View Full Version : Fighting tall people

06-21-2002, 09:03 AM
so I sparred yesterday against two kickboxers, friends of mine. One was just a bit taller then me, and the fights were really short all the time, cause you know, WT goes in fast and bam fight is over :) So he was impressed lol, finally I convinced him to come to practice with me once :)

But then I fought another dude, he was 20cm taller then me (sorry I don't know how much an inch is .. 20 cm is like .. twice the length of your hand)

When I took my stance, so not the horse stance, the one you use to move etc.. so that means you are like 'sitting' on your back leg, this makes you even smaller. Now the difference then was 25 cm, which is alot ..

So when I tried to hit him when we came close, I either got knees in my sides, didn't know what to do at all .. or I could only hit his stomache, but them kicboxers are totally tence, I mean you're hitting a brick there .. so then I tried to do some fake moves towars his head (not touching) still, since he was alot taller, I had to punch all the way up, he just ran up to me and did the knee thing again, you get two of those knees in your side and you're going down though ..

Any hints ? I'm not trying to learn stuff here that my sife will eventually teach me, it's just that what if this happens tomorrow in the subways or something, I am not able to do anything vs tall people is what I'm thinking right now ..

06-21-2002, 09:28 AM
Well since you are shorter you are going to have more agility on your feet then the kick boxer so swiftly manuver around his knees, stuff his kicks with a thrust kick, do you know how to do a leg scoop? Try not to be in front of him get on his side towards his back get in low and crush his floating ribs with your elbo when ever you have a chance so he'll lose his breath and move in with some good punches. Keep your center line his knees shouldnt be reaching you. You can pak sao his knees then take advantage of his one leg and move and kick the supporting leg. Just keep moving, hard blows stay close to his body and Fu(k him up.

06-21-2002, 09:33 AM
It's the stay close part that totally scr3ws me up, I'm like standing there .. in his huge shadow lol ;) And when he tucks his head in like they always do, it's like totally overwhelming .. and then the knees, if I pack sau them, he can punch me .. I am still doing SNT, but we learned quite a few (well not that many, don't think there are many ways) block a kick moves, block front kick, side kick etc.. but not knee .. (really like thai style knees ..)

06-21-2002, 09:38 AM
If you pak sao someones punch they could punch you with their other. Pak his knee, and when he punches lop sao get him off balance. And be swift on your feet.

06-21-2002, 09:39 AM
heres a link to some good throws.

Ko soto gake & uchi mata makikomi try to land with your elbo on his head. Are good throws for this situation.

06-21-2002, 10:12 AM
The English vs. the Spanish Armada...

The Spanish fleet was the most powerful in the world. Their ships were powerful, large...but not manueverable. The English had small ships...not as well gunned but faster and more agile.

The did NOT go toe to toe in standard broadside fighting with the Spanish. They moved in - hit and ran....and won.

They made use of their strengths and covered up their weaknesses.

As a taller person - 6' 1" I don't mind those who don't move in close. I am more bothered by those that can get in close and do body work. I can defend my head...but the body once you are in close takes a lot of effort.

I can defend against mid to high kicks...the low ones...from close in to the legs ... those are troublesome.

Techniques that use my height against me...like coming under my center of gravity...are bothersome...

All of these require mobility and flexibility....and you have to deal with the fear of being close.

Now...I am not a weightlifter type...but if you add that into the mix, you also have to avoid getting caught. more mobility.

Stop his kicks and knees. watch for his elbows in close because you will have neutralized his hands more.... So for the elbows and knees, control his waist...that is where the power comes from....as the leg raises..neutralize and attack the remaining leg.

and yada yada yada....

kungfu cowboy
06-21-2002, 10:57 AM
Well since you are shorter you are going to have more agility

What's this old wives' tale? There are very few graduates of Lumbering Oaf University in reality.

06-21-2002, 11:14 AM
Its like a girraf and a wolverine which one is more agile you dumb Sh!t?

kungfu cowboy
06-21-2002, 11:31 AM
It's more like an idiot and a waffle iron.

kungfu cowboy
06-21-2002, 11:46 AM
Or Mini Me (http://www.netlaughter.com/minime.htm) versus Manute Bol. How often does that happen?

06-21-2002, 11:50 AM
Tall folks are less limber unless you fight some tall skiny hidu yoga master.

kungfu cowboy
06-21-2002, 12:22 PM
I don't mean to be rude, but I assure you that all of those physical qualities are distributed evenly throughout the normal human height range.

06-21-2002, 02:05 PM

"It's more like an idiot and a waffle iron."

06-21-2002, 04:10 PM
You have to be agile - try stepping round him and firing diagonally across at his body - don't attack the guy face on.
Listen to what GLW is saying that's how smaller guys get at me!

