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View Full Version : Question for Gene Ching

10-07-2001, 05:54 PM
Hi! I was thinking of ordering that FREE Hsin yi Five Element Video offered in the latest issue of Kungfu @ Qigong magazine, but I'm not a subscriber so it says I have to include a proof a purchase(receipt) along with the order. My question is: Does anything specific have to be on the receipt, like the name of the magazine or store name?? What if the receipt just has a bunch of computer serial numbers and that's it?? By the way, I'm definetly looking forward to that new Jet Li movie where he does both Bagua and Xingyi.

10-07-2001, 06:13 PM
For our free video offers in every issue, just send us a copy of the receipt (if you're a subscriber, just say that you are and we'll check the database.) A bunch of computer numbers is fine - as long as we can see the transaction.

As for the new Jet Li movie, you must check out our latest issue which should be hitting the stands about now. Jet is our cover story, plus an interview with Corey Yuan (who did the choreography - martial brother of Jackie and Sammo.) BUT more for you - we used Jet's movie as an excuse (as if we ever need one) to explore the internal styles of Xingyi and Bagua - so we nicknamed it our Internal Power special. I think you'll like it, xingyiman, this issue's for you and all your marital brothers and sisters!

Gene Ching
Asst. Publisher
Kungfu Qigong Magazine & www.KUNGFUmagazine.com (http://www.KUNGFUmagazine.com)