View Full Version : Check it out:Keith Pascal newsletter!!!

07-16-2002, 09:04 PM
Just got this in my email. Some of you may find it informative others may already know this, but check it out.

Tip 5, Walking Around The Corner of a Building, has a wacky first suggestion that Keith should get a pie in the face for, but the second one is sound and is usally called "cutting the pie".

martial arts mastery - http://www.kerwinbenson.com

################################################## ##
Martial Arts Mastery
A Tell-All of Tips, Tactics, and Techniques

This is a 100% opt-in newsletter delivered to
all those interested in the martial arts, and
especially those seeking to improve their martial
arts and self defense techniques. Your email address
is protected -- we won't share your information
with anyone. We Promise.

If you ever have comments or concerns, please email
Keith Pascal at: concerns@kerwinbenson.com

1.################################################ ##
Editor's Message

Remember, this is just a sample issue. I am trying to show
you the wide variety of subjects covered -- in just our
"Tips" section alone.

Keith Pascal

PS Remember, Martial Arts Mastery is Free. Recommend it
to all of your friends ... thanks.

2.################################################ ##

Tip: Look ~puzzled~

Just something for you to try. In the middle of your practice
session (don't try things out for the first time in a real-life
attack), pause for a second.

Don't pause when pausing would get you tagged by your opponent.
Pause when you are "slightly" out of range.

Now, this is going to take a bit of acting. As you pause,
get a quizzical look on your face. In other words, look
puzzled for just a second.

As you look puzzled, shift your gaze a bit. Glance at some part
of your opponent's body, like the knee. Your glance should
look like you have just noticed something -- maybe something
out of place, or not quite right.

Even though I just took several paragraphs to describe this
sequence, it should take place in about one to two seconds.

You look puzzled, and shift your gaze to some part of your
opponent's body. That's it.

Now, if you are a good actor, and if you convinced your opponent
of the sincerity of your glance, your opponent should...

...look down too.

And right at that instant ... BAM ... you attack with a blindingly
fast, non-telegraphed punch (or even a series of punches, like a
straight blast).

Is this move sneaky? Yep.

Does it work? Yep.

Could you modify your acting technique, so it would work during
a real attack?
I don't know. Can you? ;-)

3.################################################ #
Tip: Baseball Bats Aren't Just for Swinging

In our feature article (Issue #16), we talked about
some "what if's."

Well, what if an attacker pops you in the head, and
you feel addle-brained for a minute or two?

The chances are that your attacker won't wait for you
to "collect your thoughts." The blows will just keep

How do you practice for this?

Well, let's borrow a pep-assembly activity and what
is also an exercise from a local Thai-boxing teacher.
You'll need a baseball bat.

Hold the bat vertically, with one end on the ground.
Now,touch your forehead to the top of the bat. Hold
it there.

Got it? One end of the bat is on the ground, and
your forehead is touching the other end. The next step
is to run circles around the bat. While the bat is in
the same spot, you quickly run around and around -- about
10 to 15 times.

As soon as you are done running, you drop the bat and
immediately start either punching or kicking at a
pre-arranged target. You could punch at a focus glove,
a heavy bag -- anything that can "safely" serve
as a target.

In high school pep assemblies, the students run
around the bat, and then have to continue in the relay
race. It's fun to watch them swerve all over the place.

We are using the activity to simulate getting
your brains rattled by a strong punch or kick to
your head.

Spin around the bat for awhile, then see if you
can punch or kick with any accuracy.

5.################################################ ##
Tip: Walking Around The Corner of a Building

So ... you are walking down the street with your best
friend or your spouse (significant other, domestic
associate, boyfriend/girlfriend). You are on the
sidewalk. And you are the one trained in martial arts.

The street is on one side of you, and a building is on
the other. You are walking along the side of the building.
You reach the corner. You turn the corner and ...


Someone is waiting with a punch, or a knife, a stick,
or a kick.

So, the question is:

Do you want your partner on the inside of you, nearer
to the building with you closer to the street, or do
you want your partner on the outside, as you both
turn the corner?

Remember, it's an ambush. You don't know the
attack is coming.

Well, there are two theories. You choose the one that
fits you, OK?

Theory #1

You have your friend or significant other walk on the
inside, closer to the building.

As you round the corner, the attacker would see this
person first.

The attacker pushes this person to the side, because
you look as though you pose more of a threat.

This gives you more time to react. It also gives you
a better view, since you are on the outside. You may
even be able to react before the attacker touches
your spouse. Maybe.

In any case, the bad person has to go around someone
to get to you.

Even in a worst case scenario where the attacker stabs
the first person to round the corner, this may be your
best solution to a worst case scenario.

Your partner gets stabbed -- you defeat the adversary,
and then you get your partner to a hospital ... in time.
But if you had been the one stabbed, the meany would
still get to your partner ... but now you'd be out
of the way.

At least in the former, you both have a chance
of survival.

Still, it's a big decision to expose someone else to
danger before you. Even if it has some tactical
advantages, it goes against our nature of protectors
of the people -- altruistic, super martial artists.

So, we have Theory #2 ....

Theory #2

You guessed it. You walk on the inside. You deal with
any ca-ca first. This isn't so bad, if you are always
aware walking around corners, and if you take a
precaution or two:

* Swing a little wide as you round a corner.
Don't walk so close to the building.

* Peer. Peek around the corner a bit as you
swing wide. You don't have to be afraid of
your own shadow. Just turn on your awareness
as you round a corner.

If you take the vulnerable position, you will not be
the chivalrous man to the outside world. In our society,
it is polite for the man to walk closer to the curb, to
catch the splash of mud from the street, when a car passes.

In this case, you will be exposing yourself to danger,
by being on the inside.

Whether you choose the inside or the outside, you should
definitely think about the hypothetical situation now.
It's much better to consider this scenario from the
"comfort of your computer screen." Don't wait until you
are walking around that corner.

Bonus Theory

If you are a female martial artist, this is one of
those cases where you have a nice advantage. If the
attacker fails to recognize you as the protectrix of
the two of you, then you have the element of surprise.

Whether your partner is a female or a male, if the
attacker turns to your partner, you have a distinct
advantage in your attack. Make use if it.


We would love to hear from you. Whether it be comment,
criticism, or advice, be sure to email us:


By Request:
Here's our snail-mail address:

Kerwin Benson Publishing
Attn: Martial Arts Mastery
2749 Friendly Street, Suite 310
Eugene, Oregon 97405

Do you have a friend you want to tell about this
ezine? Don't tell your enemies, but send all your
friends to

Copyright 2001, Kerwin Benson Publishing
This ezine and all its original content are copyrighted.
Reprints only with the express permission of the editor.

Of course, pass it on to all martial arts enthusiasts,
and encourage them to sign up for their
own free subscription.

All content is provided as is. Use your own judgement
when working out and defending yourself. Since people
and situations vary, the publishers, author(s), and
editor may not be held liable for the content of this
ezine. Use only what is useful and helpful to you.
And no matter what, always be careful.
Stay safe.

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Until Next Time ....

07-16-2002, 10:08 PM
Who's he then?

07-17-2002, 07:04 AM
Some JKD guy that some other JKD guys spoke highly of. Someone posted a link to his sight on e-budo in the baffling budo section and Pascals readers decended like locusts on a wheat field to defend him. I figured with loyalty like that I'd give his news letter a go and see what he's about. So far I haven't seen anything I haven't trained before, but I have to say it's not bad.

Here's the sites home page (http://www.kerwinbenson.com/)