View Full Version : Southern Style School in London, UK?

06-20-2002, 10:32 AM

I was wondering if anyone could help me, I am looking for a southern kung fu school in London and was wondering if anyone could recommend a good school. I have been learning NPM and have decided it is time to try out something different. I am looking for a style/school which utilises only kicks below waist level and where there is regular sparring in the class. I don't know a lot about Southern Styles but I have heard southern mantis is very effective.

Thank you very much in advance for any help.

Best regards,


06-20-2002, 10:37 AM
Check out my web site at; http://go.to/ironox

If you're interested email me for further details.

06-20-2002, 12:03 PM
Dercetuas - Check out my web site at; http://go.to/ironox

I did just as you suggested to NPMantis. Appallingly spastic garbage, with routes far too large and open. Whatever it is you do it is not at all Hakka Tong Long. How is it, please, that the Sifu in Great Britain barely qualifies as being nothing more than a beginning student? If it is a typo on your web page it really should be corrected post haste. Eduardo’s time in whatever it is that you do is minimal in the extreme. On second thought, in light of your system’s professed primary ability as exemplified by it’s founder is the ability to absorb a strike, perhaps it really does not matter. After all, the Iron Ox Pai is most noteworthy as human punching bags and viewing the video clips of your empty hand sets explains quite well why you value the ability to take being struck rather than striking.

Dercetuas - If you're interested email me for further details.

Good Lord, Dercetuas! Surely you do not intend to spread that pathetic trash beyond yourself and whatever number of other poor, deluded, souls that presently follow your barely above neophyte Sifu?

Cannibalism is unequivocally a valid dynamic for all societies. I am, Hideous

06-20-2002, 12:16 PM
hide,you forgot to add from the website--

"3.All Hakka Tong Long Pai should be one family and as such aim to promote friendship rather than animosity between each branch"

oh my god!no forum anymore,to political for this begginer?

06-20-2002, 12:37 PM
hideous you poor fool, go take some english lessons. eduardo barrios has been learning for 11 years, it's right there on the site. simple mathematics pal. i suppose the edumacation system where you're from isn't all too good.
Dercetuas states that HE is the most junior student of the sifu, but we all know it's too much for you to comprehend basic english. :rolleyes: poor poor southern preying mantis. rife with fools like these... my condolences!

06-20-2002, 12:54 PM
Sui - hide,you forgot to add from the website—

Not forgotten, ignored ;)

Sui - "3.All Hakka Tong Long Pai should be one family and as such aim to promote friendship rather than animosity between each branch"

Well of course the [Get Hit A Lot Pai] would assume this posture. It is probably the only stance they can assume beyond the lying prone after getting knocked out posture. As they allege to be real Hakka Tong Long, which they quite obviously are not, and have a novice student as a Sifu, it is in their own best interest to play the trumpets loudly in favor of unity. They could not possibly survive in an openly competitive environment and seek to ride on the coattails of those who are real Hakka Tong Long. There is little to no doubt that a post condemning me for [lack of Mo Duk] is forthcoming. These days, the shield preferred by those not real is Mo Duk. In days gone by it was [my Kung Fu is too deadly to use]. Simply the substitution of one transparently false assertion for another. Ah well, the games people play in the pursuit of earning a living or furthering a cause unworthy of support.

Sui - oh my god!no forum anymore,to political for this begginer?

Politics, a most odious and lingering after effect from those who speak from the wrong end of their body, would you not agree, my friend?

Cannibalism is unequivocally a valid dynamic for all societies. I am, Hideous

06-20-2002, 01:03 PM
Crumpet - eduardo barrios has been learning for 11 years, …

Which makes rather greasy and slovenly looking Eddie a relative novice my poor deluded child.

Crumpet - i suppose the edumacation system where you're from isn't all too good.

Hardly in a position to speak of such matters now are you my rather functionally illiterate friend? Something about beginning sentences with a capital letter just evades your sieve like mind.

Crumpet- poor poor southern preying mantis. rife with fools like these... my condolences!

No condolences from you are necessary as real Hakka Tong Long has no truck with pastry boys :p

Cannibalism is unequivocally a valid dynamic for all societies. I am, Hideous.

06-20-2002, 02:25 PM
hide,you express well--"mo duk" or for me um-lackt[silent T]how sorry i am.their cooking has been burnt and the taste,well,lets just say the carbon has expired.

claims of hakka is common,and as a selling point,one who is not true hakka will starve!

politics,agreed,and thank you for that analogy.i know i shouldn't laugh but i can't help it.sorry i'l try.......

11 yrs?wow,a first year would show willingness and determination.by the time he reachers the 11th he will be forgotton with no true name?what do you think hide?[hakka that is]

06-20-2002, 03:08 PM
Sui - hide,you express well--"mo duk" or for me um-lackt[silent T]how sorry i am.their cooking has been burnt and the taste,well,lets just say the carbon has expired.

Carbon dating is of value, for things very old. Their hand hardly qualifies as old beyond that associated with the definition of [stale] or [dead].

Sui - claims of hakka is common,and as a selling point,one who is not true hakka will starve!

Perhaps, perhaps not. Some of the Elders have secretly broken with the traditions of old in recognition of the need associated with [Transmit or die]. There are those who have benefited greatly from these almost invisible tears in the curtain. The curtains have been torn without first tossing in coins of silver ;)

Sui - politics,agreed,and thank you for that analogy.i know i shouldn't laugh but i can't help it.sorry i'l try.......

