View Full Version : Question on Fat burning/sugar/muscle definition

Kungfu boy
06-17-2002, 03:19 AM
Hi All

My goal is to just get well defined muscles. Not wanting to get big, just stay somewhat slim.

My Question: How does the amount of sugar in your body effect the fat burning process? Or does it play a factor? As some of you may know I study Muay Thai mainly, with jkd as a minor if you will. I am alright on the torso, seeinf changes coming now and again, slowly but surely. My problem is my legs. I want to make them a little more muscular and defined, as they are my primary weapon.(for me anyways, can't box that good/but can kick like a mule)

Another question/confirmation: The defination of muscles is related to overall body fat correct? Please say yes, I got into a discussion about it to a friend and he swears its due to the size of the muscle. I'm pretty sure he's wrong.


06-17-2002, 05:51 AM
well I would say that you are both right you can be fat and still have bulging muscles on your legs, and skinny and have none.
But your goal is to be a normal weight and have definition right?
A few thing to do are jump rope, put your toes on the edge of a step and lift your body up and down and jog.

06-17-2002, 07:59 AM
Muscle definition is related to body fat levels, not muscle size, your friend is wrong. Anything else would be the same as spot reduction.

Sounds like all you need to do is keep going with what you're doing. If your seeing changes then it's working, slowly but surely is how to do it. Cardio work if you want definition. If you're working hard at the Muay Thai then the muscles are there, definition will come.

As for the question about sugar well I don't fully understand the question but I would basically say that if you think that eating lots of food high in sugar will give you energy then it might short term but will impede any progress towards definition. Just watch your diet, steer clear of refined sugars and too much fat.

Basically keep going with what your doing, don't be impatient!!!

06-17-2002, 10:09 AM
Consuming too much sugar in your diet will add to the amount of fat in your body because unprocessed sugar in your system get's stored in your body as fat. When I say sugar, I mean all forms of carbohydrates - bread, pasta, flour, rice, sugar, etc. You should seriously limit the amount of carbohydrates in your diet if you're trying to burn fat off your body or trying to prevent it from accumulating on to your body. Also, when you do eat your carbs, don't eat them late in the evening, preferebly no carbs after 7:00p.m.

Kungfu boy
06-18-2002, 05:55 AM
Part of my initial arguement was that with a good leg program, you will get much stronger in that area but it may not be that physically apparent. Cardio is the way to lose the fat and get the definition. His was just the bigger the muscle the more visible it was.

I do work my Thai pretty hard and yes I do a pretty good amount of cardio as well. About 30-40 minutes on a elitical trainer 3 times a week. Maybe I should start pumping up the resistance more?

Nah, not really impatient. I'm floating around 155-160lbs. right now. Just wouldn't mind putting on a little more leg muscle.