View Full Version : Has anyone here ever used their kung fu in a fight?

07-19-2002, 07:44 AM
If you have was it effective? If so, how effective and what was the situation?

07-19-2002, 08:01 AM
I threw a guy outside a bar once, broke his arm.

I punched a dood in the face once also.

I regularly use joint locks on random people.

Frank Exchange
07-19-2002, 08:30 AM
Yeah, I got attacked by three 15 year old girls on a train, they were off their heads on cocaine and vodka. And no, this is not a joke, as funny as it sounds. :)

I was able to use the partitions and poles of the train to position myself so they could only come at me one at a time, use some basic handwork to divert a few strikes, and grab a litre vodka bottle off them when they tried to brain me with it.

But, at the end of the day, the MA I practice emphasises attack vastly more than defence, and apart from a few po-pai pushes, I couldnt bring myself to really hit them. They were just kids. Violent, aggressive kids, maybe. but still kids. So, I had to take quite a few slaps and hits round the head, but luckily no strikes to the spuds.

If they had been male, it would have been a very different story. But they were girls, so I had to minimize damage to myself, and try to contain the situation as much as possible until the train came into the next station, maybe a few minutes later.

It finished off with me running off up the train platform with the bottle, with one of the harridans following me screaming "Give us my vodka back!". So I did. She just walked off, back onto the train.

The other commuters must have thought I was some sort of teenage vodka thief. :rolleyes:

Please, someone must have a better story than this. I feel such a pantywaist. I'm off to do infinity pushups.

Spirit Writer
07-19-2002, 08:35 AM
You should have sexually assaulted all three of those brats ... with the bottle.

kungfu cowboy
07-19-2002, 08:41 AM
LOL! Great story! Dude, you used pantywaist in a sentence; you're cool.:D

07-19-2002, 08:46 AM
Yeah but I think giving the vodka back negates the coolness from using pantywaist. Nevertheless a great story.

07-19-2002, 08:54 AM
in my younger TKD days I used a front push/snap type kick to the stomach followed by a hellified non-effective hand flurry 'round about the face area to put my friend to his knees… we would later go on to have other 'fights'… another time, I used my track and field training to run away from 3 guys that wanted to stomp me into the ground... actually 2 occassions, same guys...

and I would have kept the vodka…

07-19-2002, 08:57 AM
Several times. I've never been hurt and never been arrested, so I guess it worked.

07-19-2002, 09:17 AM
Yeah there was this one time I parked in the handicapped parking. And this guy in a wheel chair started yelling at me. So I thought I'm not going to let this jerk yell at me so I slapped him around and pushed him into on coming traffic. Taught him a thing or two.

kungfu cowboy
07-19-2002, 09:20 AM
I hope he applied them toward his degree.

07-19-2002, 09:24 AM
I do a lot of volunteer work for the Haight Ashbury Free Medical Clinic. My speciality is crisis management, combative patients and intense psychedelic reactions. I assisted in a restraint of this guy once who was packing seven knives. Fortunately we got him down and bound before anyone was hurt. So I've used what little skills I have many times, but it was always a scenario where my intention was to help the patient, not harm them.

MonkeySlap Too
07-19-2002, 09:32 AM
Yep. And what I learned is, is that it is best to work on things you find difficult in the kwoon, rather than try to portray a super-kung fu guy attitude. If you stay focused on the material, and think about it, it will work for you if you need it.

Also - condition yourself. That wasy when you get in over your head, you have the steam to stay lucid, and you can take the beating until you get your chance. I've seen too many 'ma' types crumple from the first real shot they take.

Of course, I'm just growsing because I tried to run a class while on cold medicine and one of my students trounced me in a drill. They took me seriously when I said take advantage of all weakness. Now I guess I need to train while on the medicine so I can see if I can maintain skill while weakened and looped.


07-19-2002, 09:47 AM

07-19-2002, 01:34 PM
Never in a fight. I havent' been in a fight since I was in high school. I did, however, spend several years on a joint military/civilian counter drug task force. I instructed military special operations and civilian law enforcement, and spent considerable time in the field.

I used kung fu almost exclusively in the field and taught it almost exclusively to other team members. I have used kung fu in more confrontations than I can recall off the top of my head. The vast majority of them have had pretty low intensity and ended without drama. Of course, this doesn't make a good story.

I could tell the story about the time we drove a HMMWV over a car full of gang members, but that is more Sum Dum Moov style than kung fu really. Also, I don't think I ever wrote a report on that, so I had better not elaborate too much. :D

I can't really think of a situation that I would call particularly interesting (in terms of the martial arts used anyway). Not that I'm willing to talk much about anyway. In every situation I can think of I/we were able to contain the situation quickly and without too much effort.

