View Full Version : Wing Chun Seminar in Seattle!

06-18-2002, 05:17 PM
Greetings All!

Seattle Classical Wing Chun will be hosting a seminar July 20 and 21.
Carl Dechiara will be sharing his insights on the Leung Sheung method of training, as taught by Kenneth Chung of San Francisco. We welcome you to join us if you are interested!

Among the topics to be covered:

* The importance of precise body structure in Wing Chun.
* Why the Wing Chun stance is so critical.
* Essential foundation skills, such as footwork.
* How to exploit your opponent's weaknesses.
* Sticky-hand training.
* Wing Chun fighting concepts.
* Developing relaxed energy for penetrating power.
* And more.

Carl has a high-level of skill and loves sharing his knowledge. His seminars are hands-on, and not just skill demonstrations. He breaks down drills and concepts so that the student understands why things work in Wing Chun.

Beginners are most welcome!
If you're interested please contact Stephen Elaimy for more information:

Stephen can be reached at 206.992.0919
or email selaimy@earthlink.net

Carl's website: wing-chun.nu

06-19-2002, 06:59 AM

urban tea
06-19-2002, 08:29 PM

Notice that post was nice and informative and not offensive in anyway.

07-12-2002, 09:07 AM
Shameless bump.

Just wanted to remind anyone in or near the Seattle area that we're hosting a seminar next weekend. Weather has been great ... hope you can join us.:)

07-12-2002, 09:10 AM
don't forget to bring your raincoats.....showers are predicted!!!;)