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Miles Teg
06-30-2002, 10:34 PM
Hey fools

I'm going to Japan to live. I really want to keep training W.C but there isn't much wing chun there. Especially where I am going which is near Nagoya city. But if anyone knows any W.C in that area let me know. Or any other internal Chinese M.A for that matter.

Otherwise what Japanese martial arts would you guys recommend?

Mr Punch
06-30-2002, 11:57 PM
Hi. I live in Tokyo, and I train wingchun here. I've checked for other wingchun schools and haven't found any. I think it's Sticky Fingers who lives in Kansai and he hasn't found any either. Don't know about Nagoya... you might be stuck. I'll happily train with you anytime you're in the area, and I'm sure the school I'm with will welcome you... otherwise PM me and I'll mail you with my sifu's details: see if he has any ideas.

As for Japanese styles, I understand the less traditional Shorinji Kempo uses a similar elbow in position and elbow release energy... this may be confusing, or it may be useful, I don't know how you learn!!:D

Otherwise there are many to choose from!!

07-01-2002, 09:53 AM
Mat, where are you training in Tokyo, if I may ask?

Miles: I think maybe you wrote to me before: there is a guy named Kawamura Youzou who has a fairly large WC organization throughout Japan. It is my undertsanding that he trained with WSL (at least, from the info on his webpage). Unfortunately, all information on him on the web has virtually disappeared. I do not know if he stopped teaching, or dropped off the face of the earth (he hasn't responded to my e-mails in a while). I don't know how good he is, but he has written a couple of books and articles on Wing Chun in Japanese. One of my Si-dais visited him, and didn't think very highly of the 9-year student he rolled with; then again, this si-dai doesn't think very highly of anyone :P

I will try and dig up his book and tell you whether or not he had a Nagoya Branch, and if so, who the instructor is.

In Tokyo, I have a si-hing named Chen En teaching; I know he is a long-time student of my Sifu, but I have only seen him once, and never rolled with him. I DID talk to him on the phone for a while last time I was in Japan, though.

There is also a branch of Hawaii Wing Chun, though I can't remember the instructor's name right off hand.

As for other martial arts in Japan, I think it depends on what you want. Personally, I would do Judo, just because the quality there is the best in the world. I regret not taking up my supervisor's offer to teach me when I lived there (he was a well-known teacher in the area).

I DID learn Shorinji Kempo, and it really isn't very much like Wing Chun at all. Still a fun style, though.

07-01-2002, 11:14 AM
I just remembered the guy from hawaii wing chun now teaching in Tokyo. His name is Emberey Williams.

Miles Teg
07-01-2002, 04:44 PM
Thanks for your replies guys!

I don't think I have spoken to you but I did read your reply to a thread of a similar question. I think it was sticky fingers you replied to.
Yes, I checked out Embrey Williams school the last time I was in Japan. It looked quite good, but also quite different to what I have seen.
I wish I had known your sihing was teaching in Tokyo the last time I went there, I would have checked him out. What lineage is that? Not that it matters much, I just find that often Chi Sao can be uncompatible between different schools.
I heard about the Japanese sifu teacher of W.C, I think I also read in several posts that he is reluctant to teach foreigners.

Thanks for your offer I might just do that if I go to Tokyo. When you say you train there do you mean with a school? Is that with Embrey Williams? Hopefully, I will be able to go to Tokyo a few times on holiday, so I'll be keen to hook up.

Mr Punch
07-01-2002, 07:57 PM
Yes, I train with Embrey.

Kawamura Yozo has gone. I know somebody who was training with him. He has apparently left the country, but to all intents and purposes may as well have dropped off the face of the earth. He certainly teach anymore.

Mr Punch
07-01-2002, 08:00 PM
Miles, noticed you're online... Please drop me a pm.

aelward, you too, when you're around... if you don't mind.

07-02-2002, 01:47 AM
good luck with finding WC is Japan mate :)

Just wanted to say that i trained Shorinji Kempo for 4 years before i met my Sifu. It's an excellent martial art skill, and the kongo zen (Buddhist theory) it is based on is also good for helping people :)


07-03-2002, 10:41 AM
So he has completely disappeared... I wonder why all his branches have also shut down their webpages and stuff. Do you think they no longer exist as an organization?

Mr Punch
07-14-2002, 12:36 AM
Hi Sticky. PMed.

Miles Teg
07-14-2002, 02:37 AM
Hey Mat
Last time I tried to PM you but apparently I had to change some stuff to do it so I gave up.

Anyway my e-mail is graymasako@hotmail.com

As I said I won't be in Tokyo, but I'll try to get up there as often as possible.

Sounds like all the W.C folk are in Tokyo


Oh well maybe I can find some Ninja schools about nagoya:cool:

But actually I was thinking that Judo maybe the go, as far as I can tell there isn't much Ju-jutsu stuff that looks anything like how Brazilian Ju-Jutsu is trained.

Mr Punch
07-14-2002, 02:45 AM
If you want something like 'real' Nagoya may have some MMA gyms. Tokyo has scores. They mostly use boxing and/or kyokushinkai for basics and chuck some JJ/BJJ and shoot wrestling in.

I'll mail you but later...