View Full Version : Little know Shaolin Kungfu technique...

07-22-2002, 08:28 PM
How to deflect astral demons and psychic vampires:

Astral demons are beings that exist in the astral plane. The astral plane is a place of utter chaos. There is no proper up, down or sideways. These beings cannot produce their own energy and therefore attach themselves to people involved in negative energies, such as : depression, anger, or jealousy or who use artificial stimulants such as coffee, alcohol or sugary foods.

There are also people that are classified as "Psychic Vampires." These are not the classic vampires of old at all. In fact, 80% of people who steal energy from others do not even realize they are doing it. These people are often the friend or relative you may have that always must go into a busy place to feel better. They often complain of being alone and tired.. unless they are out. When you go out with these people, it is you that often get tired in the end and they feel great. These people also apply to the following defensive actions:

1.Do not stand or sit directly facing the person. On meeting his or her gaze, concentrate only on their right eye.

2.Cross your legs or at least your ankles, fold your arms and keep them folded if possible across your upper abdomen (solar plexus)

3.Speak slightly aside. When not speaking, keep your mouth closed, your head slightly inclined forward.

4.Try to avoid any kind of emotional involvement with them.



07-22-2002, 10:27 PM
I always heard the astral plane was a happy place.

I wonder if Ashida Kim knows?


07-23-2002, 12:58 AM
How do we know you're not really a psychic vampire, working for a secret international psychic vampire organiation, whose sole aim is to misinform the public? :eek: