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07-01-2002, 06:38 PM
Hello fellow members!
On behalf of my late Master Wang Xuanjie, who was Master Wang Xiangzhai's disciple, I have begun the International Dachengdao & Kung Fu Association in the New York and New Jersey areas. This is the first time that Dachengquan has been introduced to America by a lineage holder, and I feel very honored to fulfill my Master's mission. Dachengquan is suitable for everyone, even bed-ridden terminally ill individuals. The form has miraculous health benefits as well as remarkable abilities to enhance any other martial arts system that is also practiced. In fact, the founder developed it in order to combat foreignors during WWII and no oe could beat him. Master Wang Xuanjie focused more on the health aspects and invited many people from around the world to study with him and heal their bodies. As for me, I also hold the lineage for Hao Style Northern Plum Blossom Praying Mantis Taijee and I found that the Dachengquan made my Mantis super fast as well as explosive. I am happy to answer any questions you may have. My website is: www.geocities.com/dachengdao and my EMail is dachengdao@aol.com. Thank you!
Grandmaster Wang Rengang
AKA Dachengdao

07-02-2002, 01:07 AM
good luck, from the little i know of this superb skill it seems very good :)
