View Full Version : Al Colangelo? Insta-internal? Take any UFC fighter?

07-25-2002, 10:22 AM
I Recently saw a video demo that one of my students got via mail, it was an hour and half on how he can beat multiple grapplers. After two days of training he would tell the student to "go internal" and all of the sudden could prevent being taken down! Al says he can out of any lock, or hold, and invites anyone to come to his trainin hall and try him on it.
Has anyone seen his stuff? Ill reserve judment for a later time. One of my new students has been doing his qi-gong tapes, and is wondering about going to a seminar sometime.

website- www.mindboxing.com


07-25-2002, 10:27 AM
Good lord.

07-25-2002, 11:38 AM
thanks sdriver!



MonkeySlap Too
07-25-2002, 11:45 AM
I've seen one of his tapes, it had A.) Some good material that I recognized as being from Share Key Lew on Qigong and B.) Some really funny stuff called poison hand that involved lacing your fingers together and jerking your arms really hard to hit a guy. Looked like a good way to break your fingers.

He does have an aggressive marketing system built out of his sight. His background includes learning from some well known Silat, Chen style and other MA types.

What I've seen is a real mixed bag from my perspective - some solid material mixed with weird misinterpretations like 'Baji requires a 'carrier' art to work.

I don't like to criticize unless something is completely bogus, like OYD, and I'd guess he must be pretty confident to have an open challenge out there. I'd like to hear how it goes if someone really good takes him up on it.

But from what I've seen, I'm a little skeptical. How much is my own prejudices, I can't really say.

07-25-2002, 11:46 AM
Gosh....if I only knew those "secrets"....then I wouldn't have to practice. Sign me up Al.

07-25-2002, 11:54 AM
from picture . . .

"Willy John Christopher Wetzel
(1921 - 1975) was a teacher of the Chinese-Indonesian Poekoelan Tjimindie fighting arts. He was born of Dutch and Indonesian parents in the village of Loemadjang on the island of Java "

neat . . i study pukulan and have never heard it mentioned anywhere until now.

The Willow Sword
07-25-2002, 11:55 AM
they had better watch out for there will be a MMA guy going down there and pummeling this guy into the ground. as we have seen on the McDojo site. ;)
Many Respects ,,The Willow Sword

07-25-2002, 11:55 AM
oh .. . and i agree with ms2. he seems to be some odd union of the bonnified and bogus.

07-25-2002, 12:22 PM
Here is the email I sent, and the response...
From me:"Hello Al,
I just had a few questions for you regarding your multiple attacker demo tape. One of my students has been doing your qi-gong methods and is reaping the benifits.
I was just wondering how you can give people internal power with only a few days of training? Proper mechanics-maybe, but good internal circulation and use of it?
I understand marketting, but "never be touched" is an extrordinary claim! Do you have a video of anyone at a high level in one of the Neija arts fighting you?
"See why all other arts including Dim Ma, Iron Palm and Pressure Points are useless against this art yet alive in the hands of the Wu Tong expert"
I could agree to an extent, but be advised there are others out their that do practice such skills on resisting opponents, I personally have used these methods in real combat, and have no such affiliation/training with your "wu tong" system.
I ask these questions becuase my student is considering coming to one of your workshops, I encourage him to go regardless of my opinion, I am just wondering if I should go with him!

Kind regards,
Gary Romel

His reply back (timely response!)


Who is your student?

I learned from an Indonesian-Chinese underground fighter who learned from a Wu-Tong monk who also mastered Silat Serak and hired by the Dutch Indonesian govt. He had to be capable of defeating all other styles or else he would be tortured and possibly give out all info on the monk, etc. So that was his forte.

Little Girls at our school when I was just 15 yrs old beat the bigger guys in split seconds over and over...so many times...it was unbelievable. I boxed and street fought but could not touch the smaller, weaker guys who were pathetic street fighters...yet with the little skill they learned, they beat me like I was a kid...effortlessly.

Look at the website...at mindboxing.com. The 2 big guys at 6'3,
285, & 260 could not take down our beginners...on video.

