View Full Version : Rogue/MacYoung Interview/Reality Self Defense

Black Jack
07-22-2002, 08:46 PM
Rogue and others,

Here is a interview with marc "animal" macyoung that he just did with intensity magazine. As always I think he has some excellent viewpoints, some will hate him, some will dig him, but I think all can learn something or at least raise some questions in there own mind about reality based self defense, this guy really thinks outside the box and has been around preaching this for a long time, plus he has one of the best free websites on violent crime that I have ever seen, most that hate him IMHO seem to have specific money agendas, aka the greenback.

Its in two parts:

Part One-


Part Two-



07-22-2002, 09:17 PM
Cool interview. Good to see someone speaking from experience about the reality of fights. I hope everyone who reads this can say they are learning this stuff correctly...if not...you're in trouble.

I especially liked the following:

"...a lot of people want to take fighting and put it into a martial arts box. The problem is you've got to put the box down to have your hands free in order to fight. If you're so busy holding the box your hands are not free."

Mr Punch
07-22-2002, 11:33 PM
What's 'buffaloing'?

They are dealing with the punks on a regular basis and they are buffaloing the punks.

Pushing around?

Good article, supplements and summarises his site very nicely.

And that thing about going to ground under someone's boot: I've had experience of this... it was nice to see my thoughts put so clearly.

Fortunately, over here, there are no such problems: unfortunately in the UK nowadays, more and more people are stacking the odds with knives...

I don't see what problem a 'traditionalist' who is concerned with self-defence would have with Macyoung...

07-23-2002, 02:50 AM
cool interview.

It's kinda funny that the expert says similiar stuff about grappling and sport fighting (and the UFC) that people here have mentioned time and time again.

I don't think that he thinks outside the box at all. Sounds like to me like he has a lot of experience and doesn't try to bullsh!t people. Too bad more folks don't think this way.

Crimson Phoenix
07-23-2002, 05:58 AM
GREAT!! totally sweet!! Wise, intelligent words from someone who clearly knows what a streetfight is.
I wish all posts were like that. Why? Because everything he says, and I mean EVERYTHING without exception, sounds exactly the same than real battle and survival theories explained by serious CMA or JMA (often, it's okuden teaching though).
A little review: "if you are smart, the better at fighting you get the less fighting you’ll do". It's exactly what is said about achievement in TMA: the better you get, the less you fight, either because you learn to simply avoid fights, or at least you make people understand that having a go at you is risky.
The warfare allusion, that is really on target. And the allusion of the training knife (which reminds me of my own altercations with grapplers, and the conclusion in similar ways, when everyone was convinced the grappler won when in fact he would have been killed).
And the crotch biting (once again, rings my own bells).
And the non-issue of physical fitness in real survival (which reminds me of sweet and true stories of old guys that survived against younger, fitter guys, and also of some japanese okuden teachings).
"The number one element about true self-defense is that you have to shift your priorities" for a famous master I know, it's definitely what separates sport karate from true, survival karate: not a matter of technique or whatever, but the realization of things that go against what our ego thinks is right, and different training methods: the difference is not quantitative, it's qualitative.
The idea that death can happen anytime, the idea that maybe it's not worth risking your life especially for a flick of ego. Put some moves in the sport pile, and others into the self-defense pile. I was shocked how similar the words used were between the interview and the views of the karate man...
So refreshing :)

07-23-2002, 08:21 AM
When it comes to most dojos I have a saying, which is "they have fantasy solutions to fantasy problems".

Fantasy is a one-dimensional representation of reality. It doesn’t have the full depth and width of reality. So when I talk about the “dojo fantasies” I’m not saying that they are making stuff up, but that they are trying to limit reality.

Thanks for the links BJ.

07-23-2002, 08:54 AM
Thanks BlackJack. Great interviews with someone that knows what their talking about.

07-24-2002, 07:58 AM
Too good to leave behine