View Full Version : Nov 9 Pooling of resources

07-15-2002, 10:16 AM

Someone asked about who might be attending the grand opening of the Yip Man Ving Tsun in China on Nov 9th. I would like to take this a step further and suggest that anyone in the NY/NJ/PA or surrounding areas who is planning to attend get together and pool our resources for the best price on airfare. I know that I would love to attend but am not sure about being able to afford to go. Naturally the lower the cost the more likely my being able to attend. I am sure I am not the only one who would like to be able to benefit from reductions in cost. So, I propose that we all pool our resources and go as a group, at least on the plane. Once in China we can go our seperate ways if that is what everyone wants to do. Or, we could hang out and get to know one another.

I am not sure how many people would be interested in going but I can imagine that it could be a rather significant number. The only requirement would be that we would all be willing to travle on the same date and leave from the same airport. Or course we would all need to fly the same airline as well ;) .

I suggest leaving from JFK in NY and am open to suggestions as to the dates. I would welcome anyone interested in working together to post here or contact me via e-mail.



mun hung
07-15-2002, 10:29 AM
Good idea - count me in.

07-20-2002, 02:47 AM
Hiya Dave,

I don't think I'll be able to make it,although I would love too
(I think you may recall the reason why).

But,I'm willing to pitch in whatever $$$ I can come up with for the
benifit of others,if we can pool together our resources
on this forum and share the knowledge gained it would
be a good thing for all those who want the knowlege and fellowship.

One penny is better than none.

07-21-2002, 04:11 PM

Mun Hung,

Glad to see you are interested, kind of figured you were for it based on our last telephone conversation.


Your offer of helping with expenses is generous but I would not feel right taking anyones money. I would rather work out the best group rate possible so that all who wished to go could attend.

I have been in contact with a group of people traveling from the NY area. As of right now I believe the total cost for the trip is going to be around $1500.00 I am checking into the details in order to learn what is and what is not included. I will not mention the groups name until I have their permission to do so.

I have been checking into airfare and the lowest rate I have come up with so far is $721.00 round trip. This is from NY to Hong Kong but it is on a Russian Airline so I am a bit apprehensive. Plus I never heard of the line before, Aeroflet is the name, I think.

Anyhow, if anyone is interested in really trying to make this work then contact me so I can get an idea of how many would be interested. I can tell you that I am not 100% positive that I will be able to go but I have gotten over the biggest obstacle; my wife has agreed to the idea ;) I may go with the group I mentioned earlier. However if there is a number interested in going then I will work with you'all to get the best rate.

Let me know as time is ticking away. The earlier we can book the flight the lower the rate. I would like to have everything finalized no latter than the end of August.


PS There is a hotel in Hong Kong which was recommended to me and is a converted Y. Supposedly it is quite nice and rather reasonable as to rates. I should have more info later this week.

Mr Punch
08-01-2002, 01:05 AM
Fly Aeroflot by all means. Just don't look into their flight (accident) stats.

They used to be known as Aeroflop.

Of course, as there is no statistical constant, doesn't mean your flight won't be safe :D

I'm hopefully going with a few of my sihing/sifu. Hope to see you there.

Now I'll leave you to your thread!

08-02-2002, 04:33 PM
Dave/others going,

i suggest maybe asking your sifus (if they're from hong kong or know others there) to maybe make a connection with folks that might have an extra couch. personally speaking, if one of my family members from hong kong needed a place to crash, i'd welcome the opportunity, especially if they wanted to practice a little and see what a few thousand miles of water can do to distinguish technique.

remember, they're family, so don't feel too horrible about imposing. ;)