Hope this helps...

It's all about how to manipulate energy in the body so that the fight should never last more than a split moment.

We prove it every time we spar full contact.

If you learn the codes...no one can even thrown a strike...as we use a concept from acupuncture called 'Freezing' that confuses the attacker...makes him weaker...all on video.

Beginners can't be lifted, grabbed, taken-down,...grapplers can shoot-in and take-down or strike.

Best of Luck to you,


I emailed him back, which should be a bit more interesting! Will post it when I get a response..


07-25-2002, 01:17 PM

Internal Boxer
07-25-2002, 01:37 PM
He can shoot chi lazers from his eyes and thunderbolts from his arse.

But seriously if there was any grain of truth in what he says then we would have 15 year old girls beating up weaklings like Frank Shamrock and Tank Abbott. With total dominance in the UFC by their fighters:rolleyes:

07-25-2002, 04:24 PM
Can we hear from someone who has met the man? There must be at least one of you on this board.

It would also be nice to see some video clips from his tapes.

07-25-2002, 06:42 PM
But Its not my place to publicly air his stuff, that could be law suit time!
Few more lovley email exchanges, he seems he keeps dodging my questions, when I finnally asked him the same question the third time he got really defensive, of course I can understand why......read below...

Thank you for the reply,
My student is Tyler Tansel, in OKC, OK, I understand manipulating the energy in the body, and ending the fight in a split momement, I personally took out 2 attackers (real situation) in a split second using dim-mak, energy,etc. My question was how do you teach begginer students to go "internal" in just a few days?
My assistant instructor (Chris McKinley) is an acupuncturist, and a Bagua , and Kali teacher, I just got off the phone with him, he told me your freezing concept was "Complete Bull****", in fact he thinks you are a complete "fraud" and not even worth the time of day,and he does not think you could pull anything of the sort on him, he told me I could tell you that for him.
Anyhow, could you please explain how your beginners cant be lifted, grabbed, struck..etc.? I am aware of all the internal principles, so you do not have to speak in lamens terms, but most of these principles take time.
Kind regards,


It sounds like Chris is his own worst enemy. We train to BEAT ourselves...We, ourselves are the greatest enemy...we train to defeat the enemy within...fatigue, weakness, pre-mature aging,
deceiveing ourselves, inconsistent training,...see how many so-called experts end up fat, overweight, looking 20 yrs older than they should? I just say to all, "If the show fits, wear it."

Gotta run,


P.S. The fighting end of this art was taught to one of your guys,
Scott Watkins, and he quit that art after only weeks with us...he's the real deal...

Thats fine what you think about Chris's perceptions,but he is an accupuncturist, and you stated "Freezing" was of that origin? Also you still failed to answer my questions! Please tell me how you teach people "internal", and how not to be taken down, or struck in a few days!
I dont know Scott Watkins, who was his teacher? He's not one of my guys, and unless Ive met or trained him, its a moot point.

talk to you Later,

"Read this if want any more info...I don't play games with cynics or fools...as in the the people with hair brain attitudes...jealousy is common...we ARE about Self-Development...NOT Billy the Kid
bull****...the world is full of 'Wanna-be' tough guys, dim mak killers, "WE do that internal stuff, too" kind of wannabes...what it takes to make it in any endeavor is Exclusive Knowledge...the kind that I spent 42 years acquiring from THE MONK who is now 90 yrs old and whose teachers lived to be 116 yrs. old...the rest of the KILLERS out there won't make it past 65 or 70 and will live in weakness and pre-mature old aging...either you know how to regenerate or you life will kick one's ass.