06-21-2002, 10:21 PM
Tall folks are less limber unless you fight some tall skiny hidu yoga master.

Or unless you're Mike Tyson fighting Lennox Lewis. Or anyone fighting Muhammad Ali in his prime.

Also, Dolph Lundgren was a pretty scary Kyokushin fighter before he became a movie star.

Bigger guys tend to be slower and more powerful. Smaller people faster and more agile. But you get fast big guys and slow little guys too. No rules here you can take to the bank.

That said dragont's advice ain't bad, ditto GLW.

Mr Punch
06-22-2002, 08:50 AM
:D Kungfu Cowboy :D :D !!! waffle...:D oaf...:D :D

:o deep breath


will you marry me?! especially as my gf has just given me that wtf is that all about berating!

er... on thread. He will probably try to force you to remain at his range. Let him very briefly. He should get overconfident, at which point you should be able to slip back then as you get him to overreach, you can cut back in on the outside, and cut his angles (trapping on his pullback if necessary). Ideally then you should turn the corner, and completely cut through his centre.

From the inside you need to be really sure that your strikes will work or he'll just pick you up and take you home for his mantelpiece, or hammer you into the ground like Warner Bros.

Either way, you need to work your angles.

Mr Punch
06-22-2002, 09:27 AM
BTW, basically, I was agreeing with GLW. I'm 6'1. I flunked the LOU too :rolleyes:

kungfu cowboy
06-22-2002, 03:21 PM
Mat-Of course I'll marry you! I can't wear white though.:(

(edit: sorry dude, I have to renege on the wedding, my girlfriend gets a bit jealous about these things)

06-22-2002, 05:16 PM
There was some jawboning at one time about a match between
Ali and Wilt the Stilt Chamberlain- he of basketball fame.
Chamberlain hada a massive ego. During negotiations one time- Ali stood next to chamberlain,,, looked straight up and stared for a while...then with his then perfect timing he said "Timber!".
Chamberlain was rattled. the match never took place. Mind games are part of fighting.
Foreman was more massive than Ali---again mind games...
even during the fight. Dempsey- Firpo etc...lots of cases of smaller folks holding their own...with smarts. If you play the big guys game -you are gone.
Tyson's real problem was that he has lost mobility- in them feet.
Teddy Atlas wouldnt train him again...but if he did....
working on feet would be an important task.

kungfu cowboy
06-22-2002, 05:25 PM
I was really surprised by how much trouble Tyson had getting inside.

06-22-2002, 06:15 PM
Re Tyson---the answer was in his feet!
If you replay and slow down and watch his feet-
you will see that they hardly moved.... compared to his early fights. His hands are still fairly fast...if and when they moved---but the foot movement
has slowed down---and against someone of Lewis's size you have to have the feet. Without the feet-reaching out cut down on the power and landing.His current trainers primarily worked on his
moving his head. Lewis was timing his head. When Tyson's head bobbed left-bam came Lewis's right. I blame ..Tyson's trainers and cornermen...of course he picked them and he picked yes men.
Its a head problem.
Emmanuel Stewart is not one of my favorite people but he
developed Lewis's assets and specially worked on the uppercuts---thats what Buster Douglas used to get Tyson.
(no p0roofreading-gotta go)

kungfu cowboy
06-22-2002, 11:50 PM
Yuanfen-I taped the fight, and I watched it again. What you said makes sense. I hope there is a well trained Tyson at a future rematch. I just want to see both fighters working at their best.

Martial Joe
06-23-2002, 01:32 PM
Any hints ?

Get better...

06-23-2002, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by Martial Joe

Get better...

prolly yeah ;)

06-24-2002, 08:41 AM
As soon as one of the opponent's legs raise for a knee strike, ask yourself what happens to their base/root?

Continued blessings in your life and training.


06-24-2002, 08:51 AM
aha, yes, you make a point ! thanks dude ! i'll try it out tonight, let's see what happens :)

Piquan Li
06-26-2002, 11:13 AM
I wouldn't rely on anyone being slower or less flexible.

Sun Tzu: Do not rely on the enemy not coming, but on your readiness to receive him.

If you actually struck your training partner and had no effect look there first. One, you actually did get in. Two, maybe you need to re-look your power training and depth.

Look inside before you look outside. What technique to use should be last. A fast car with no gasoline goes no where. It doesn't matter how fancy the outer trimmings look.

If your punch can't defeat those abs of steel, why? If you are receiving a knee (and apparently it is getting in), why?

Sun Tzu: (paraphrased) If the enemy does not know what to defend he must spread out his forces while I may unite. So at any one point that I meet his force, my forces will many to his few.