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06-18-2002, 12:18 AM


Calm spooky worried awe type of wow.

06-18-2002, 03:11 AM
Not sure about that at all. I like sleep.

I can see the guy's point about Emergency Services etc. but for the normal person, the third group, I'm not so sure.

I know your life would be in effect twice as long, but it just seems so weird that I can't really say I'd want it.

06-18-2002, 03:28 AM
not sure i like that at all

reminds me of something gattaca-like, i dont want to think about a day when i would have to pop pills for my job

if something like that happens im giving it all up and becoming a monk

people need to learn when to quit :) its times like these that i really dislike capitalism


Royal Dragon
06-18-2002, 05:27 AM
If it happens, I'm going to open a sleep disorder cliniqu. I'll be rich helping all the dumb A sses who give up REM sleep to do paperwork.

06-18-2002, 05:47 AM
I find it hard to believe that you can skip sleep without any adverse affects just by taking some man-made pill. Sleep is the bodies way of relieving muscles, strain, emotion, tension, healing, ect. If we cut this most vital function out of our lives, where will we be as a species?

Freakin scary ass doctors with their scary ass experiments.. :(

KC Elbows
06-18-2002, 06:02 AM
Finally! Now I can post all year long without those pesky 7 hour breaks!

Actually, I can see the use of this stuff, but I'm willing to bet there'll be some scary side effects, especially since it appears they have no idea how this stuff works.

Ironically, I can pull 40 hours without a loss of focus without any help except some occassional kung fu. In fact, caffeine only makes it harder. I've pulled three days up during writing binges, and I've found that the second day is actually the best writing of the group, probably because my subconscious is all wacky at that point. Insanity is great for fiction.

Also kind of ironic, but I'm planning on writing for a thirty hour period this weekend for a short story that I'm finally gonna submit to cyberkwoon. I've written four stories for them, and hated the first three so bad that I never sent them in, but this fourth one is the trick, methinks.

06-18-2002, 06:10 AM
Those fu(king fools! "terrorism" is not the god d@mn issue we are going to destroy our selfs.

kungfu cowboy
06-18-2002, 06:18 AM
I find it very annoying that humans have to experiment with everything. I hope we don't get off this planet before the sun goes supernova. Actually, that won't matter either, as the universe will eventually implode and everything will become nonexistant. Hurray!

KC Elbows
06-18-2002, 06:22 AM
Geez, you guys are pretty grumpy. Try sleeping a little. :D

06-18-2002, 06:46 AM
now I see why everybody in DC is so paranoid… "Posthuman future":confused:

"The woods are lovely, dark and deep.

But I have promises to keep,

And miles to go before I sleep,

And miles to go before I sleep. "

Fu(k it i'm goin to sleep...

"Will people feel that they need to routinely control their sleep in order to be competitive?" not me...
"Will unenhanced people suffer fewer promotions and raises than their modified colleagues?" oh well... i dont like my job anyway...
"Will this start an arms race over human consciousness?" wake me up when its over...

06-18-2002, 07:04 AM
As someone who only gets 5 hours of sleep a night (1AM-6AM) I'd try it. But I still like sleep.

Black Jack
06-18-2002, 07:17 AM
Yeah, that pesky thing called science:rolleyes:

Experimentation is a good thing, it allows for the growth of technology and society, the pill has some good merit if not abused, as with any other drug.

06-18-2002, 07:17 AM
Even if you're brain stays alert, you're body still needs rest.

Black Jack
06-18-2002, 07:25 AM
That's not what these experts agree with and besides its not "don't ever sleep" its "extending your awake hours-I believe 2 40 hour one off periods of normal performance in this case."

06-18-2002, 07:28 AM
now give me a pill where I can sit at my desk and LOOK awake when I'm actually sleep an we have a winner…

06-18-2002, 08:29 AM
Add viagra to the mix and you'd be asking for real trouble.

06-18-2002, 08:44 AM
according to the taoist classics, one day without sleep, takes 100 to repair.

