View Full Version : It just occured to me - Iron palm thread

07-17-2002, 08:23 AM
For those of us who trains the iron palm, do you think that those who plays volley ball would have a similar if not superior palm conditioning than us ?

I mean, think about it. It is a similar slapping motion. True, for us, we hit something which is relatively harder than a volley ball which "should" lead to a better conditioning. But the palming is not the only thing we train. We have a whole arsenal of different things we spend our time on. Yet volleyballers definately spends much more time smashing that ball than we strike at bags. With that much more time spent on it, do you think that if we "high five" each other, we would be at a disadvantage ?

btw, a couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine asked me high five him, he cradled his hand for 15 mins afterwards.

07-17-2002, 08:35 AM
volley ball players use their fingertips more if i'm correct... :confused:

Also having iron palm doesn't mean u should hurt ppl without even trying (imo anyway) :)


07-17-2002, 09:34 AM
I don't think playing vollyball would give someone iron palm. It might condition the hand a bit, but not enough to be called iron palm.

Plus I've been taught that iron palm isn't just slapping an iron palm bag. One needs to focus on their intent and chi as well.

Take care,

07-17-2002, 09:44 AM
Actually I think they use the tips of thier fingers to keep the ball aligned and the heel of thier palm to 'hit' the ball. If you slap it the ball becomes dead and wont go as far.

07-17-2002, 10:24 AM
That explains it why my friend couldn't take it.

Actaully, I havn't high fived anyone for years. I never knew how much more my palm exerted until then.

07-17-2002, 12:13 PM
A volleyball is not hit with the fingertips, but with the entire palm side of the hand, fingers included.

There is a lot more to authentic iron palm training than simply hitting an iron palm bag. While most of what is taught is based on authentic training, it is very far from complete.

My guess is that somebody witnessed Iron Palm training years ago. They saw one of the physical parts of the training and tried to copy or emulate what they saw. They then taught it to someone else and it got further and further from authentic as it went down the line.

If you want to learn authentic Iron Palm, find someone who has the information as it was taught by the monks 400 years ago. Otherwise it will be relatively worthless.

07-17-2002, 05:20 PM
What about drummers? Not stickmen, but those that play bongoes and congas and stuff? They got some pretty mean iron palm going on!

07-18-2002, 07:33 AM
How can you be questioning the authenticity ( I hate that word, it imply a state of no developement ) of someone/something when you don't know how people train it ?

07-18-2002, 09:34 AM
I question the authenticity based on unsound statistical principles. Here is my logic:

I have read numerous posts on this and other boards about Iron Palm Training. I have discussed Iron Palm training with a few "masters" of other arts. I have witnessed authentic, traditional Iron Palm training and have seen the results (My training will begin soon). That being said, I have yet to find or hear of any authentic Iron Palm training outside of what is being offered by my school. Based on my results of no other authentic Iron Palm training being offered out of the 20-30 I have heard of, I question the authenticity of all Iron Palm being offered. If someone out there offered even a glimmer of some of the common missing aspects of Iron Palm training, I would give them the benefit of the doubt.

But that is not to say that there isn't Iron Palm training which will make your hands/palms hard as Iron by encrusing them with calous.