View Full Version : Tai Chi Legacy 2002: How'd you do or what'd you hear?

07-19-2002, 02:54 PM
I thought that at least some Texas people would be there. How was it?

07-19-2002, 04:08 PM
My school went but seeing as I am on tourney restriction by orders of my Sifu for being too disrespectful I wouldn't know

I hear it was ok, some good some bad, and always the "monks" didn't impress too many folks

By the way my Sifu is Richard Feagin under Sigung FOgg

The Willow Sword
07-19-2002, 04:12 PM
not that you are going to learn anything uselfull here from anyone(including me) but it is fun from time to time.

Many Respects,,,The Willow Sword

07-19-2002, 08:57 PM
Cheng Jin Cai's students cleaned up in Taiji. I did ok. I was really nervous in my first event(Yang Taiji), but I think I got better as the day went on. A Texas Chin Woo girl named Penny allmost beat a chick from Shanghai's Chin Woo school(who's a pro wushu athlete). Texas girl lost by .01 of a point for the external forms grand championship. The monk who performed during the masters demo was pretty entertaining. smashed his monkey staff in half tried to salvage it with some improvised double stick work, gave up and flipped off the stage :D My teammate really enjoyed talking to them. They were pretty friendly. I managed 2nd in 42 Taijiquan(out of two... judges really didn't know how to run the division though)... and I got gold in 42 Taijijian. That division was wierd too. I was the only one who showed up for it Sat. But instead of disqualifying the other competitors... they allowed them to compete on Sun instead, while I was scored there. Don't know if they showed up then either, lol. Other than that I didn't get to see much. Lot's of bad push hands(not that I'm any better yet). The tournement ran way to long Sat. The last modern wushu division ended after 10:00 PM.

07-20-2002, 07:19 AM
I was gonna go (It was even in the same town as I live in), but my old car broke so I went out and bought a car about 2 weeks before Taiji Legacy. So I had to work that Saturday (Im a waiter, I get a lot on Saturdays) and didnt have extra money to spend. Maybe next year I will go.

07-21-2002, 01:36 AM
Thank you for saying something kungfoocutie. In what would you have competed if not for the disciplanary action?

One called, The Willow Sword, considerate as usual~.

Informative Brad. Nice!

I hope-so too, Philbert

Thank you all and those who follow.

07-21-2002, 06:45 AM
anything but forms, this is gonna sounds soooooooo lame but
to me, martial arts is all about mastering the body, and to me my forms are somewhat of a personal thing

the forms I learned at shaolin although I learned no application, I only showed to my Sifu, but thats just my thoughts.

Anyways back to the question at hand sparring and
shuai chaio<~~ and I probably spelled it wrong

If I could spell I'd be a dangerous woman.

I like to compete in the open tourneys more though, I usually have more people to spar. Such as TNT, AOK, and NBL.
There are mainly tkd and karate people but the few soft art athletes that are there rock hard.

07-21-2002, 08:00 AM
Oh yeah, speaking of sparring, I did see someone in the point sparring who actually looked like he was doing kungfuand I could actually tell what syle he was using! :eek: He was a Southern Mantis guy and came in second despite his oponenet falling down several times during the match. 1st place dude had mastered the technique of taping on the top of the head for points :p He did this to 3rd place dude too :D I guess like any game the winner is usually whoever best uses the rules to their advantage.

07-21-2002, 02:14 PM
I just went to watch the san shou fights. There were some decent fights; it seems like most of them went to the decision, there weren't any knockouts, but a few guys were too tired or unable to continue some of the rounds. There were 4 ladies who fought, then about 20 or so guys in different weight classes.

07-21-2002, 05:32 PM
Man!, i was going to go and fight san shou, but my instructor was out of town for most of the summer and i didn't get to go, no biggy i'll be there next year i hope.

07-22-2002, 04:24 AM
More thanks people. And one called SanHeChuan, I hope so too. :-)

07-22-2002, 09:23 AM
It was a very enjoyable tournament, but for some odd reason, a lot of masters felt the need to tell me lots of unrepeatable gossip. Like I don't have enought dirty laundry to deal with already.

Brad - Didn't know you were there - too bad, it would have been fun to hang out a bit.

07-22-2002, 02:25 PM

I KNOW what you mean...and then having to deal with the target of the gossip not 5 minutes later....:)

Saturday is a blur...we went until 10 PM and it was a case of just keep going or you won't want to start up again.

All in all, a really good turnout and mostly nice folks.

Good to see you again.

07-22-2002, 08:44 PM
Yeah I heard about that nasty arm break.. I from what I hear he was in from Austin too.. I think my Sifu said it was a nasty dislocation in TWO places (elbow and shoulder) and he will be out 6-9 weeks.. man I guess you just have to role wit da punches..

07-23-2002, 09:36 AM
glw - lol. I did have a very nice chat with your sifu, tho. That sorta makes up for all the cattyiness elsewhere.

ggl - I almost caught it on film but the ring director cut right in front of the shot. From what I could see, it was a total accident. His opponent picked him way off the ground, so he had enought time to extend his arm to attempt to break his fall. Unfortunately, it was mistimed and the fall broke his arm.

norther practitioner
07-23-2002, 12:52 PM
I'm soooo disopointed I couldn't go. I tore into my left mcl and dislocated my knee cap so I was out for the month and a half leading up. I am just starting to do forms again (other than some qigong and taiji) and throwing some light hands with some of the newbies. I was looking foward to competing too, we were supposed to bring down 5 of us from up here in Denver, but I was sort of organizing the group and two of the people hadn't been to class in a while, then my injury, then everyone else was broke....so yeah, next year, I however do plan on going to nationals in Orlando. Big up to all that competed.

07-23-2002, 02:08 PM
And he was also a Shuai Chiao guy.. he shoulda have know how to fall correctly.. guess you can never tell....

07-23-2002, 03:36 PM
Maybe he should've watched that Systema clip..........

KC Elbows
07-23-2002, 03:41 PM

07-24-2002, 10:01 AM
Even shuai jiao guys get broken. From what I could see on the footage, it was just a bad break - he was up in the air too long. It would have been the right thing to do if he wasn't thrown from quite so high.
That was a good throw, a very good throw. Was the thrower one of Jimmy Wong's students?