06-18-2002, 08:56 AM
Blackjack, call me a tree huggin, whale saving liberal, but

"Experimentation is a good thing, it allows for the growth of technology and society, the pill has some good merit if not abused, as with any other drug."

Ah yes, I suppose you think the atom bomb was a monumental and beneficial discovery of scientific experimentation. Or what about agent orange? Oh, pesticides are groovy too...gimme that ole fashioned toxin. :rolleyes:

My point? Sure science has done some good things, but not all scientific experimentation is good for the "growth of society". IMO, alot of those freaky ass scientists should get a pet and a girlfriend, and think happy thoughts.


Black Jack
06-18-2002, 09:39 AM
Gabriel, ok I will.

Yes I do think the Atom bomb was a monumental and benefical discovery of scientific expermentation. It halted a war, saved lifes, and the extended scientific benefits of the research are seen to this day in many other areas besides military development.

Agent Orange, sure do, pesticides have a place and a purpose, just because a tool is used in the the wrong place and with the wrong purpose does not make the tool wrong, that same thought comes from the liberal gun control crowd, I have yet to meet a pistol that walks around and shots people by itself.

Scientific research is a neutral tool, the tool can not be blamed for the people using it, IMHO it has done many great and wonderfull things for society, far more than anything else on the planet, without technology and scientific research we would be screwing ourselfs of a wonderfull future.

The future tools of biomedicine, genetic research-cloning-what have you-its all good.

06-18-2002, 09:45 AM
"The purple demons are coming to get me!!!!!! aaaaa.....aaaaa...aaa" Stupid arseholes. "Improved living through chemistry" is not.
What do you call someone on viagra and prozac? Fekking nuts!
I'll shut up now and go back to freebasing my thalidomide.

06-18-2002, 09:49 AM
Oh yeah, and what do rely tampons and the hooker chemical corperation have in common? They both fekked up the love canal.

06-18-2002, 09:50 AM
Gabriel I agree 100%.

06-18-2002, 09:54 AM
how do you guy feel about cloneing?

06-18-2002, 10:01 AM
I think cloning, "and having 10 kids" are all expressions of egoism.

I think we are past population limit, there are starving orphans all around the world and contraceptives. Personally, I plan on having foster kids, when I eventually adopt one, he or she will be my child.

This idea of passing on your super superior genes is bunk. We are all one tribe that came from Africa, the human race will survive, if you (gods gift to earth) don't bring another person to this world.

Besides, what I have in common with my familly doesn't have to deal with genes, personality types vary even with kids raised in the same home. I am a child of everyone who has been kind to me and taught me over the years.

Cloning is an atrocity, not out of princible, but because it is so wastefull. The thought of spending thousands to dollars to manipulate the "perfect" child when there are thousands of "perfect" children who simply need homes.

KC Elbows
06-18-2002, 10:07 AM
I don't think most people have a very realistic idea of what scientists want to do with cloning. The only place where I've seen it touted as a replacement for reproduction is in George Lucas films and right wing propaganda.

Cloning also deals with tissue, and not whole beings. In fact, that seems to be what scientists are wanting with cloning, not this "army of clones" people are imagining.

I'm all for cloning. It's the only form of reproduction that scientists are really good at.

Of course, don't take my opinion on it. I'm apparently gonna die from too many all-nighters.

Black Jack
06-18-2002, 10:21 AM
KC Elbows-Right on the nose! I agree.

Stacy-You are looking at cloning from a very sop****ric level. That is not what cloning is about, that is old school cyberpunk fantasy thought, do some real research then you will see what its about.

I agree though that there are way to many people craping out kids for pure ego, stupidty or for a government paycheck, I think ego is one of the biggest reasons around, myself if I ever decide to have kids, I will adopt as well, IMHO more people should adopt, its a amazing gift and I respect those who do greatly.

