View Full Version : Styles Popular in Fukien Province

06-25-2001, 05:47 PM
Kungfu researchers know that, aside from the famous shaolin temple located in Honan, there were several other shaolin temples throughout China. One of these was a temple in southern China located in Pu Tian, Fujian, which was believed to have been burned down by Ching soldiers. The temple was found back just recently. This led to the dispersal of teh temple monks and gave rise to the legend of the five survivors, later worshipped by the Hung men (a triad society) as the ngo cho (five ancestors). One of the survivors was the monk Chin-san, believed to be the etacher of HUng si kwan. It is of interest to note that Hung si kwan, a native of Fujian, escaped from the Manchus and travelled to Canton, there establishing the foundations of the famous Hung gar (tiger & crane) style of gung fa, named after his surname. Although Fujian province boasts of great fighters like Hung si kwan, it was not known as a good place to study kungfu. One reason for this is that teh people of Fujian were more inclined to scholary pursuits than physical activities such as kungfu. The existing styles of kungfu popular in Fujian include : peho (fujian white crane), chuka (southern shaolin phoenix), te bok sut (dog style), fu jow pai ( tiger claw style), chua kun (snake style), and ngo cho kune (five ancestor fist). Peho adn ngo cho kune have great resemblances in training and techniques with teh later developped okinawa karate styles like goju ryu and uechi ryu.

06-27-2001, 05:23 PM
The Definative List :

I have studied the Fujian Arts for many years, from this I will list the most popular Fujian Styles :

Wu Xing Quan (5 Formations Fist)
Di Shu Quan Fa (Ground Art Dog Method) or Gou Quan (Dog Fist)
Wu Zu Quan (5 Ancestors)
Bai He Quan (Also known as Yong Chun Bai He Quan - ie Wing Chun Bak hok Kuen)
He Quan (4 major subtypes - Ming, Fei, Zong & Shi)
Lohan Quan
Mei Hua Quan (Plum Blossom)
Shi Quan (Lion Fist)
Hou Quan (Monkey) or San Pan Hou Quan (3 Planes Monkey Fist)
Yu Fa (Yu Method)
Ji Fa (Ji[chicken] Method)
Ru Fa (Confucian Method)
An Hai Fa (An Hai Method)
Xiang Tang Shou
Yi Zhi Mei Quan
Lien Cheng Quan
Hu Zun (Tiger Respect) or Hu Xing Quan (Tiger Fist)
Long Zhuang (Dragon Post) or Long Xing Quan (Dragon Fist)
Tai Zu Quan
Bao Quan (Leopard Fist)
She Quan (Snake Fist)

ie in summary we speak 5 famous formations (Hu,Long,Bao,He & She) & 7 big families (Ru, Yu, Ji, Quan, Hou, He & Shi).

Oh as a side note there are also the Yuen Zhong Quan that contains the 12 animal formation Fists.

Lastly Sanzhan in its various formations appear in approx 75% of the styles.

Fujian seems to be one of the most prolific areas for creating martial arts.
There are at least 5 branches of White Crane -- Eating, Sleeping, Jumping, Crying and Flying -- originating in the province.
There are also two derivatives in Taiwan (which lies just off the Fujian coast). These are called San Jiao Ma or 3 Angle Horse Crane (because of its main stance) and Xu Xi Dao Quan -- an internal style -- which are both pretty rare.
Another Fujian derived style is called Wu Zhao Jin Ying Quan -- meaning 5 Claw Golden Eagle Boxing which uses lots of Qinna techniques and stresses developing ''inch power''.
Then there is Ngo Cho style (5 Ancestors in the local Amoy dialect) which also incorporates White Crane techniques.
Fujian Diquan aka Digong Quan (Ground Attack Boxing),which is better known as Gou Quan or Dog Boxing, is said to have been created at Bailian Temple in the mid-17th century.
Apparently there is also a Fujian style based on the elephant but I couldn't find any info on it other than that it uses a sanchin exercise similar to Okinawan karate.
Hope that's useful.

06-27-2001, 05:37 PM
Fujian Styles
Styles too many though some include :
Hu Zun Quan, Long Zhuang Quan, Hou Quan, Wu Xing Quan, Wu Zu Quan, She Xing Quan, Bao Quan, Shi Quan, Taizuquan, He Quan, YuMenQuan, Ya Quan, Mei Hua Quan, Lohan Quan, Yi Zhi Mei Quan, Yong Chun He Quan, etc ..
Too many - though San Zhan is a common one, and often the use of numbers (eg 24 hands, 36 legs, 18 contacts, 108), doors (eg Sz Men, Sa Men, Ba Men, Ba Gua) and then of based on tactic (eg 20 punches, double hammers, twin bridges,etc,) and finally descriptive (eg black tiger out of forest, whtie snake emerging etc…

Shi Chan Long