View Full Version : Bruised leg!!!!

07-12-2002, 01:12 PM
I've been sparring Muay Thai recently, and my lead leg thigh gets bruised big-time, so that sometimes I am walking around with a pronounced limp. Then people ask about it, and I am hard-pressed to explain so they will understand. Mostly they ask "Why on earth would you do that??"

Anyways, does anyone have any suggestions (besides not getting kicked, I know that one, and I'm working on it) how to increase my tolerance for bruising or help with the pain and healing? Its not my shins that seem to need conditioning for Muay Thai, but my thighs.

Thanks in advance.

07-25-2002, 09:21 AM
What are you doing to defend your self from thigh kicks?

are you just lifting your leg? or are you turning away as well?

I find if i turn off to the side a small degree then i can stop my thigh muscle getting crushed into my thigh bone and the kick is not nearly as painfull.

For some reason thigh kicks do not seem to affect me till well after the time of impact. I have been kicked before and thought nothing of it till next morning when i can not move or bend my leg!!!!

Former castleva
07-28-2002, 04:39 AM
If possible,putting ice on the bruised area can help to make it better.
After about half an hour later you could massage it to make it better,which includes certain herbs though so I canīt say much about that.
Watch out for not getting kicked to some vital areas like inside thigh and certain nerves.

07-28-2002, 10:29 AM
Back in the days (about 10-12 years ago) when I did muay thai, I had this problem early on too. I learned to apply ice and my legs slowly got more conditioned and I got more used to the pain. Sort of like if you do lots of pressure point and joint lock work, you become inured to painful techniques.

Its just a matter of time. And even then, sometimes you'll be sore. And people will never understand you.

08-15-2002, 04:39 PM
This is the slowest thread in the world! Thanks to everyone for your suggestions.

Liokault: Yeah, I try do to that, the classic butt-cheek block really softens the blow. When I manage to block the kick, it is fine (we wear light pads for sparring), but often I will be trying to punch someone, then I end up just taking the leg kick with no block. Hurts like hell.

Boffo: Yeah you are exactly right, I did not feel it until later. During the sparring it was fine, I just ate the kicks and kept on going, but the next day I could hardly walk. I'll try the ice too if I get nailed again.

Mostly, I just need to get better at not getting kicked.

Kungfu boy
08-16-2002, 03:27 AM
Hey Dude,

I been doing thai for about 2 yrs now. All that has been said is good stuff. Work the turning and shin guarding more.

Here is a little bit of advice. Do the turn when you can, if the guy our training with is much bigger than you he might still be able to do some damage. I prefer to just evade if I can, like hop back. As for the leg conditioning, you can condition the thigh to a point but not all the way. Let me explain: There is a pressure point on your thigh about 6 inches above the knee. Being hit here can potentially dead leg you for a moment. You can not condition a pressure point. I spar with people who have 4-22 yrs experience on me and they can nail that point at the drop of a hat.

Overall ice it when you get home and work your shin blocks more. If you want to avoid being kicked as much you could work sinking into boxing/clinch range, which cancels out their kicks.(but watch for knees!)

Later Ya'll