View Full Version : Posting movie clips - how???

06-28-2002, 09:45 AM
My teacher has a digital camara and he has some footage of us sparring on cd's, and I think on his 128MB external hardrive. I'd like to make selections of this accessible to people over the internet, like some of the clips we've seen. (very different actually). So how to do?

06-28-2002, 10:52 AM

06-28-2002, 11:54 AM
Well, after you've optimaised it for web, & uploaded it to some sort of server... you could try this sort of code in your HTML page or whereever...

<embed src=" your URL here" width=X height=x Autostart=True or False>

X= the height and or width in Pixels of the movie...

good luck

06-28-2002, 12:12 PM
Can you recommend optimization software? This may be the piece that is confusing me. This project will take a few months, I'm sure. I am aware that we would have to put it out on a webserver, in order for it to be accessible with a URL link. What about FTP'ing the file from computer to computer, on a private scale? Or plain e-mail? I'm not sure what format the files are in on my Sifu's computer, perhaps there is software that would convert these to a .MDB format? Eventually we need to put up a webpage - I know that the kwoon where we train would like to do so.


06-28-2002, 12:21 PM
Well, you would definitely want to ftp the video. Those can be very large and many service providers don't allow email's over 6 megs thru their servers. Have a look at Real Producer if you want to use real player. It's kind of pricey though.

06-28-2002, 06:28 PM
What format is your file right now? Uncompressed AVI?
I would suggest trying out the Divx codecs or some other mpeg one. Otherwise the file is gonna be just huge dude.

06-28-2002, 08:50 PM
I edit digital video. Are you going to edit any of the video or just put up clips? You don't want to FTP large files as some of the data could get lost in the transfer. Burn the clips to CD-Rom in .mpg format. You can downlaod an .mpg encoder from
www.tmpgenc.net - it's free and gives a good compression ratio and quality. Run your uncompressed .avis through it.
Another option is to get Quick Time Player Pro($30) and export movies in .mov format. Open them in Pro and save them as "double size". That way you can make the original movie at say 300x200 and save/watch it at 600x400. The movie size will double and the file size will stay the same. By their nature, .movs are larger files because they are better quality. Good luck.