View Full Version : Too funny for words!

black and blue
06-17-2002, 03:16 AM
Blagged this from Rene's forum. Sometimes you see something so funny you fall off your office chair. This is one of those golden moments...

Click the link and prepare for heart failure...



06-17-2002, 06:06 AM
**** bro, I watched this in class, god**** god****, it was ok untill the dude tried to break the bricks, omfg, was lmao right there in class lol

black and blue
06-17-2002, 06:12 AM
It certainly was NOT okay before the breaking demo!!!

:( :eek: :(

06-17-2002, 09:42 AM
those guys in the beginning were the harlem globetrotters of kung fu!


i wonder what style that was?

old jong
06-18-2002, 06:19 AM
I don't know what these guys in the beginning do and the brick breaking was "original" to say the least!
It showed a lot of Aikido for a video intended to make fun of Kung Fu and a lot of "American style" Karate.
Notice that this video was made by...USAWRESTLER!...It tells it all!:rolleyes:

06-18-2002, 06:41 AM
It definitely looked like wushu (the beginning).

06-18-2002, 01:30 PM
Anyone else notice Morihei Ueshiba was in that video? Watch it again, the black and white video, that old man is Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of Aikido. Why they put him in there is beyond me, there is nothing comical about him, unless you find it funny (I sort of did in the Aikido sequences) of how the guy kept getting thrown to the ground yet he kept attacking. Yes I know what Aikido is, but it is funny how the guy kept going down and getting back up after realizing he wasnt going to win.

I also found that kicking in the ring, the guy with the yellow belt and green belt funny. It didnt even look like they were trying to fight. Morihei appears from 2:07 until 2:11.

I watched that one Aikdio match (the one that is in fast forward) and that one guy was thrown 10 times before being pinned. About the only good stuff in that video was that match and Morihei. The Aikido where the guy found off 10 men was hilarious, like they will each stand around and wait there turn in a real fight.

Mr Punch
06-19-2002, 04:27 AM
Yes, unfortunately, that particular aspect of aikido is a bit **** silly.:rolleyes:

It's not, however supposed to be a real demonstration of a 'fight'. It's a method of training to improve your situational awareness, and yes, it does put a lot of pressure on you to keep a clear head. So, it is useful. The Shihan was Saito btw, who's pretty good, but that one isn't a particularly good example.

Philbert. If you didn't think that footage of Ueshiba was funny, why did you think that one was? That footage of Ueshiba is all stylised crap too!

06-19-2002, 06:15 AM
Mat, Looking at your profile - what *is* your style?

06-19-2002, 09:47 AM
Originally posted by Mat
Philbert. If you didn't think that footage of Ueshiba was funny, why did you think that one was? That footage of Ueshiba is all stylised crap too!

Because Ueshiba is the man!

Mr Punch
06-20-2002, 12:29 AM

Currently: Wing chun (4-5 years, two different lineages, both through Yip Man, then through Samuel Kwok and John Virgilio - would have to look up any more details, don't usually remember lineage stuff!). Aikido (over 11 years, mostly through the British Aikido Fellowship, but have also trained with Ki-Society, Yoshinkan and Tomiki styles). Kendo (2 years seriously). Have also trained for a while in other forms of kungfu, karate, and jujutsu, though mostly only mixed seminars (do hold grades in some of them), and two Yang tai-chi (though primarily non-martial).

Aikido works. The training methods are usually crap (slow, and at first, dangerous to the learner in terms of over-self-confidence.). Most styles don't have competition, hence the rather odd looking vid clips: not supposed to be representative of fighting.

I wiped the info off my profile because ultimately, I could be anyone, and people talk ****e! Myself included unfortunately ;) ! But I do try to keep it real... I'm well aware that 11 years doesn't mean 11 useful years, but I do know it works, and I know its pitfalls intimately.

oops. rambling again!

06-20-2002, 10:35 AM
I detected an experienced voice :)
Thanks - no ulterior motive!