View Full Version : Zen in the Art of posting

06-25-2002, 08:21 AM
It seems I owe an apology. Yesterday there was a thread put up by Alpha Dog, that while meant to be humorous I found offensive, whether that was the intention or not.
This angered me and I became aggressive and a little abusive. I have already apologized to him for this, and hope that he will keep whatever is between him and I, exactly that, between him and I.
While I am sure I will recieve emails from peopel explaining to me the error of my ways, I will pre-empt them by saying that I am aware I represent the Leung Sheung Lineage, Ken Chung its inheritor, Carl Dechiara, his student, and Michael Mallory, my local instructor or group leader (Whichcever he is most comfortable being called ).
Generally I am a level headed person, and although I have many of my own opinions and my own experiences, am open minded and willing to listen to those of others. Lately I have been posting much on my own experiences with my lineage and instructors. this has caught some flack for "spamming", "preaching", and whatever else it has been called. I cannot apologize for that, it is the way I feel and I hope that at some point, people can accept that and move on past it. although I have been and probably will continue to espouse my beliefs, it is a forum after all, you are always free to express yours and I hope that we can continue to discuss wing chun, keeping in mind that we do not know each other, most o fus, do not know the level of experience involved and that although there are some skilled practitioners out there we will continue to deal with imposters as best we can.
The bottom line is the way I posted yesterday was unexcuseable and distasteful and reflect sbadly on my lineage and my instructors and seniors. I have written this apology to show that I am aware of that and am willing to acquiesce here and hope that an apology will suffice for thise slight. For any who had to wade through it I also apologize, for my behaviour was out of line.

06-25-2002, 10:15 AM
As YF said, chill out, it's just an internet forum. Hey Red5Angel, why don't you take a break from the WC forum this week? Let us know how the seminar went, etc. You can still have fun on the main forum, but it seems that for whatever reason, there is friction associated with your threads here in WC forum, and it's gotten out of hand. I don't think it's fair some of the things that have been said about you, but you should be the one to let it all go, anger will only burn you up inside. There are no winners and losers on the internet, and I have found it is very hard to convince anyone of anything. I am suggesting that you let all of your threads go to the next page, then start over. People have short term memories here, it will all blow over. FWIW, I think you have a good contribution in general. Stop fighting force with force, it is better to step aside and let the force pass.

P.S. Thanks for the advice on my "softness" thread.


06-25-2002, 10:29 AM
FJ - thanks for the reply! You are correct anger does me no good, any of us anygood. Typically I am a pretty good humored guy but it was monday, or my pants were too tight, or it was too hot, or whatever ;)
Anyone can get some good info on this forum from time to time. Its strange how these things can bring the ugliness out of people. I have noticed that when talking to people in person you rarely meet the type of anger, sarcasm and disdain that is so blatant on the internet.
I have said it before and I will say it again, I am sure if we were all in the same room things would be different, people would be more civil, etc.....
I hope the softness works in to you.......