View Full Version : Guyiquan?

07-18-2002, 08:25 PM
have any of you ever heard of Guyiquan ("Ancient Righteousness Boxing")? i have been searching for a school in the boston, MA area, and found this website:


this guy teaches a combination of Tai Chi and Guyiquan. i have been reccomended Tai Chi, but there are very few schools in boston that include sparring and push-hands. this guy seems to teach the real thing. i have never heard of Guyiquan before, he explains it as a powerfull combat art that is extremly effective for self-defence. have any of you guys ever heard of this style before? mostly i have been interested in wing chun for its hand-work and nose-to-nose effectiveness. the way i figure, i am going to have little time and little room to fight in a bar in boston. anyways, i cant find anything online about this style. what do you guys know about it?

07-18-2002, 09:25 PM
Sorry. never heard of it. Could it possible be taught under a different name (read spelling)? My web search found nothing also.

07-18-2002, 09:26 PM
Guyiquan doesn't look like a particularly likely romanisation of a Chinese name to me. Is his phonetic? A Chinese speaker would be of more help, obviously.

07-19-2002, 05:29 AM
Guyiquan is the correct pinyin romanization. In Wade-Giles it would be Ku-yi-ch'üan, never heard of it nevertheless...

07-19-2002, 09:15 AM
the website sayes its pronounced: GOO YEE CHWAHN if that helps anyone