View Full Version : Chi and blood what is the connection?

07-20-2002, 04:38 PM
Same as topic.

07-20-2002, 05:30 PM
There isn't a connection. Otherwise it would be called "chiblood" which it isn't.

07-20-2002, 05:32 PM
Or did you want us to make up some fancy TCM description that is satisfactory and encourages you to spread the gospel to others?


Oh ok, if your question is actually sincere, I suggest you read Ken Cohens book 'The Way of Qi Gong' - Actually I haven't read it, but others have suggested to read it and I am just passing on the suggestion.


07-20-2002, 11:20 PM
They are intertwined. In TCM, the saying is tha Qi is the commander of the blood. Qi is the motive force behind blood circulation and nourishes the blood and also works with Jing (essence) in blood production.

It can get quite complicated but that is the short hand version of it.

07-21-2002, 01:24 AM
With the saying that chi follows the blood, it might seem that chi travels throughout the body regularly. Visiting immediately after the blood pulses to that organ or area...like the wake of a boat, following yet outside the straight-line behind the boat's front (wakemaker), also, moving outward as the boat goes forward--Ernie Moore Jr.

One might thinkthat as a boat cuts through waterthe blood seperates the chee. Which would be why one hits after the pulse. Because the chee is not there to protect? after the blood cuts through. But closes back like water after a perfect dive--disruption. Then ripples (wake). Then stillness (?Wu Chi?) (Not to be confused with, wu chi mama).--Ernie Moore Jr. :~>

07-21-2002, 05:25 AM
ARRRGGGGGG you all make me sooooooo MAD

07-21-2002, 05:57 PM
The Qi commands (leads) the Xue (blood).
The Xue nourishes the Qi.

Qi flows in the meridians.
Xue flows in the Xue Mai (blood vessels).

More info. (http://www.healthy.net/asp/templates/article.asp?id=1707)

07-21-2002, 06:07 PM
Taoboy...I did not go into that detail because the nourishment of Xue and Qi is actually both ways - the Xue nourising Qi is the primary path as you pointed out........ ...but then you get into the triad of Jing, Xue, Qi and the transmutation of them....they are so intertwined that what you say depends on what you are looking at at the time. Then again, that is the way a lot of TCM is....:)

07-21-2002, 06:51 PM
GLW, I humbly agree.
I was just quoting the standard old school texts.
Your point is very accurate. TCM is indeed an intricate web.


07-21-2002, 11:00 PM
same as subject

Is it Tai Chi M(something or other)?

07-21-2002, 11:08 PM
Total Carburettor Maintenance.

It's the only way to keep your car running sweet. ;)

Actually, it's Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Frank Exchange
07-22-2002, 03:45 AM
Where does chi goes that blood does not?

07-22-2002, 04:30 AM
Frank E, if im thirty feet away from you and you attack me, then i use the new form i gleamed from mooneys tapes, my chi mingles thru my blood and shoots to your kidney if you attack me from 80ft away!.:)

send me a moneyorder for 69.93$ and i'l give you the copy of this highly respectable and real training regime!.

Frank Exchange
07-22-2002, 06:18 AM
Aha, I see. It all becomes clear now. :)

Speaking of Mooney, James Randi's page has a article on him, with links to the controlled testing that Mooney failed, and a picture of the QiMaster himself.


But, seriously, I just wondered abut the chi going where blood does not, because I can think of very few places in the body where a network of fine blood carrying capillaries does not exist. Off the top of my head, the hair, the dead part of nails, and the space inside the gut and lungs.

Mr Punch
07-22-2002, 07:21 AM
Why would this mean that bioelectrical energy was excluded?

Wouldn't bioelectricity follow paths of neuroconductive chemicals? Then chi would not necessarily have to follow the blood vessels, just neural impulse...

07-22-2002, 09:23 AM
Guys please bear in mind that 400 years (plus) ago when the chinese where developing the whole theory of chi and internal energy thay were also regularlt taking young boys up the ass as they belived that sex with a woman could rob them of their chi.

Now im not saying that chi is not real, just that you perhapse dont take things at face value so easly and ask some real questions.

Mr Punch
07-22-2002, 09:34 AM
Guohen: thanks, interesting. Got any more on those ideas?

Liokault: here's a couple of real questions for you:

Who was taking things at face value?

Which Chinese?

07-22-2002, 02:28 PM

T - Traditional
C - Chinese
M - Medicine

07-22-2002, 03:17 PM

Would you say that firstly an individual must accept that chi exists before any of this "blood" follows the chi or "some places chi can go but blood cannot" holds any real value?

I feel that the concept of chi can be useful as long as it is left at that. Concept and theory. Beyond that, people get very caught in the, "I feel chi, this is chi, that is chi, chi does this, chi does not do that."

TCM treats the concept of chi as a tool in promoting health. However, I have seen practitioners take it way beyond that to the point where their entire worldview is based upon viewing everything is a part of this "chi" concept that they have. My comments here on this thread have been merely to bring some awareness to how one treats the concept of chi, and that it should be used as a tool for understanding function and process but not relied upon as a foundation for viewing reality.

Otherwise you end up defining everything in some relationship to this "chi".

Just some thoughts.

Now back to my chi cultivation.

07-23-2002, 03:06 PM
Oh yeah! I command thee chi to rise up, and live out the true meaning of it's creed! I have a dream, that one day my meridians will not be judged by the quality of their chi but by the content of their character... Trailing off with an image of Martin in his mind.

07-24-2002, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by Fu-Pow
Same as topic.

"Blood is the mother chi" I believe is the saying. Pretty basic stuff.

Humanists... puh...