!!

06-14-2002, 09:41 PM
No wonder you guys all get ****y with MMA types. I was watching a vid tape of an unamed fighting event (I'm not gonna discuss it in otherwords, so don't ask.).

None of the first six fights should ever have happened. Their trainers should be shot for putting them in the ring. I've never seen such a display of McDojo tomfoolery in all my life. One of the guys advertised a 4-0 record and I thought to myself "why?"

No wonder so many of you hate this trend--you see taped matches of guys who have NO business being in the ring and then listen to people with silly haircuts and too many tattoos talk about how they'll kick your ass. They might or might not, but UGH...

06-14-2002, 11:01 PM
See? Apocolypse is a comin

Best MCDojo MMA fight I saw was in KOTC where a huge fighter (name alludes me) was asked about his training, strategy, etc.
He said, "Been kicking ass." while chewing gum with a intimidating stare.
"Do you know about your opponent?" he was asked.
"Nope. Don't care, either way. I'll kick his ass."
"What's your prediction?"
"To be kicking ass."
"What's your strategy?"
"Kick ass."

Then he goes into the ring and eats just one right hand from his opponent and topples like a ton of bricks. He's out for at least a minute and a half. Total time defeated .......about 9 seconds or something. :D

Me and my girlfriend at the time cheered. LOL


06-14-2002, 11:09 PM
I've seen that tape.

06-14-2002, 11:12 PM
What was his name? I can't remember.

06-14-2002, 11:31 PM
I think it was in Latin, for "Big fat guy who got pasted by a right hand..."

Ok, seriously? I don't know. But it's part of the same set where Chris Brennan leaves the triangle on after the tap on that 17 year old kid, and the ref had to peel it off, right?

06-15-2002, 10:56 AM
A while back I predicted that The McDojo would hit BJJ one day. Well I don't think it's yet happened, but I never counted on the MMA Mcdojo. It makes even more sense than the McKwoon, McJKD, McDojo or McDojang. Usually to have one of those a person needs some background even in a bogus style, the McMMA though can manage to even cut that step out. It's a stroke of genius!;)