View Full Version : Traditional Wing Chun Uniform?

06-16-2002, 11:47 AM
What is the traditional Wing Chun uniform? Are we just talking usual Kung Fu top and trousers? Or anything specific?

Any links to piccies and places to buy one?

Much appreciated :)

kungfu cowboy
06-16-2002, 12:40 PM
They (http://www.napt.org/confer/00pics/hat.jpg) are wearing the traditional fall and spring line.

06-16-2002, 01:30 PM
Someone stole my wardrobe,darn it.

06-16-2002, 03:16 PM

Seriously now...

06-16-2002, 04:09 PM
Didya ever see a pic of YM ina uniform? Common in the next HK generation wasa school t shirt, apair of "kung fu" pants, a sash
and flat bottomed shoes. Nothing fancy. Some other southern HK stylists were similar.

06-16-2002, 04:11 PM
Leung Ting were's that traditional Chinese outfit, with them buttons and stuff, , see for yourself.

Miles Teg
06-16-2002, 04:39 PM
There is no traditional W.C uniform.
In H.K people just wore what ever they liked, at least this is what I heard, and if you look at what Yip Man wears in video clips and other stuff, it is just a white t-shirt and paints.

In my lineage we don't wear a uniform.

06-16-2002, 04:59 PM
We wear those cotton kung fu shoes so we can turn and step. Otherwise we just wear whatever is comfortable.

06-16-2002, 09:08 PM
Wear whatever's comfortable, but that you don't mind sweating in. I wear black martial arts pants and a white t-shirt.


06-17-2002, 06:34 AM
Hi DS, don't think you really need to wear anything special. We have a school t-shirt but even don't really need to wear that. Just whatever is comfortable... i just wear jogging trousers and a t-shirt usually.

I'm sure you'd turn some heads in a white silk gong fu suit with matching golden dragons down each side on your chest :D (and i've seen someone wear that! :D)


black and blue
06-17-2002, 06:54 AM
I saw a guy turn up to a seminar wearing a silk Kung Fu jacket... he rolled up the arms and had "Bruce Lee Lives" tattooed onto his left arm!

I kid you not! :(

06-17-2002, 09:15 AM
Like most Chinese systems, there is *no* "uniform in Wing Chun Kuen. People practiced in the common clothing they wore at the times (okay, maybe Wong Wah-Bo et al. sometimes did a Tan Sao or two in full opera make-up and costume, but how many of us have that kind of time today? ;). If you check out pictures of Yip Man, you'll see the Cheung Saam (robes) common to people of his time and social station. Nowadays, similar would be a pair of pants, top, some socks and shoes...



06-17-2002, 12:07 PM
I saw a guy turn up to a seminar wearing a silk Kung Fu jacket... he rolled up the arms and had "Bruce Lee Lives" tattooed onto his left arm!
Did ya invite him to contribute his insights to the forum?
The fish that got away- or did it? Phew!

06-17-2002, 12:29 PM
I've seen some of those type of guys :D

I know there is no "official" WC uniform, and that at 99% of schools its white T-shirt, joggers and trainers.

However I really like KF uniforms. Not to wear to class or anything :D just because I like them. I kind of collect them :o

Not to make me look hard or anything, I just like traditional Chinese dress. And I look cool in them. :D The only time I'd ever wear one is when I'm training on my birthday. And even then it'd depend on the class.

That's just my little nuance. I once turned up to Judo with a fake "17 today" tattoo on my forehead and a Mickey Mouse T-Shirt. :D

Cheers for all the posts guys. I wasn't sure if there was a "traditional" uniform. I know some styles do have them, but yeah I've never seen Yip Man in one. Just a tutu. [j/k]

Once I arranged to spar a Jujitsu guy I knew from college. Just friendly stuff, I was a Judo and Lau Gar guy at the time.

I turned up with Judogi and semi-contact gloves.

He turned up wearing white Judo trousers, red Judo top with a tiger-sunset picture on the back, Japanese slip on sandals, open fingered gloves, a Daniel San style Rising Sun-patterned headband an carrying a Kwan Dao. :D :p

He told me he'd walked across town in this. I was almost embarassed to spar with him, he looked like Krusty The Clown.

I promised NEVER to ever dress like that. Ever.

old jong
06-17-2002, 02:07 PM
You can even wear your fur!... (http://www.uglypeople.com/uglymen/section.images/up-men-00291.jpg) Très chic! ;)

kungfu cowboy
06-17-2002, 02:13 PM
GAK! :eek: At least he will have options if he needs donor area for hair transplantaion.

Miles Teg
06-17-2002, 06:42 PM
Yeah Kung Fu clothes look cool!:cool:

But I reckon they only suit asian people, they look cheesy on white guys like myself. When ever I go through a kung fu magazine and see a European in tradtiional gear I cringe. I don't know why, its just me!

black and blue
06-18-2002, 02:53 AM
Joy - If you want to speak to the guy with the Bruce Lee tattoo... I can always hook you up :), someone at our club must have his number. My greatest fear is that this guy will turn out to be Ralek.

I can't take the p*ss too much. I have "Wing Chun Kuen" tattooed onto my arm (in Chinese characters... naturally). But in class you can't see it.

We wear a club T-Shirt and black training bottoms (pants... for you darn Yanks) :p Also, we all wear (for a reason unknown) black Reebok Classics... the gayest trainers in THE WORLD!!

Where did Yip Man get those robes? If David Beckham can wear a sari...

06-18-2002, 04:12 AM
darn it....didn't realise I was following a trend at Kamon with black reebok's

black and blue
06-18-2002, 04:17 AM
Yep... you are a member of the Kamon Cult! :)

I have standard Classics... but beware, some flash basta*ds have the special 'high' ones with a little strap. Mmmm.

Some members wear 'white' trainers!!! Chuck'em out the organisation... that's what I say. :mad:

Mr Punch
06-18-2002, 05:25 AM
old jong... just why were you ever on that page?!

old jong
06-18-2002, 05:56 AM
...I look at these guys!... (http://www.uglypeople.com/uglycelebs/section.images/up-celebs-00013.jpg)And it makes me feel better about myself! ;) :D