View Full Version : Muscle training

06-20-2002, 07:33 AM
I'm looking at using steroids. What type of steroid would you sugest?

06-20-2002, 09:45 AM
Steroids are for people who want to gain mass for vanity purposes. They look for the easy way out in things.

Seriously tho, steroids are no good.
.they are expensive
.they make your hair fall out, your balls shrivel up, your tits get bigger
.it says your a junior member: if you take them enough, you may be lucky enough to be a stiff , puffed up grumpy old man by 35.

When the choice comes, to train naturally and hard, or take a body-altering substance, i think you know what your choice should be.

There are many other things you get out of training naturally and hard also, like determination, more satisfaction knowing you did it by yourself. You survive, you did not require a cheat to get where you are.

You should also focus on maximizing your stregnth and speed, not your bulkyness, hair-loss and vanity.

Hope i helped you in any way i could

06-20-2002, 10:12 AM
You forgot the pimples. ugh.

06-20-2002, 11:06 AM
I'm looking at using steroids.

EasyNow, I think the first thing you should ask yourself is why do you want to use steroids? Mass? Strength? Personal? Competition? I will also sum everything up by saying that if you use steroids without having first reached your natural genetic potential you will be doing yourself a great disservice.

The first step to using steroids is to research as much as you can. I'm talking 6 months to a year worth of research. You need to find out the anabolic and androgenic properties of each steroid, as well as what happens when they enter your body, the advantages/disadvantages of orals and injectibles, what drugs are compatible, how long they remain in your body, etc. You need to find out what type of cycles are most effective, what to do when you come off of the drugs to maximize your gains and get your natural testosterone production back online.

What type of steroid would you sugest?

This question suggests to me that you have not done any research at all.

Here is a copy of my last post on steroids:
It's far too complex to go into here. But, there are a few things I should point out:

1. As mentioned above, steroids do not equal huge muscles. It's more like this:

hard core correct training + hard core eating + hard core KNOWLEDGE + steroids = huge muscles

2. Steroids do not make your muscles "tighten up a lot."

Each steroid has varying androgenic and anabolic properties. Androgenic means promoting secondary male sex characteristics, things like fat deposits around the nipple (gynocomastia aka b*tch t*ts), baldness, more body hair, etc. In other words, these are the unwanted side effects of steroids. Anabolic means promoting muscle, things like increased testosterone.

Some steroids are very androgenic and not very anabolic. These suck, so you should avoid them. Others are very anabolic and not so androgenic. These are better.

Other steroids can increase your metabolism a bit. But for increased fat burning, some bodybuilders use a substance called DNP. DNP used to be a legal OTC (I think) fat burner in the 1920's or so, but it later went off the market because the difference between an effective dose and a lethal dose was very small. I guess people were dying from using too much.

Anyway, DNP is rather hard to get now. I think it's used for storing some construction chemical or something... in other words, you have to know what you're doing to obtain some. It's potent stuff. When it's in powder (I think) form, the fumes from it can stain your walls yellow. In fact, when your on it, every liquid that comes out of your body is yellow. You will stain your shirts yellow with sweat, your pee and other secretions will be yellow.

DNP kind of super charges your metabolism. I've heard reports that it can give you an up to 50% increase in metabolic rate. As a result, people on DNP become very hot. You will wake up in a puddle of sweat every morning, even if you sleep with fans blowing on you. Anything you wear will most likely be ruined with yellow sweat stains. Take too much and your body will cook itself and you will die.

The reason I talked so much about DNP is cuz you mentioned fat burning.

As I've also mentioned before, it is possible to burn fat and build muscle while on drugs, but only if you do it right.

Budokan, if you're even considering using steroids, take the first 6 months to a year to research it. Read absolutely everything you can. The right cycle of steroids can help you make dramatic improvements. The wrong cycle can destroy your liver and do other stuff as well. You need to learn about things like "deca-d.ick" and "sustanon flu."

The best place to begin is by reading the back issues at Anabolic Extreme. Absolutely the best bodybuilding site/mag in existence. There's also two message boards there, one for drugs, and one for everything else. The people there are very knowledgable and helpful provided you have done some research first. They hate it when someone goes "hey, i wanna get hyoooge, what steroids should I take?" They would be much more helpful if you asked "Hey, my goals are _____. Based on what I've researched, I'm considering a 16 week cycle of testosterone at ___mg for the first 8 weeks and __mg for the last 8 weeks along with __mg of deca from weeks 4-16. I've also got ___ tabs of clomid on hand (very important) to help bring my balls back online when I come off the juice. What do you think?" or something. Then you will get a ton of help.

I think in one of the back issues there there is this guy's DNP diary where you can read his daily logs about when he was on DNP. Very interesting.

btw, I do NOT recommend that anyone use DNP.

Good luck,


The above is for research purposes only.

Again, if you're not at your natural genetic potential already, don't even consider using steroids. And no, if you've been training hard for 5 years you're NOT at your genetic potential yet. Not even close. Sorry.


06-20-2002, 12:16 PM
If you have to ask, then you are not ready.

06-20-2002, 04:59 PM
I think you said it better than me :)