An acupuncturist that does not know how to Freeze is silly...
If he doesn't know how to manipulate the ming men, dan tien, bai hui, and lao kung points? Why waste your breath? That's common knowledge...and that stuff most all practice AIN'T internal..unless you know the above manipulations for starters...
I can't describe how to do it...it takes study...
Al Colangelo's Mindboxing

Yahoo! Groups : mindboxing"

Oh, Chris knows how to manipulate energy/points just fine, but im sick of playing go-between boy, so end of disscussion.
"I can't describe how to do it"
But I suppose if you cant describe it ,you cant teach it either, especially in two days. You still failed to answer my question sir, and you could at least provide the name of this monk who gave you such "secret" knowledge.What was his lineage? Willie Wetzel is also not considered fully legit from what Ive heard, but hey, thats not my art, I really dont care.
Why get defensive? How about providing info? "'Wanna-be' tough guys, dim mak killers, "WE do that internal stuff, too" kind of wannabes"-From what Ive seen/read from you, I would put Chris or a number of others in the ring with you, or in debate theoretically any day, so stop assuming you are the only good internal guy around. Trust me, there is no jealousy issue...Make claims that you cannot be touched and people are going to ask why, either your dealing with cynics, or really ignorant people, but hey ,whatever makes the $$$ right?
Either way im not going to pay you to teach me something you cannot explain.


Just mailed that one....I hate when people avoid my questions and play the exclusive knowledge from the secret "monk" game.

Has anyone touched hands with this guy?

07-25-2002, 07:34 PM
a UFC fighter has an internal colostomy bag? huh?

..sorry i didn't even read the thread...ignore me:D

07-25-2002, 07:54 PM
Hey that's the site JuJitsuJedi brought over way back when. Remember when we were all chi-blasting chickens?

If your style is regenerating the atrophy of your adrenals proven by the energy increase felt all day long then just study on with what you have. Couldn't have said it better.

07-25-2002, 08:38 PM
the guys got a mullet... i think that sums it up

Chris McKinley
07-26-2002, 10:12 AM
Just to speak for myself on this matter,

My real problem with Al and others like him is that he is a snake oil salesman in the classic tradition. It's common knowledge in the Indonesian Martial Arts that Willy Wetzel was a controversial figure. That's fine.......stick around in this game long enough and EVERYBODY gets detractors. Even the very best and the most legitimate.

So let's give benefit of the doubt to Wetzel and, by association, also to Colangelo and assume that their information and training is entirely legitimate and combat viable as well. Let's further assume that, all advertising hype aside, Colangelo's students are receiving that good information. For all I personally know, that could be the exact truth of the situation. HOWEVER, when an instructor (and worse yet, someone who has studied the quality arts Colangelo claims) feels the need to pad his advertising with the kind of "back of the comic books" ads that Charles Atlas or Ashida Kim used to use, he loses all credibility with me. It's made all the worse by the fact that these arts DON'T NEED any padding or hype selling.

If indeed Colangelo is "for real" in teaching Taijiquan, Baguazhang, and Silat, he knows **** good and well that there's no such thing as a magic bullet nor any magical ability to do anything whatsoever. Just good practice to develop good skills in good arts.

When ANYBODY starts advertising crap about how one can learn this or that system and "never be touched" or "never be taken down", they are preying on the hopeful naiivete of the uninitiate buying public. They are also knowingly instilling a false sense of confidence and security in those unfortunate enough to be convinced by their advertisements. God forbid that one of Mr. Colangelo's students should actually buy into the idea that, after a few years training with him, he/she won't be touched in a real street assault. Such a person is likely to wind up a crime statistic. The tragedy will be even worse if such a student is protecting a helpless loved one at the time as well.

Bottom line: I don't claim to know anything at all about Mr. Colangelo's training, his teaching ability, nor the material he is specifically teaching......I haven't trained with the man nor watched a class of his. What I DO know, and so does Mr. Colangelo, is that there is no such thing as a fighting system which can guarantee or even offer the ability to not be touched in a fight nor be taken down under any circumstances. I honestly don't know how ppl like Colangelo can sleep at night knowing that there are poor unfortunate souls out there desparate enough to believe his advertising and potentially putting their own lives at risk because of it.

07-26-2002, 10:44 AM
He probably sleeps the dreamless sleep of the sociopath.

