View Full Version : The WingCHun vs Taiji problem I think I have an answer.

07-24-2002, 06:37 PM
alright will its only a problem if you choose to make it one, but anyway I not the only one with this concern. Wingchun is said not to be a style but a library of pratical techniques, theories and principals. Will Taiji peps say that their isnt anything in wingchun that cant be done in Taiji, while then I tried useing the Silk Reeling of the Chen style as the core of my movements but did Wing CHun movements, they where continueist like Tai Ji but were style of the Wing CHun Sil lum tao library.

07-25-2002, 12:36 AM
this is on the WC forum where I've replied - some good (and bad) points made over there

mine were all good of course :cool: