View Full Version : Kung fu schools

06-16-2002, 09:59 PM
I trained with Sifu Jurgens in South Africa, but I moved to Australia.
So any idea of any good schools?
I will be happy to start over in training.
I have about 13-14 years exp in Martial art.
From JKA to kung fu.
I found that kung fu was the best for me, I tried all the other styles.
I know when I say kung fu it is a very very broad spectrum.
So I m looking for a good place to train kung fu any type as long as it is a good school.
Internal and external.

in Brisbane Australia


06-16-2002, 10:45 PM
Welcome to Australia :)

First off - what style(s) of kung fu were you training in SA?

Secondly, where in Australia are you?

There are literally hundreds of schools in Sydney alone, and I hear Melbourne also has many schools. You can learn just about anything you'd like.

If you are in Sydney, I can point you in the direction of a few schools, otherwise I can point you in the direction if a few forum members who might know more :).

06-16-2002, 11:07 PM
I am living in Brisbane. I studied Wing Chun, started tiger and tai chi, but I am very interested in all type of styles and would like to do a animal style.
P.S this is a great place.

06-16-2002, 11:16 PM
There is a guy on this forum who lives up near Brisbane (I think) who does/did wing chun. He might be able to help you. I think his nickname is straightblast? There are quite a few Aussies on the forum, but I don't know where all of them are located. Unfortunately I don't really know much about the Brisbane MA scene either. Sorry I can't help you much more than that.

06-19-2002, 03:27 AM
Welcome to Sunny Queensland!

There are two kung-fu schools in Brisbane that I'm aware of, one of them is the Liin Waan Sarm Sao school in Underwood and Stafford, that teaches a three animal style of Mantis, Snake and Crane and also does tai-chi. Check them out in the yellow pages.

The other school I've heard of is a Wing Chun (and other combat styles like kick-boxing, BJJ and stuff) school that is in the city centre, they'll be in the yellow pages as well.

Where in Brissie are you? Theres probably kung fu schools all over the place.