View Full Version : WC in Albuquerque, Sante Fe area?

Patrick Gordon
07-19-2002, 09:25 PM
Howdy folks,

I am taking a trip to Sante Fe soon and I would like to know if there are any wing chun schools in that area which you might know about. Thanks for any help, sincerely,

Patrick Gordon.:)

07-19-2002, 09:35 PM
Hi Patrick-
Kurt Saenz teaches a group in Santa fe and Phil Romero has a school in Albuquerque. You probably have met both of them sometime or another.

Patrick Gordon
07-20-2002, 03:29 PM
Thanks Joy,

Yes I do know them both very well. For some reason, I thought they were both in Texas?? I will be contacting them both to let them know I will be coming their way. Looking forward to seeing then and I will also be going to Tucson to see sifu Fong and the family.

Patrick Gordon.

07-20-2002, 06:06 PM
Yeah- Kurt is in Santa Fe and Phil is in Albuquerque. I introduced Kurt to wing chun back in 79 or so. Texas ? No way. Out of Huxleys Brave New World---"What shall we do with poor New Mexico--- so far from heaven and so close to Texas!." With apologies to the Lone Star State- from a transplanted Okie.If you change planes in Phoenix-let me know. Work is heavy in am...but evenings are wing chun times.

Patrick Gordon
07-23-2002, 08:46 PM
Hey Joy,

I got in touch with Kurt and I will be getting together with him and Phil, thanks!
Aside from my visiting New Mexico, I will be driving to Tucson the weekend of the 23rd. I plan to stay for 3 or 4 days before heading back. Will be attending a few classes with sifu Fong while staying with Tony Frighetti. BTW, I am hosting a seminar with Charlie here in Ottawa, Canada in October. Talk to ya later, regards,

Patrick Gordon.