View Full Version : Who are we? (OT)

black and blue
07-05-2002, 07:28 AM
Just been and taken a look at the Vingtsun forum (I know, I know, 'tis a scary thing to do).

But... it's providing the comedy moment of the year!!!

There's a thread where a poster called Robbie Ritchie accuses Red5Angel of being Rene Ritchie, and then (and here's the real genius)... someone called Jazzman implies Robbie Ritchie is in fact Yuanfen.

I'm beginning to wonder if I really am Black and Blue. :( :)

I've had flu for the last week - no work/no training... that thread really cheered me up!


07-05-2002, 07:37 AM
and i thought this forum was bad! (j/k)
Hope ur managing to deal with all the pretenders out there Rene :)

I visited there a few times but not stayed long...thankfully

david (or is it?)

07-05-2002, 07:46 AM
Unfortunately, there are a lot of damaged children out there, some acting out on their own in an effort to get (negative) attention, and some willing pawns to ego and money driven pseudo-sifu who fill them up with BS and let them loose to further degrade the image of WCK.

They usually figure it out sooner or later, but by then they've done a lot of damage, and their's a whole new generation of cyber-trolls out there to take their place (and usually attack them in the process).

Sad stuff and bad for our art, but one of the prices we pay for having incredible tools like the Internet at our disposal.

(And, BTW, while Red, Yuan, and I are undoubtedly different people, I sometimes wonder if the trolls aren't one and the same, or at least part of a specific agenda since many of their attacks usually end up in some form of self-promotion or another).

RR (or not)

old jong
07-05-2002, 08:02 AM
Look's like me and Yuanfen are the "Fong's guys" ready to kick red5angel a$$!....Watch out for the "Fong's guys"!... :rolleyes: It sounds like a bad kung fu movie scenario... :rolleyes:
I wonder if that "Jazzman" is posting here under some other name?...Sihing,is that you?...:D :D :D

black and blue
07-05-2002, 08:11 AM
God only knows... I once had ideas but now I'm convinced Whipping Hand has left us forever. As for Jazzman... Hmmm.... maybe he's dezhen2001 :)

Actually, you fong guys kinda scare me :rolleyes:

Red5Angel - the fong chaps love ya really.

07-05-2002, 02:52 PM
Asks who are you?

I am yuanfen, real name -short version- Joy Chaudhuri-
you dont need to know the full interconnected name. My website is at <www.azwingchun.com> which needs updating. My email is
<joy@azwingchun.com>, Augustine Fong-sifu, Ho Kam Ming-sigung, Yip Man-sijo. Known quantity. I do NOT post with fictitious names on the VTAA-period-no matter what. Awful list- occasionally we come close to it, but usually not. I wish KFO did not allow anonymity- but its not my list. Despite a passing comment on VTAA- r5a or anyone else does not have to watch their back with me or the "Fong guys" .Most Fong guys have never heard of Red or Carl-not part of their universes,Most dont vist the Vtaa.. I dont do ninja stuff- enough real treasures dont have to come from the back.. As per Fong folks generally- unless directly and personally attacked try
to follow mo duk and civility in discussions allowing for 1.humor
2. reasonable responses to personal attacks or outrageusly fasle claims reagarding our line..

Must Fong folks dont feel the need for bragging about their line or putting down other legitimate wing chun lines.

So black and blue -how are you? Just clearing the air.

07-05-2002, 03:06 PM
Asks who are you?

I am yuanfen, real name -short version- Joy Chaudhuri-
you dont need to know the full interconnected name. My website is at <www.azwingchun.com> which needs updating. My email is
<joy@azwingchun.com>, Augustine Fong-sifu, Ho Kam Ming-sigung, Yip Man-sijo. Known quantity. I do NOT post with fictitious names on the VTAA-period-no matter what. Awful list- occasionally we come close to it, but usually not. I wish KFO did not allow anonymity- but its not my list. Despite a passing comment on VTAA- r5a or anyone else does not have to watch their back with me or the "Fong guys" .Most Fong guys have never heard of Red or Carl-not part of their universes,Most dont vist the Vtaa.. I dont do ninja stuff- enough real treasures dont have to come from the back.. As per Fong folks generally- unless directly and personally attacked try
to follow mo duk and civility in discussions allowing for 1.humor
2. reasonable responses to personal attacks or outrageusly fasle claims regarding our line..

Must Fong folks dont feel the need for bragging about their line or putting down other legitimate wing chun lines.And most of you habe not meta whole host of good Fong people-Chan, Macdonald, maricich, weinberg, daum,frighetti,iotti, tufts,vaght, lopez,romero,
vasquez, etc etc ---they dont go around tooting horns. Most dont care whether they are in genealogy books.
(no time for cut and paste spell check-kfo should install one))

So black and blue -how are you? Just clearing the air.

Mr Punch
07-05-2002, 05:41 PM
Go on Joy, what's your full name?!:D


Matthew James Hill.