Kungfu Bandit
07-26-2002, 10:56 AM
He be the man, alright. Al don't have former Samoan pro boxers for nothing. Those types don't play paddy cake. I've been with many former Chinese teachers. The way I found him was seeing him beat two of the best Chinese fighters there are in LA Chinatown who tried to mock him. I mean these were the best you might ever see. One move from them convinced everyone they were not wushu. Scary!! I was studying with them until I saw these fights. He produces what he says but he's not claiming, his students do. I would never have left the Chen Village and Bagua masters I was studying with unless Al could teach me what I saw him do.

MonkeySlap Too
07-26-2002, 11:10 AM
I'll be in Chicago the weekend of August 10th. I'd love to meet you and see this first hand. (That is not a challenge, I am genuinely curious.) I'll be teaching most of the time I'm there, but I'm sure we can find some time.

Who were the chen style and bagua teachers who got trounced by Al?

E-mail me at Visajoe@hotmail.com


Kungfu Bandit
07-26-2002, 11:34 AM
Monkey Slap,

I would like to meet with you if I'm in Chicago but right now they have me flying to Texas and then L.A. for sometime. It is probably better I tell you the names of the Chinese masters he fought in person. It would be cool if I show you how and why these arts
are so different. If you can touch me then you can kill me is our focus. Why? It's a knife based art meaning what if you had a knife? I'm dead. These arts are so entirely different and shocking
they almost demand daily testing to verify the reality so we test against knives and Kali, Arnis sticks. Every word of what the students say is valid. Had I not witnessed the fights Al had? I might be of the same attitude as others. Recall, now, he has some big Samoans over 6'5, 6'6 that are reality based fighters.
Ask them if this is hype and watch out. This is not a marketing game so don't listen to that. I'm from S. Chicago and you know what that means. If this art was not all that is stated I'd be out of here. This art is mixed with inner power Silat which few have not heard of, not that regular stuff.

07-26-2002, 11:39 AM
Not the regular stuff, you say!? Samoans!? Sign me up!

07-26-2002, 11:41 AM
Is it maybe a coincidence that Mr. Bandit is a vp of marketing?

I'm in Texas. I'd love to see a demo. Hell I'll even be the guinea pig. :rolleyes:

And Jenny McCarthy is from the south side. Does that mean you are really really hot?

KC Elbows
07-26-2002, 11:46 AM
...must not type...

...must resist...

...2 posts, bagua chen village....

...little girls...frank shamrock...

...must resist the cursed keyboard...:eek:

07-26-2002, 11:47 AM
When will you be in LA? I would be interested in hooking up with you when you are here. I'm a long time stick and knife practitioner, so it would be interesting to see what you guys do.

Kungfu Bandit
07-26-2002, 12:05 PM
Doc told me he cannot access this site so post this for him:

Arnis knife vs. Empty Hands??

Arnis knife vs. Empty Hands?? What can I say? I was trained
personally by a famous master back in ' 76 to ' 83 or so. I was
also trained in certain other methods of blade work over the years. I
am aware of the perception that a blade is almost impossible to stop
if you are unarmed. I have proved it to my satisfaction many times.

So, Al and I squared off, knife, vs. empty hand. Things went
predictably when he tested the external. Then, he added the Keys. Bang! I got hit going in, coming out, and didn't touch him with the blade. I tried more times; same result I'd been hit and the strikes to my bicep and forearms were Nasty and paralyzing pain...could not move at all for minutes.

Then, it was my turn. I got hit, as expected. What I didn't expect
was my sudden success at dealing with his knife when I used the Keys.
Suddenly I was faster, or he got slower, or he was telegraphing, or
was I sensing before he moved??? In any case, I had the edge and
could exploit it. My body was relaxed; my power was up.I had to be
mindful of my blows.

In my opinion, this took nothing away from my beloved Filipino
art. Arnis never pretended to be Internal.

Some of you guys take yourself so seriously you can't learn anything
new. Get over it.

More later...
Doc Chang

KC Elbows
07-26-2002, 12:07 PM

MonkeySlap Too
07-26-2002, 12:12 PM
Well, I'm game. I'll check it out. I live on the West Coast - let me know when you are in LA, and I'll drive down. Maybe we can get together with knifefighter and have a few beers.

