View Full Version : ATTN: Jingwu'ers

chen zhen
06-30-2002, 10:19 AM
I have been attending Jingwu classes for about a month now (beginners level), and I would like to hear from other people who train Jingwu what I should have been exposed to now after a month of training, and what I should be expecting. thanks in advance:)

David Jamieson
06-30-2002, 10:23 AM
Are you sitting in a horse stance? :D

You can expect to sit in a horse stance :D

I'm just ribbing ya.

One month is not a lot of measure yet.


chen zhen
06-30-2002, 10:43 AM
Yes, we train Horse Stance, but only for a minute a time...does that sound fishy?

06-30-2002, 11:04 AM
chen zhen,

Not fishy at all. You should soon start learning the ten standard Jing Mo sets and it will more than likely be 12 row Tan T'ui. As you learn this set, you will be practicing in developing your horse stances without realizing it.

Depending on the Jing Mo school, other sts may be intermixed within the 10 standard sets. If you are strictly learning the 10 standard sets first before branching into specific styles then the 10 sets usually takes 2 years to learn.

06-30-2002, 11:14 AM
Chen Zhen,

Here are the 10 Standard Sets:

1. Twelve Rows of Tam Tui
2. Gung Lic Kung (Work - Strength Fist)
3. Jeet Chuan (Weaving Fist)
4. Big Battle Fist
5. Eight Trigram Saber
6. Shepherding Staff
7. Five Tiger Spear
8. Tam Tui Sparring
9. Set Fist (Hand Sparring with join locking)
10. Saber verses Spear

There are various web sites on Jing Mo that can tell you more:

My web site is www.jingmo.org

Some others to start are:


chen zhen
07-05-2002, 11:19 AM
I go this thing called a "beginners team", and there is people there who has trained there for 3-4 months who hasn't learned any forms yet. On the beginners team we learn different stretching, strengthening, warmup, stance and beginners techniques ( straight punch, straight and side and crescent:eek: kicks etc.). the instructor seems to be very powerful, but seems not to be very talkative and is a little grumpy at times:D

is all these things ordinare for a JW school?

07-06-2002, 11:32 AM
chen Zhen,

Every Jing Mo has the same standard curriculum for the first two years and after that it expands according to the expertist of the sifu(s) within the school.

Sounds like your sifu has added some excerise programs at the beginning level which will be tied into the main curriculum. Programs such as the one that you are experiencing is very common in Jing Mo schools where the head sifu has identified and is preparing the students for group demonstrations whic reflex the abilities of the students and what type of programs are offered in the school.

It is always impressive to the observer to observe a group of students perform as a group and this practice was and still is done in China. In China, Jing Mo always did this.

As far as the behavior of the sifu being grumpy, well that is a reflection of his personality and I do not think he learnt that from Jing Mo.

urban tea
07-07-2002, 12:00 PM
Love your website!!!

chen zhen
07-13-2002, 10:23 AM
Whose website? It can't be mine cos' I haven't got one!!