Laughter is sweet balm for the soul and a wonderful way for our emotional state to obtain balance.

Sui - 11 yrs?wow,a first year would show willingness and determination.by the time he reachers the 11th he will be forgotton with no true name?what do you think hide?[hakka that is]

I think he walks this path nameless for quite a while yet, my friend. The path is very long. A name is only extra weight, a burden, with which he can do without as it will only slow him down. You know what happens to those who carry a name and slow down, do you not, my friend? :D

Cannibalism is unequivocally a valid dynamic for all societies. I am, Hideous.

06-20-2002, 03:47 PM
how do you feel my soul so well?i would claim that you are a brother but i have none which are of chu ga.

"to know your enimies is to know yourself"

my laughter is a curse,to which sadness reveals in tears.

hide--You know what happens to those who carry a name and slow down, do you not, my friend?

yeah to busy being worshipped upon,the soul cries for freedom?or is it that i carry the name sui?as you can see i'm shredding?and who ever worships i,will find that they cannot see.

06-21-2002, 05:22 AM
If you are a northern fist looking to try a southern hand, I would advise you look around at various styles within the southern systems. My personal preferance is Chow Gar Tong Long but this is not suited to everyone but I would highly recommend you go look at it aswell as other branches of tong long.

Our teacher is Ip Chee Keung so his knowledge of the system is second to none.

If you are interested we have just launched our new web site, it is very simple and to navigate we are currently updating the gallery so pictures are yet to follow.

London kung fu (http://www.londonkungfu.com)

Good luck in whichever style you choose


06-21-2002, 06:53 AM
mantis-1 My personal preferance is Chow Gar Tong Long …

Ah yes, the dead wood hand with a catalog of sets best suited for Form Fairies [thank you, Sui] and those desiring to learn everything but real application, how to fight.

mantis-1 Our teacher is Ip Chee Keung so his knowledge of the system is second to none.

Agreed, most certainly. Chee Keung knows everything about the Chow Gar hand and he cannot fight either. Given he is the son of Sui who never could , and never did, fight the apple has not fallen far from the tree.

mantis-1 If you are interested we have just launched our new web site, it is very simple and to navigate we are currently updating the gallery so pictures are yet to follow.

I viewed your web site. After careful consideration I do believe that it is in the best interest of all concerned if Chow Gar and Iron Ox got married. Please do not have any children.

mantis-1 Good luck in whichever style you choose.

Luck has absolutely nothing to do with it. Such things are never left to the whims of chance and random occurrences. You are but a lowly beginning student are you not, my friend?

Cannibalism is unequivocally a valid dynamic for all societies. I am, Hideous.

06-21-2002, 06:56 AM
Sui - how do you feel my soul so well?i would claim that you are a brother but i have none which are of chu ga.

Even the greatest of hands, stretched fully until the fingers tear and bleed, cannot so much as touch the soul, would you not agree, my friend?

How then, shall this self same hand serve as the mark of who is, and who is not, a brother, my friend?

Cannibalism is unequivocally a valid dynamic for all societies. I am, Hideous.

06-21-2002, 08:34 AM
Have you considered Wing Chun?

06-21-2002, 09:00 AM
dbulmer - NPMantis, Have you considered Wing Chun?
A most excellent recommendation, dbulmer. NPMantis would be well served by following your suggestion as there is at least one first rate WC Sifu in Great Britain who teaches his real hand open door.

Cannibalism is unequivocally a valid dynamic for all societies. I am, Hideous.

06-21-2002, 06:07 PM
ging lik is use to strike the spirit,i believe this so,the in creation"love"the yang to touch the soul,only blood would lie in the way of being a brother.

no need to have great hands to be my brother;)

freind/foe as you can see a fine line?

06-22-2002, 05:48 AM
Thanks a lot for your help everyone, very much appreciated!

Mantis-1 - I have seen that web site before and it looks like a good school, I may try it out next week, I'm still undecided.

dbulmer - Yeah I did think about wing chun, it looks good but I wanted to try something different, I will probably try Southern Mantis and if it isn't right for me then try WC. There are so many WC schools in London but I have no idea which to choose, it will probably be Austin Goh or Wong's.

06-22-2002, 11:34 AM
Sui - ging lik is use to strike the spirit,i believe this so,the in creation"love"the yang to touch the soul,only blood would lie in the way of being a brother.

If a man is cut he bleeds red, would you agree, my friend?

How then can this same blood serve to distinguish between whether one is, or is not, a brother? Racism and bigotry are impenetrable barriers that safeguard that which is inside the walls. Yet, the sword has two edges. The same walls that protect also imprison. I walk this path in perfect freedom while some others choose to live their life within the confines of a very small and lonely box.

Sui - … no need to have great hands to be my brother

Perhaps a matter of definition as our understanding differs.

Sui - freind/foe as you can see a fine line?

The line is not so fine in my world. None of my enemies have suffered the burden of having gray hair.

Cannibalism is unequivocally a valid dynamic for all societies. I am, Hideous.

06-22-2002, 05:29 PM
hide,whatever you say,you got me.i bow to you brother.

06-22-2002, 07:23 PM
Sui - hide,whatever you say, you got me.

What I, or anyone for that matter, say or do not say is really of no consequence, would you not agree, my friend? We seek to walk this path in simple dignity and is that not challenge enough, my friend?

Sui - i bow to you brother.

And I in turn bow to you.

Cannibalism is unequivocally a valid dynamic for all societies. I am, Hideous.