These are pretty bold claims, and I'd be happy to check it out.

07-26-2002, 12:15 PM
I also read in a Paladin Press book about using keys for self defense. Like, if you get attacked when you're going to unlock your car door in an empty parking lot!!! Sounds like good stuff to me! I think a big loop of keys could really cut someone up.

07-26-2002, 12:21 PM

Im glad Al decided to send someone in to join us seeing as how he wouldnt/couldnt answer my questions via email. Perhaps you could tell how how to be a super internal guy in a few days? And never be touched? Or at least tell us the name of this alledged Monk who taught Al all of these secrets. By the way, ive seen the demo tape, and im very unimpressed.


07-26-2002, 12:21 PM

You are referring to a loop of ki.

07-26-2002, 12:33 PM
That's funny gary. My meter is chirping fast too. Was it the "I was trained personally by a famous master" or the masterfull defeat of the two chinese fighters from LA Chinatown... the "best you might ever see".

If my ***** detector was as sensitive as my BS meter I would have had a lot more fun when I was single.

BTW. Got that package yesterday. Thanks.

Kungfu Bandit
07-26-2002, 12:39 PM
Leung Lien sent this to me to answer that remark about a super internal guy in a few days? Naaaa, try hours as proven here:
Oh, and after this let's pick on the monks name. now, because there is very little else you can argue. And Al never contacted me, so give it up.

Leung Lien, an international Chinese coach, at 5'4, 155 blew away Keith, a championship wrestler at 5'9, 185, after just hours of study ON VIDEO. Keith had Leung in a side mount choke hold and it was
impossible to break out of until the internal was used.

It was truly amazing to see all of this...plus the inability of
the 'Shooting In" and taking down by Keith where as before the
internal Leung was slammed easily.

The 'Freezing' ability is something you have to see to understand as Keith could not get off a punch, kick, "Shooting-in"...nada...shut down...whereas before this Keith said, "No way." "No way Leung can shut me down"...Famous last words.

Because of the focus we placed on this seminar, we had not previously
seen the ability to shock and prevent strikes to this degree on
video...although Doc Chang and Edrick did so...we just brought out
another dimension in greater-depth.

As someone who travels quite a bit - nationally and internationally,
I wanted to be proactive in my own security AND, more importantly, I
desired information I could use with the elite athletes I work with -
specifically in the areas of recovery and regeneration.

Hence, my participation in the July "monastic" seminar.

As a result of the seminar, I can honestly say I took a major step
forward in realizing both of those goals.

Unlike me, the vast majority of you, if not all of you, are in to
martial arts in one way, shape or form. So imagine my surprise when
I discovered ways of handling situations IMMEDIATELY - not after
days, weeks, months or even hours. IMMEDIATELY.

For example, with simple instruction, I was able to break out of
choke holds, avoid being taken down and "freeze" an opponent - within
minutes. The simplicity of it all is mind boggling as well as very
exciting as anyone with the proper mentality can become effective
with this information immediately.

Many of you will say "So what!" as you've probably seen these
demonstrations like these before in your various schools. In my
mind, what sets this apart is how effortless I felt it to be. And I
was "mugged" by guys a lot bigger and a lot stronger. For example, I
could get lost in Keith's shadow. He's a champion wrestler that I
found to be younger, taller, wider, more athletic and outweighs me by
at least 40 pounds. Doc Chang, as you've read, is quite the martial
artist. Physically, he is also bigger than me. I found him to be
talented, intelligent and very effective.

This instruction is not for everyone. Those of you that understand
and appreciate the KISS rule, will find this to be the ultimate. And
those of you looking to grow in health as well as in your art, will
find this offering to be extremely beneficial and complimentary to
what you are currently in to.

Since martial arts wasn't my main focus, I appreciated the fact that
a lot of the information presented is adaptable to my line of work
with elite athletes.

