View Full Version : Is this a meridian?

07-22-2002, 05:26 PM
Sometimes when I scratch the upper outisde rear edge of my left ear with my fingernail, at a certain spot I feel a slight stabbing pain (almost like a little electric shock) around my left kidney. Is this a meridian or something that I'm stimulating? It's the weirdest thing in the world. I can't reproduce it on my right side, but I can do it fairly consistantly on the left.


07-22-2002, 05:38 PM
The ears are related to the kidneys in five element theory. I thought there was an internal connection to the meridian, but I don't see one in the book I'm looking at. There are also points on the ear for the kidneys and all the other parts of the body. Maybe you should look at an auricotherapy chart to see what point in the ear you're touching.

07-22-2002, 05:57 PM
The kidney channel does not connect to the ear.
However, there are over 100 points on the ear itself, so as PLC said you could be stimulating one of those. Also, the points on the body are generally symetrical so it is strange that the opposite side does not have any effect.

Former castleva
07-25-2002, 06:35 AM
Thatīs a question.
It may not always be a question of symetricity (spelling?)
Sure there are points like that,like both points on the upper part of eye sockets...
but then some eyebrow points as an example,may not connect/line up,as far as I know.
Sounds like a meridian to me,sure a NERVE could have caused the same effect,as they connect to other areas at times,but of course for some itīs like "certain meridians/ppoints-certain nerves".
And some people react differently to same points,everyone shall react though.
I would recommend not "stimulating" the point(s) on your own in the name of security and comfort.
