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View Full Version : Andy Lee

06-25-2002, 07:34 PM
Hello everyone,

I have been considering changing kung fu styles to an internal one.The internal school around my area is run by Andy Lee.Have any of you heard of him?Is he any good? Would you suggest study with him? Thank you for your time

06-26-2002, 05:44 AM
Nope, but if you're in NJ, you should try Kai Yu.

06-26-2002, 10:49 AM
Could you please tell me where he is located?

06-26-2002, 02:59 PM
I THINK you can e-mail him at bajimen@hotmail.com

06-27-2002, 07:51 PM
what does he teach?

Mark M
06-28-2002, 11:13 AM
Andy Lee is a woman. I think she studied with BP Chan.

06-28-2002, 01:09 PM
this is a good place to start,my observations are that
she has integrity and teaches kung fu of good quality,
i do not know about her ability to teach usage but,
you will be introduced to many good connections through her.
she has studied with b.p.chan,for how long or exactly what,once again i do not know.
she draws her yang tai chi lineage from 4th generation
master yang zhen do.

if you have made a determination that you will not recieve the transmission of southern mantis from norman,move on.
i would not develop to strong of an opinion about this system of
kung fu based on what it sounds like you have learned so far.

good kung fu,a good teacher,good student must all be present,for this endeavor to bear fruit,this is what you should strive for.