View Full Version : Wu-dang or what?

07-18-2002, 02:13 PM
anyone ever hear of these guys?Master Zhong Yun Long-has lived and trained on Wudan Mt. for 25 yrs, is the Dean of the Wudang WuShu Institute, yadda-ytadda-he's holding a seminar/demo in my area. sounds suspect ta me.

07-18-2002, 03:18 PM
as far as i know (very very little), there is a Wushu Guan in Wudang somewhere, teaching some PRC Wushu and some internal stuff... could he be related to that? Coz i would say it's highly unlikely that someone is coming froma Temple etc. specifically to give a seminar in your city :D

would be interesting to find out more about it and his skill :)


07-19-2002, 09:34 AM
Zhong Yunlong is the current abbot of Purple Cloud Temple at Wudangshan. He is planning his first visit to the USA this August, and with a little luck, he will be at our 10 Year Anniversary Party (see http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/10yr/index.html .) I met Master Zhong at Wudang in '99. He personally demonstrated some Wudang Taiji for me - it was very interesting, somewhere between yang and chen. He also had his school put on a small demo, which did have some wushu influence, but was well rooted in internal theory. Currently, there are several schools active at Wudangshan. They are spread out across the mountain range. You'll have to check out our next issue which should be on stand in two weeks - It has a lot of Wudang material.

07-23-2002, 04:04 PM

Would you post a little more info about that Demo here?

thank You.

07-24-2002, 09:58 AM
Just another free community service from your friendly Kungfu website, KungfuMagazine.com, the official site of Kungfu Qigong!
