View Full Version : Chinese Holocaust

07-18-2002, 06:46 PM
In the upcoming months I will be helping my friend try and set up a section of our history department for a chapter dedicated to the war autrocities against the Chinese during WW2. He's been trying to do this for a while now, and now has the head of the history department willing to fund him and help him with certain aspects of the project.

Hopefully we'll be able to raise funds to include a memorial to the Chinese victims of Nanking and others, create a possible chapter in the history department dedicated to the crimes, and possibly even a guest speech by Iris Chang (whom my friend has already spoken to).

I am on board for this because I obviously am interested and feel more should be said about what happened. And I also am somewhat there to make sure the project does not vehemently condemn the Japanese in any racist way... (though what I've gone through with some of them I don't even know why I would bother :D JK )

Anyway...... thoughts? :( I know this can be a "can o worms" but I think it is a worthwhile cause.

Plus, it will help me get more knowledge and experience into Chinese culture in a way too.

What do you think?


07-18-2002, 07:50 PM
Well, I'm Japanese but think it should be a good thing to make people aware of history and man's inhumanity to man.

That said, I can almost be sure it will turn into a very anti-Japanese agenda, as Iris Chang seems to be. Unfortunately, a nation being the victim of horrors is not immune from inflicting it; for example, remember the Tibetan holocaust.

BTW, what problems have you had with Japanese in particular? I've had problems with Chinese, Koreans, Mexicans, blacks, whites, Vietnamese, etc., but I don't hold it against the entire group. Every race/nationality/group has their @$$holes.

07-18-2002, 09:20 PM
I've got nothing against Japanese. ;) I'm just being a jerk because I've hung out with so many and have come across the a$$holes. But I've also come across some of the most dear people I've ever met, so no hard feelings.

As far as anti-Japanese agenda....
Not with me working on this. I'll make sure of that.


07-18-2002, 09:46 PM
Ryu, if this is for historical record, scrupulous honesty based in verifiable fact is the key. From reading your posts here on this forum I think you have a handle on the honesty.

Just remember to keep your sense of ballance and perspective. You are dealing with an emotionally charged subject. When I used to train ambulance crews to deal with asking touchy questions or examinations in cases of severe emotional trauma, I told them that a professional but caring/ sensative attitude was the key. I think you'll do well.

I've been to both Japan and Taiwan, and I loved both cultures. Their history and traditions are interesting, and I liked most of the people I met. I sort of envy you. Hope you have a great time there.