07-05-2002, 06:53 PM
Go on Joy, what's your full name?!
The whole traditional enchilada:

Joyotpaul Sunil Datta-Chaudhuri
aka- Jagadananda
(apart from nicknames)
Joyotpaul=Joy=utpal(in Sanskrit)..The Victorious Lotus(of wisdom) ...given in naming ceremony with first solid food.

Sunil=Clear as the blue sky...name from the mothers relatives side.

Datta(real family name)= Means-"The givers".The family name for all religious ceremonies.

Chaudhuri ( a not uncommon feudal title that became a name)=
the powerholder-landlord-tax collector of a designated area).
Name for western legal contracts.

Jagadananda=Jagad+ananda= world happiness. Name given at birth- before formal naming ceremony.
so- simplicity-


Mr Punch
07-06-2002, 05:07 AM
Thought so! It's all so beautiful!!

But as you said, pretty long!

Matthew: derivative of old Hebrew/Aramaic, Mattathiah: Gift of the Lord.

James: Some say it's a diminutive of John, Iago, etc... don't know the meaning.

Hill: from old German meaning 'hunter'.

07-06-2002, 11:38 AM
Sean Miller

Sean - Irish for john - English for "oh do we have to come up with a name right now"

Miller - I guess my ancestors ground up grain or somehing.

I go with Bruce Willis from "Pulp Fiction" on this

I'm an american baby. Our names don't mean squat

I've only posted on the VTAA a few times, I realy don't much care for that place.

07-06-2002, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by black and blue
Just been and taken a look at the Vingtsun forum (I know, I know, 'tis a scary thing to do).

But... it's providing the comedy moment of the year!!!

There's a thread where a poster called Robbie Ritchie accuses Red5Angel of being Rene Ritchie, and then (and here's the real genius)... someone called Jazzman implies Robbie Ritchie is in fact Yuanfen.



The VTAA is a weird forum, inhabited almost exclusively by trolls, not like KFO. :)

Someone named Mike wrote: "I think Red5angel is in love with "Carl"." Well, duh! :)

Rene, is that really your brother Robbie posting there?

Are you excited? I'm excited. Any thoughts?

07-06-2002, 07:52 PM
Rene is French for "Reborn". My parents gave me that name because it was extremely uncommon. Then, of course, when I was 3 they moved to Quebec, Canada (run at the time by Rene Levesque, with Rene Simard as a popular singer, and the list goes on).

No idea what Ritchie means. It's a sept of the Scottish Macintosh clan, though.



old jong
07-07-2002, 06:10 PM
Don't forget Rene Angelil who "runs" Celine Dion! :D
My name is Michel. I heard the meaning is "Godlike" or something like that! Maybe because of Michael the archangel ?...I don't let that get to my head because there are even more Michel than Rene in Quebec.;)

07-07-2002, 07:54 PM
The most annoying thing about the VTAA forum was seeing duplicates of all red5angel's posts that he made here produced on there. Thus the VTAA site is truly redundant.

My first name apparently means "manly". I'm not too sure about my surname and its origin, my uncle traced our ancestry back to some Lutherans sailing from Hamburg to Adelaide on a ship called "La Rochelle" in 1845 but that's as far as he got.

I had/have my suspicions about WhippingHand's identity too, the guy who I thought it was was a fairly prolific poster up until the time WH got banned after which he tapered right off. WH seemed to attack everyone else but him, they allegedly came from the same city, there were similarities in posting styles, and others voiced the same suspicion. When I voiced my suspicion on a post some time after WH's ban, the guy suddenly ended his hiatus and jumped back onto the forum in refutational response obviously annoyed. And hasn't been back again since. Why bother? Unless ....

Don't forget Rene Angelil who "runs" Celine Dion!

That name sounds quite similar to "red5angel", doesn't it?

kungfu cowboy
07-07-2002, 08:28 PM
Old jong! Please say it isn't true!:eek:

black and blue
07-08-2002, 01:27 AM
Duncan Mark Welch (Duncan = Scottish. Means 'dark warrior' :) ) Welch (as in 'of Wales') and err... I'm English.

Hence - many identity issues!

As you all know, I train at Kamon in the UK (and will defend it to the last!!!). And live in Sunny Sussex, work in London.

Recovering slowly from flu. Taking forever. Chesty cough lingering, but not enough to stop me training tonight. I tend to post on the dire forum if there's a Kamon question, but I too have had my name stolen for one post.

Why did this thread have to be ruined with talk of Celine Dion? :(


07-08-2002, 07:26 AM
Fake 'black and blue' as well? Don't sweat it. They're just jock-riding. Eventually they'll learn to keep their little fantasies to themselves. LOL!

Seriously, though, every ecosystem has its parasites. If anything, take it as a compliment. They wouldn't be stealing your name if their own had any credibility.
