View Full Version : Florida Kung Fu Championship Website!

06-28-2002, 04:40 PM
Florida Kung Fu Championships hosted by Master Andrew Chung - July 27, 2002 - Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Features over 120 divisions in Traditional Forms, Weapons, Tai Chi, Hsing I, Continuous Sparring, and Sanshou.

Sanshou divisions will include A (Experienced), C (Beginners) and Juniors (14-15 yrs and 16-17).

Visit www.ikungfu.com for more info and registration forms.

07-21-2002, 07:11 AM
Hey guys it's only a week away. Is anyone from here coming?

07-21-2002, 10:33 AM
Are you going?
A few of us from Pong lai should be there.

07-21-2002, 12:46 PM
Yeah, it's down the road from my home. Expect to see a small Hispanic kid with a black and white kung fu uniform with the wah lum logo on the top and pant leg.

Hope to see you Pong Lai guys there. Good luck everyone.:)

07-21-2002, 02:46 PM
If i can get my wife's chain off from around my neck i will be there!

07-21-2002, 04:13 PM
lol!Ok, just make sure she didn't see that.:D

07-22-2002, 11:37 AM
Too far for me to drive but I'm rooting for you NM! Go Wah Lum!! :)

07-22-2002, 12:25 PM
Hey thanks. If I can get ten bucks today I will be able to do 3 events if not then it will be just two. Open hand ad saprring.

Tell sifu Mimi I said hi (^_^).

07-25-2002, 06:51 PM
Some of us from tampa are going if you want to make it to tampa and join us.

yu shan
07-25-2002, 09:16 PM

SaM, moved to Bean Town, thus the "too far to drive". By the way, I`ve got bolt cutters! :)

07-26-2002, 04:42 AM
Thanks for the offer tho, 18elders ... I wish I could go!

07-26-2002, 09:44 AM
18 old guys:D

So it's set. You're coming? The tournament is only a block away from my house. Like 5 minute's by car. Hope to see some of you guys tomorrow.

yu shan
07-27-2002, 07:32 PM
OK folks, fill us in the good stuff! How much fun did you really have?

07-28-2002, 07:57 AM
The competition was great. It was a bit small but it was a fun tournament.

There was a masters demo and had some quite good internal styles like bagua and xing yi, I coudn't beleive the guy that I competed againts in the northern division went out there and did xing yi.

The wah lum of Melbourne school did a spectacular (yes I'm biased:D ) group performance for the demo with fans and then one by one they started going at it with two man forms. I met sifu Harry Lo and found that he was a very nice guy as well a gave me some tips after competition. The guys from the school were really nice and had good technique. This one guy I met,Chris, had a really cool double handed gim/jien form. Everyone was nice to me and welcomed me as their brother.

Pong Lai (the kfo member) went out and did an awesome 8 step mantis form. Man can that guy move! The mans waist was like jellatin and you could really see the fa jing. lol and to think I was joking with him before he went up there that he needed more ging:D Personally I think he didn't get the applause he deserved but most people at the tournament don't exactly know how mantis is supposed to move. If he's that good I wonder how Tainan is. I also met up with some of the pong lai crew. 18 geezers wasn't as bad as he seems to be online, lol :D Joe mantis was pretty cool too. Couple of nice guys and easy to get along with. I really wish that more pong lai guys came to compete but maybe next time. I know they brought two student's along for sparring but I missed that part.

I was also rooting for my friends in choy lay fut from Li Siu Hung's school. Doubletigerclaw (Eric Cheng) and sow choy (Joe Keit) did a really great job of representing their school. Eric did a solo empty hand form and Joe went up there and did 3 sectional staff with sifu Li Siu Hung, the set had a lot of power and speed. My two class mates who cam frome my Miami to see my friend and I compete were really impressed by how fast they were. Had some good chat with Joe, as always he's a cool guy.

John Wai's school also did a great perfomance. I'm not sure who it was but there was this girl who did her form very well and was very ferocious abou it too. The lion dance team was excellent and won the competition. Well IMHO it was a very close one since the other guys really captured the spirit of the lion.

At the competition I managed to see some kids doing monkey from the corner of my eye and someone did a drunken form. My division was hard as there was this relly good northern shaolin guy. The my jong lo han guys had really strong technique.

I think Andrew Chung was starting to get mad at me since I was asking him every 30 minutes when my sparring division came which got cancelled but I maganaged to sneak in into another wight division ;). However he was extremely nice and good guy.

I really wanted to see the dragon stylist do a demo but he didn't.

As for how well I did:

For empty hand I got really anxious,not to metnion nervous, and went too fast for my own good so I didn't place well. Not only that but my buttons on my cuffs opened and my sleeve was flying all around the place. Pong Lai and sifu Harry Lo were judging me on that one.

For broadsword I slowed it down and scored first place (yay). I find this very funny 'cause my broadsword forms always di beeter than my empty hand and I spent less time on my boradsword than my empty hand.

For sparring I got beat fair and square ,athough I accidentally got hit square on the nose and believe me it aint fun:(. My nose is still red and a little suffy. My opponent was quite humble about beating me and to me that's the mark of a good martial artist.

I had a great time and seeing so many different kung fu stylist under one roof.

For anyone who saw me compete at the tournament any critique ,wether good or bad, is very welcomed.

