View Full Version : any information appreciated....

07-18-2002, 02:24 PM
Hi ,

I have a friend in the east coast ,New York that is starting Wing Chun ( if he were here in california I would teach him myself ) .

He is training with Sifu Kevin Martin . I would appreciate any info or insights into Sifu Martin who I understand is under Moy Yat lineage .



07-18-2002, 04:29 PM
where in new york is he?

(ie new york state or new york city?)

07-19-2002, 08:38 AM
From what I understand my friend says he(the sifu)has the studio in Yonkers (New York city). He has done a few lessons with him already but wants to make sure the sifu's rep is good.

I really don't blame him with a lot of the "garbage " flooting around these days . He is just weary of someone making a quick buck off of him .

My advise to him ( and anyone) is its best judge being there and see fore himself and going with how he feels. Mostly all teachers can offer something.

So he is doing that and I am checking with him to constantly to hear what he is learning.




07-19-2002, 02:07 PM
nope dono much about him

some moy yat guy started a school in schenectady around here where i live, and i've heard mixed reactions about him (from students coming from his school to ours), but i've never checked him out so theyre totally baseless

however, that is definately not a reflection on moy yat students at all :) moy yat was an excellent teacher, and anyone who spend a lot of time with him and trained will is sure to be a good sifu - i have nothing but respect for that line


07-22-2002, 09:35 AM
Moy Yat's method of teaching seeks to allow the individual to be creative to "liberate themselves from mechanical movement". Sifu Kevin Martin is a competent and reputable Kung Fu instructor and a devoted follower of Grandmaster Moy Yat.

As a student in the Moy Yat Kung Fu family, your friend must determine what his own goals are. Kevin will not make him into a "killing machine", unless this is what your friend wants. As the Sifu, he will guide him and serve more as a "coach".

Learning is self discovery.

Good Luck in your Kung Fu