View Full Version : What is a Martial art?

06-28-2002, 05:37 PM
High guys !
I just finished arguing with my brother. (I debate about the martial art's with anyone, but I argue with my brother. HE SHOULD KNOW BETTER! .) Anyways,
He said boxing was not a martial art. He claimed it was a sport,
"no matter how or why it originated, it is now a sport."
This brought up the question. Is boxing a sport or a martial art? If you incest it is a sport, then I ask you how about judo or Tae kwon do? Are they do martial arts?
What it comes down to,is what is a M/A and why is it different from a sport?
What do you think?

06-28-2002, 05:55 PM
Boxing is a sport, and in most cases TKD is a sport as well!

old jong
06-28-2002, 06:00 PM
A sport is something you do for competition.You may excel in it during a short period of time called "prime" after witch you will usually get beatten by a younger and stronger opponent and lose your place as a champion but may retain a certain glory (If you made it to a certain level)Many people chose to practice a sport(ex: BJJ or boxing)more like martial arts and keep away from competition

A martial art is something you do as a way of life and does'nt necessary is competitive in it's nature. You will practice it for your entire life and always refine and get improve in it.You will find great rewards in it's practice aside from self-defense.

07-01-2002, 07:04 AM
depends on the circumstances. my personal interest in boxing has nothing to do with competition. i don't compete very often. (the last time i entered a tournament was more than a decade ago, and it was stickfighting.) i don't even keep up with boxing from a spectator standpoint. (i'll watch it when i come across it, but i couldn't tell you who held what rank, etc.)

my interest is in boxing for boxing's sake. and as an enhancement to my practice.

but it isn't sportive. nor was my interest in taekwondo, i might add.

stuart b.

07-01-2002, 07:13 AM
What makes you think something must either be one or the other and not both?

Chang Style Novice
07-01-2002, 07:24 AM
I'm with Braden. Haven't you heard the story of the blind men and the elephant?

07-01-2002, 07:38 AM
For an activity to be a martial art is must be derived from, or actually be, a system of combat.

Sport implies competition and a set of rules limiting what players can do so that a clear determination of who wins and who loses can be made. Martial art is often used for sport.

So boxing is both a sport and a martial art, depending on the activity, mind set, and circumstance of the practitioner.