Art D
07-28-2002, 09:54 AM
Congradulations on your performance. Take the lesson and grow from it. That is what it is all about. wish I could have gone , & i'm glade to hear it went well . As for Pong Li , yes the guy can shoot the jing. Nice to watch isn't it. Congrads to All, Pong Li give me a call and up date me on the whole thing . Good Job.

07-28-2002, 12:20 PM
Congratulations NM!!! Glad you did well! :)

yu shan
07-28-2002, 03:00 PM
Northern Mantis

What forms did you do?

07-28-2002, 05:25 PM
I did wah lum 2nd form and continuous broadsword plus sparring.

Pong Lai and 18 elders saw me personally up close so they can elaborate. You can always see things better from 3rd operson view.

All in all it went pretty well.

yu shan
07-28-2002, 07:10 PM
Nice selection, two of my favorites. A very special memory being taught these two forms. 18 Elders says your real fast, speed is power! Controlling the speed is another thing. Sifu Art, to me is the Champion at this. Pong Lai`s first KF Teacher. What did you think of Pong Lai`s Lipi form? Just a walk in the park!

07-28-2002, 07:21 PM
True but speed is nothing without proper technique. I tend to sacrifice technique for speed at times.

Hey 18 elders I see you're in the forum. I'm anxious to hear what you thought of the tournament and my perfomance. Please don't hold anything back. I want to ehar your honest opinnion.

yu shan
07-28-2002, 07:57 PM
Knowing the applications and the two-person to each form that Pong Lai teaches me, has helped my approach to "forms". I am blessed with AD`s flavor and intensity, stepped up with Pong Lai`s influence from Shr Zheng Zhong. You witnessed Pong Lai`s (Sifu John Scolaro) fa-jing, not sure the folks down there knew what they where seeing...

07-29-2002, 05:55 AM
How's the nose feeling today?
Nice meeting you guys, wish we had more time i would've looked at all your forms and gave you some of my input.

It was a nice tournament, seemed like no politics, everyone was nice and saw some people i haven't seen in a while.

I was very impressed with Mr. Chung, he added Pong lai onto the list for the demo(no politics!), he is very nice and you can tell he is truly interested in promoting the Chinese arts.

Yes like you said, you went too fast. You are performing and being judged on it so let them see what you have. If you race through it the judges can't see anything or even remember it.
When a bodybuilder is performing he holds the pose so the judges can see, same with your form, you have a nice spot where you have a great stance, hold it for a split second so they can see it, doing a tam tui, don't rush through it go slow so they can see your leg strength.
The best thing to compare to is Pong lai's form. Clean, crisp, you can see the fa jing, the power, he has the speed when it is supposed to be fast for the attacks and when he hit a posture he held it for a split second so you can see it. You can see the spirit in his form, he didn't rush through it.
Put some cadence in your form, i think it will help you alot, you know you have the speed, you have the ability you just need to fine tune it. Remember you are performing and being judged on everything.
When people were doing the demo, some just walked out like they had all the time in the world, again look at Pong lai's, he ran out, did a nice strong bow to the audience before he began
the form and then did the bow from the form and started. When he was done he turned like a military drill and ran off, all about the performance.

You may not have placed in your form but you really won because you learned something, they guy who took first place won't improve as much as you will now.

Good luck and work on your form!

07-29-2002, 07:30 AM
My nose is doing better now, a little stuffy though. I wish I could have done better at sparring. I was trying to avoid a brawl and use more technique. Oh well I'll do better next time.

Thanks for the advice I'll take that to heart.

07-30-2002, 09:04 PM

did you fight in the continuous sparring or san shou. The san shou fights were great. It was great to see some good techniques by some of the fighters. The guys who came out to try and take someone's head off, all lost. John Wai's school did excellent. I think they won almost every weight class.

Overall, I thought the tournament was a success. I really didn't hear many complaints about the judging. All tournaments should be this fair.

Well, just those are just a couple of my thoughts about the tournament.

07-31-2002, 08:25 AM
Excellent report. Sounds like it would have been worth the trip just to see.

That is some great feed back I will be taking it into consideration next time I compete. Thanks


07-31-2002, 10:55 AM
In the tournament I did continous. It's funny cause I only weight 124 lbs and they put me agaitns a middle weight:D It's more fun going agints beigger guys anyways.

Thanks Frogman.

08-01-2002, 07:38 PM

How many guys did you have to fight? For a small tournament, it seemed to have some quality competitors. I heard there is a big tournament in Orlando this month. Are you competing there as well? The competition should be stiff. Just curious what style won your division? I was busy watching the san shou. I didn't get a chance to see any of the continuous sparring.

08-01-2002, 07:58 PM
Only fought one and sicne there were 3 I got third place even though I lost. It didn't go as well as I though it would but oh well. Nah I wont make it to the one in Orlnado right now.

yu shan
08-01-2002, 08:30 PM
Can you give the who, what and where for this Orlando tournament?

Art D
08-01-2002, 10:22 PM
Yu Shan, Orlando world marriott, Aug 30- Sept. 2 It will be good !its a jeff bolt event always run well great venue. I have the numbers at my school I'll post them tomorrow.

yu shan
08-02-2002, 10:25 PM
xie xie Sifu Art D, I`ll be down in your area a few in Aug. Will make plans for jeff bolts tournament, let`s get together.