06-18-2002, 10:27 AM
Those ravers huff vicks metholatum rub, they'll love this. I can't imagine what kind of interactive effects it will have tho. The potential is horrible. One of the worst recreational drug fallouts is someone coming off a speed run - those are the ones that get paranoid and violent. Nasty. I'm sure some one is stupid enough to mix monafidil and meth. As a Free Clinic volunteer, this really scares me. Because illicit drugs are classified schedule 1A, which means they are impossible to research for interactions - that research happens out on the street. so the clinics will see it first, not that we aren't already overworked by our American $ driven medical system.
It'll be a bad time for the rebellion...

06-18-2002, 10:30 AM
Black Jack.

I find this constantly rehashed argument that its all neutral until someone uses it otherwise is completely unrealistic. One thing we should take into account is what people will do with said invention. The assumption that it will only be used for "good" is a load of malarkey. After all, an invention of science doesn't just sit there, not being touched by a sentient being. Its made for interaction in some way with said being. Therefore, we must analyze the impact said object will have, and how various types of sentient beings can use it for good, or ill.

I suppose you'll feel the same way about the atom bomb if some fundamentalist terrorist sets one off in a major American city. It might just happen, then the supposed "benefits" of nuclear study would be overshadowed by sorrow and loss. We should take this into account in all scientific study. Baby steps.

Especially in a consumer driven, finance controlled world such as the one we live in.

Power without discipline will make this society into a wreakage.


Repulsive Monkey
06-18-2002, 10:30 AM
says that slepp disturbance is a sign of an underlying state of ill health, so when you force it upon yourself in pill form you definitely will develop the same symptoms. Going without sleep is the crappest idea around, I mean sleep is great.
Any way lack of good quality sleep is a amin cause for weakening of the Kidneys and loss of Jing, hence shortening your life.
So is it really worth it, trying to cheat nature???

KC Elbows
06-18-2002, 10:39 AM
Perhaps you're right.

****, there just aren't enough hours in the day.

06-18-2002, 10:47 AM
Army of clones?? Cloneing is different than simulated cell reproduction to create organs. There are also those babies that you choose characteristics. But, the biggest down fall of test tube babies is that we will no longer have different classes of society I doubt people are going to want to have stupid babies the nations future construction workers, farmers, septic tank cleaners etc. thus creating a nation of lawyers, presidents, over achiveing scholastic oriented people. But I dont think any of this will effect the soul of man. There is always going to be good and bad. But those are just words and opinions.

Black Jack
06-18-2002, 10:56 AM

I agree with you on prudence and baby steps, that is commonsense but to call scientists freaky because they are working on the betterment of a society, situation, disease or what ever the cause is IMHO way off the mark and a bit sciencephobic.

Yes, I would feel the same way about the atom bomb if it was dropped here, again its just a tool, tools don't have alignments, just purposes of use, I would hate the people not the object.

Scientific study is something the world needs to grow with the times, both in terms of things like healthcare, consumer products, communication, military strength, space exploration, engineering, physics, new energy sources.

I saw just yesterday that a blind man got the first bionic eyes, he may have some wires and micro electronics inserted into his head and half to wear special computer glasses, but the man can now see, and even drive a car. That means that blindness is now on the path to being cured on a wholesale future level, who can ever say that this is a bad thing, diseases and handicaps are being cured, something done only through the realm of science.

Deafness is also now a thing of the past if one has the money for the operation. The list can go on and on and it is only improving with time.

Repulsive Monkey,

I agree sleep is great, I love sleep, I don't think this drug is about getting rid of sleep forever but an extentsion for certain periods of time, but that is not to say that future research can showcase that it is not needed in the amount once preassumed, things can change as discoveries are made, the same has been proven now that women do not need to have monthly periods and in fact are better off healthwise for not having them with the same monthly frequency, the birth control drug deproprovera (sp) shuts this down when in use, its like the pill in a shot format.

You also mention Eastern Science, this can only be taken in consideration if the other person believes in such things, so your viewpoint on Jings and Kidney failure can be one sided, what scientific proof is there for that claim?