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View Full Version : any ex or current skaters? (skateBOARD))

07-23-2002, 12:01 PM
I skated for years then stopped. I couldn't keep up with the new tricks especially kickflips. Plus the small wheels and stuff I just couldn't deal. I think Kung Fu and Skateboarding are similar in a lot of ways. like they are both art forms, yet sports too kind of. I think the best time I ever had was skating a pool. I skated two real pools, one called the c bowl here in boston and another one behind a hotel out on rt 9 somewhere. so there ya go

07-23-2002, 11:09 PM
I used to. I still have my old Powell Peralta Ray Underhill board. gullwing trucks and slime ball wheels.

MonkeySlap Too
07-24-2002, 02:46 PM
I was on a team when I was 13 - my nickname was Suicide. Read into it what you will.

Haven't been on a board in fifteen or so years...

Well, not true, about six years ago I hopped on one. Pretty much no good at it anymore, but could sail through the rush hour foot traffic in Chicago.

07-31-2002, 10:55 AM
I skated hard, for about a year when I was twelve. Then, I was flying off a ramp with some guys and my feet rotated up into the air, I landed on my arm and broke my radius, in addition to severing my ulnar nerve on a small pebble. I had to have nerve replacement surgery where they took a nerve from my ankle and implanted it in my wrist. I got some movements back, but certain things will never come back like the ability to spread my fingers.

I've hurt myself playing tennis (ankle + back) martial arts, weight lifting, goes to show that any sport is dangerous in the hands of a maniac ;)

07-31-2002, 11:02 AM

Cool. Fa Jing you are the only other person that I know of whom has had a procedure similar to mine. I had a vein and about 85% of my right fibula taken from my right leg and placed on/in my right clavicle.

Rock on.