Sorry. That doesn't make for good war stories, but I suppose it answers your question about how effective kung fu was in self-defense. As I've written elsewhere, kung fu (as I know it) is really not very good for fighting but is excellent for self-defense.

Best regards,

Brent Carey

07-19-2002, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by BrentCarey
I instructed military special operations and civilian law enforcement, and spent considerable time in the field.
I used kung fu almost exclusively in the field and taught it almost exclusively to other team members. I have used kung fu in more confrontations than I can recall off the top of my head. The vast majority of them have had pretty low intensity and ended without drama. Of course, this doesn't make a good story.
I could tell the story about the time we drove a HMMWV over a car full of gang members, but that is more Sum Dum Moov style than kung fu really. Also, I don't think I ever wrote a report on that, so I had better not elaborate too much. :D
I can't really think of a situation that I would call particularly interesting (in terms of the martial arts used anyway). Not that I'm willing to talk much about anyway. In every situation I can think of I/we were able to contain the situation quickly and without too much effort.


07-19-2002, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by chingei

What does "hm" mean?

07-20-2002, 03:17 AM
That's a great story mate! Well done you did the right thing.

07-20-2002, 03:45 AM
No. I have used karate, which I used successfully in high school on several occasions though. I had a challenge match in college where I used karate and grappling, but all the situations (two or three) that I've been in since beginning CMA have been resolved in one way or another without having to fight.

07-20-2002, 03:47 AM
good post.

07-20-2002, 07:15 AM
Ok as it looks like theres no stigma attatched to being attacked by young girls I will tell you my own chick fight experiance.

Myself and a girlfriend ....center of oxford mid day.

We stopped to chat to a friend of hers who was having a *** out back of his resterant. Group of young girls walk by...about 10-12 of them. They look way to young (maybe 14-15) and very under dressed in mini skirts ect.

Anyway they pass us on the street and head into a pub. The bouncer sees that they are way to young and tells then to get lost. They walk back down the street past us exept one girl who walks up to my girlfriend pushes her face right up close and shouts "what you looking at"!!!!

Ok after a few clever remarkes the other chicks come over and a fairly random fight breackes out.

My girl friend ( now ex ) is a fairly good fighter for a woman and held her own against guys in class as long as they were not huge is fighting this one girl while i have a whole wall of teen girls with random arms flying.

They can not hit hard enough to hurt but there are so many punches flying that its impossible to avoid them all. And one was wearing a ring that i still have a scare from over my eye.

My girlfriend disapears down the street chaseing the girl who started this started it. As soon as she reapears we retreat into the restraunt for saftey.

On the whole a very odd incident to get involved with at mid day in the middle of a normaly quite city......and kind of fun.


Mr Punch
07-20-2002, 07:24 AM
Haven't got into a fight since I took up wingchun about five years ago. Before then I had used aikido and karate and natural nowse ('common' sense) in many 'situations'. The ones I am proud of resulted in no serious damage being sustained by anyone. The one I'm not so proud of resulted in my lying bleeding, unconscious in the street. You gotta larf, eh?:D

Good stories so far boys, never been attacked by girlies before myself, except one girlfriend who kicked the **** out of my shins with her steelie para boots, while I held her arms to stop her punching my lights out!! Can't wait! ;) :D

07-20-2002, 06:01 PM
Oh mate, that's awful, I've had people start fights on me randomly too, I'm pretty big (16 stone, no not fat!) and a lot of guys want a story to tell their mates about how they started on a bigger guy who was a wimp or something, probably about 50% of the time I go out in the evening to central London. Never had to fight since starting KF (haven't been in a fight for 7 years luckily, but had about a half a dozen before that) luckily <touch wood> but as I said I've had plenty of people staring fights with me, and even had a knife pulled on me once. The one thing that has avoided a fight is my confidence, people tend to see you differently if they start a fight and you don't back down but instead take it much further and get aggressive and luckily everyone has backed down pretty quickly, it's pretty crappy living in London sometimes, full of idiots, why can't everyone just be friends instead of trying to get into fights?

Ps. glad all worked out well for you in the end.

07-21-2002, 05:22 AM
By far the worst part of it was going into the restraunt!!!!

I saw things that made me want to never eat food prepared by another person again!!!!

At one point i saw a guy drop some food he was cutting.....i pointed it out to him and he just kicked it around some then picked it up and droped it into a frying pan.

The fight thing was not worrying at all in a physical sense.

07-21-2002, 12:44 PM
Ha ha, at least you got your priorities sorted out mate!

I used to work in McD's, (but enough about that!) and I didn't eat there for years after, I have forgotton why I didn't hence I occasionally eat there not but it must have been something bad...