View Full Version : Hall costs.UK instructors........

07-12-2002, 10:47 PM
I've been looking around my local area, (East London) trying to find a new venue for a class.
The problem is virtually every suitable/cheap hall ie. community centre / church hall etc. is booked out most nights, and the only things I can find are like £20/22 per hour or more.
Just wondering how others find suitable venues.

Mr Punch
07-13-2002, 03:07 AM
Sent PM.

07-13-2002, 02:46 PM
I think my teacher pays about ten pounds an hour for our hall in oxford. That buys you a lot of space and a large enclosed courtyard....and its only an hour or less out side of london....and we are short of CMA......

wild child
07-13-2002, 03:01 PM
I pay £7.00 in Kent, but have paid upto £15.00 per hour.

If price is a problem, how about suggesting you pay 12 weeks up front and ask for a discount. It is difficult starting a new class (if that is what you are doing) when you have few students and still have to pay over heads.

I have run many classes and just covered over heads. Keep at it though, as all that perseverance has lead to a very sucessful school today.

good luck - wild child