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View Full Version : What kung fu techniques would you use to beat beat the holy cr@p out of Wongsifu?

KC Elbows
06-18-2002, 07:58 AM
In an effort to comply with wongsifu's new ISO 9000 standards for forum usage, I am submitting this thread.

Here's your opponent's range of experience:

"did wing chun for around 5 years, spent a couple after that goin to the gym whilst practising a little aikido , then moved on to 1 year of hung gar . finally settled at tai ji lots of nei kung (oh and my sifu wants me to learn modern wushu ahem )"

What do you do?

My match with the deadly Wongsifu:

Due to his wing chun experience, I would purposefully avoid sticking in the early stages of the fight, mostly keeping some distance with legwork, thus denying him the use of as much of his hungar as possible.

Once he was in the stage where he felt that he knew what kick routines were coming, then I'd triangle in. He'd feel confident, and I'd wait until the moment where contact was made to stick, revealing my six elbows sticking technique, which has been tested repeatedly as of late against wing chun players with similar years of experience to Wongsifu. I would be going for a quick heavy blow, but maintaining a fast barrage of assaults to his head, torso, and, to change things up, legs. Meanwhile, I would try to stay in very close, until either I was able to throw him, or KO/incapacitate him, or he took me down. The reason I would rely on the element of surprise is that he is a more experienced opponent than I, so I must play my advantages very carefully.

Tell me, how would you beat the living cr@p out of Wongsifu?

Royal Dragon
06-18-2002, 08:04 AM
Since I am currently cross traing in a bit of Shui Chiao, I'd just throw him on his head.

06-18-2002, 08:07 AM
Monkey grabs the peach (then washes his hands)

06-18-2002, 08:10 AM
wanna do well.. Mentally review all your techniques so they are fresh, then go in with a wu wei empty mind. Think only about posture and breathing before the fight, durring the fight, attack with defense in mind.

06-18-2002, 08:11 AM
Good one RD

Since i am learning Choy lay fut i would use a sau choy on him

KC Elbows
06-18-2002, 08:12 AM
Come now, he's an experienced opponent, you cannot just throw out a technique and hope to beat him. What is your strategy, how do you set him up for the finish, how do you keep him from finishing you?

06-18-2002, 08:14 AM
I'd just tie him up and make him read through every single KFO, Cyberkwoon, UG post ever written. I wouldn't even let him change his clothes, just let the puke keep piling up on him.

KC Elbows
06-18-2002, 08:14 AM
Yes, wu wei is important. However, there are givens that can be taken into account without disrupting wu wei. For instance, if you know your opponent has a terrible knee, that can be exploited if you are mindful. Or, if you know your opponent is reknowned for their throws, you can avoid trying to fight him that way except when he is at his most unbalanced.

06-18-2002, 08:17 AM
Ok he expereinced well..........first I'd throw the sau choy then when he covers his head I'd switch and then.........been choy the crap out of him!!!

or i would use my longfist and kick him in the head

06-18-2002, 08:18 AM
yeah wu wei!!! strategy is for idiots!

Royal Dragon
06-18-2002, 09:58 AM
I'd Sick Ralek on him.

06-18-2002, 10:06 AM
Since it sounds like he is a young beginner, I would wait for him to make the first commited strike, then fill the opening he gives me with the appropriate goodies.