View Full Version : Let us as a Community, define good wing chun

07-12-2002, 01:54 PM
OK, this seems to come up alot so lets all discuss what it is that makes the wingchun we practice good. I have given my viewpoints already on my art ad nauseum ;) , but how about yours? What is it that makes yours great or why does it work for you?

07-12-2002, 02:15 PM
To paraphrase the Tao Te Ching, "The Way that can be spoken of is not the constant Way".

and it's "AD NAUSEAM".

An art based on sound physical and biomechanical principles, using leverage, sensitivity and strategy as a base.

Chum Kil
07-12-2002, 02:20 PM
One of the ways it works for me is because of the footwork (TWC). Close to realistic application drills (far to medium fighting range) also is a plus.

07-12-2002, 02:28 PM
Hey Andrew,

Just as a name can be spoken but not the true name. One of my favorite parts. 8)

For me, WCK is like oft-said line on porn: can't say for sure but I know when I see it. Lots of arts, in words, can sound very similar to WCK. Some, in static pose, can look very similar. Many, in goal, can be geared very similarly. WCK is more than the sum of a few common sayings or poses. Its a system with specific but difficult to innumerate methods for improving performance during the stress of combat (or more likely duel). Or something like that.

(ad nauseum infinitum?)



07-12-2002, 02:34 PM
Agree with Anerlich except for me the definition is a bit longer:-

An art based on efficient physical and biomechanical principles, using leverage, sensitivity and strategy as a base for autonomous reaction to violent encounter.

07-12-2002, 02:59 PM
Anerlich, thanks for the correction, my spelling isnt actually so bad as my typing! Well, except for the wallah incident ;) I'd like to thank sunkuen for making that infamous!

RR - "(ad nauseum infinitum?) " hehe, probably..... :)

07-12-2002, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by red5angel
What is it that makes yours great or why does it work for you? It kills.

07-12-2002, 05:17 PM
Let's not and say we did.


Alpha Dog
07-12-2002, 07:45 PM
I see no value in such an exercise

07-12-2002, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by Alpha Dog
I see no value in such an exercise

Then you're missing the point. Its to get people to say things so that red5angel can rant about why his kung fu is better, how super Carl really is, and clarify that everyone elses kung fu sucks.

Now you kapeesh?

Alpha Dog
07-12-2002, 08:14 PM
you mean it is just another self-serving lure? ahhhhhh i see.......

07-12-2002, 08:22 PM
I know that barker is an old carnie term- thats why I used it.
Carnivals dont go away- they just change costumes.....
step up folks- right here to this booth-- best bargain youll ever have- 3 throws for the price of two. You knock em down...Ill set em up again...this way folks. Try it- you will like it I am sure.

Sad -for the art -the carnie pitch that is..

Define wing chun thread? Again? We/wing chunners have been doing that in various forums for some time ---nice sleight of hand!

Alpha Dog
07-12-2002, 08:47 PM
Oh to live on Wing Chun Mountain
With the barkers and the coloured balloons
You can't be worthy on Wing Chun Mountain
Unless you're trainin' in Carly-Carl's kwoon....

07-12-2002, 08:55 PM
what i define as good wing chun is the application of wing chun techniques done properly (how ever you were taught). and by applicaiton i mean in sparring with other wing chun people and with other styles, not chi sau. i see too many people who chi sau all day with lighting fast very basic techniques but who can't even apply pak da, and can't spar at all. so application is my definition of good wing chun. that means you follow the principles too, but can to the techniques also, i don't subscribe to that forget the tecnique and only apply the prinicples, that just for people who don't want to put in the time to perfect their technique.

07-13-2002, 07:04 AM
Quoting Redd:
Now you kapeesh?
No offense, I'm not taking sides, but 'kapeesh' is just as bad as 'wallah'!;)

07-15-2002, 09:25 PM
Wing chun is based on sound principles and ideas. Economy of motion, centerline theory, etc. are great "ideas/theories" and should work when you apply it in chi sao, sparring or in a real fight. The big question is, "Can you make it work?"

IMHO, what defines good wing chun is if you can make it work. All the wing chun "ideas/theories" will remain just theories if you can't make it work. Take for example, "economy of motion". Can you do chi sao without using excessive force and/or flowery and unnecessary movements? If you can, then your wing chun is probably good.

If your wing chun is good, you must be able to apply wing chun principles in chi sao, sparring or in a real fight.