Though I got a lot out of the seminar, I truly believe it was nothing
more than a babystep. I really look forward to participating in
another "monastic" seminar.


"Failure is not a single, cataclysmic event. You don't fail
overnight. Instead, failure is a few errors in judgement, repeated
every day."---Jim Rohn

07-26-2002, 12:48 PM
When someone asks me where I was born, I tell them Lubbock, Texas. I don't spit any non-sense about how I was the bi-product of a ***** cheerleader and a drunk football player on new years eve. Now, this could all be true seeing as how I am adopted, and my birthday is on 9/11...which means I was about 11 days late.

Let me try to claify the question. what was the monk's name? What were the "famous" chinese fighters names?.

I don't care about what happened to the mighty wrestler keith. It was a simple question that deserves a simple answer.

Internal Boxer
07-26-2002, 12:52 PM

I am an open minded guy but there is a lot of cr.ap out there with empty force etc, ie. pull a moony, ashida kim, count arse wipe & black dragon morons, so its hardly suprising when we hear the claims of your boy Al, there will be a lot of sceptic responses.

Ok if what you say is true where are all the UFC and pride champions he has trained???
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Internal Boxer
07-26-2002, 12:57 PM
E-wallace -dont worry mate he just does not want to answer questions that really matter, we all know what these guys are full of and it aint chi.;)

07-26-2002, 12:58 PM
What are you talking about? It's all Tai Chi in the end. :)

Kungfu Bandit
07-26-2002, 01:01 PM
Okay, there kids, I was honest and now you want the names of people who would not want their names being plastered around?
Only little kids would want that. How about I give you their phone numbers and autograpghs after we supply their names?
No more crap from you. You saw the testimonials. Now, you want to mock us. Stay away, no more trying with you. You have more than enough evidence.

Many of you were honorable, many were not.

KC Elbows
07-26-2002, 01:13 PM
Questions of lineage are not invalid.

07-26-2002, 01:17 PM
It is probably better I tell you the names of the Chinese masters he fought in person
You are the one that offered.

Only little kids would want that
Kids aren't the only ones that want PROOF.

You saw the testimonials
I've seen testimonials of a grandmaster who could pull off a sidekick from a 10 story building.

Look pal, unless you are giving stuff away for free, slightly intelligent individuals are going to want something more than some questionable second hand accounts of amazing feats.

How about I give you their phone numbers and autograpghs after we supply their names
If I want more people to dodge around legitimate questions I will go back to the car dealership I settled my lawsuit with last year. Hell they were much more difficult to prove a fraud than this is. If you are going to try and push this ****, you may want to try a less informed crowd. And being from the SS of the windy city tells me nothing more than you might be a white sox fan. Which to me you sound like a cubs fan.

KC Elbows
07-26-2002, 01:19 PM
Definite Cubs fan. Good call.

07-26-2002, 01:34 PM
Your stuff sounds really interesting. When will you be in Los Angeles? I'd like to see some of what you've been talking about.

Internal Boxer
07-26-2002, 02:00 PM


No doubt you will either
A) ignore the question as you have been doing with all other relevant questions.
B) Give some half arsed lame response like, we dont go into such egotistical tournaments.

Well done Al has joined many other well known bull sh.it losers ie. pull a Moonie, Seafood Dong, ashida ponce, Count monty cristo etc etc


07-26-2002, 02:42 PM
He did the same thing Al did when I asked him a serious question! Spewed a bunch of BS, got defensive and didnt answer a single one! If its soooo easy, and only takes a few hours, it cant take that long to lay out some basic principles for us?

I revert Back to the "freezing" thing he talks about, Al says its from accupuncture, yet an accupuncture guy knows its Bogus. Then when asked to explain, he cant, but he can sure teach it! Just like everything else, we all no there is no Monk, if he made the stuff up, modified someone elses stuff just admit it. Heck if it works so well, id be proud to say I made it up! But that wouldnt lend to the mystism that sells right MR. Marketting V.P?
Nice advertising ploy Mr. Marketing V.P, but how about reading up on some things before attempting such things again! If Al didnt send you , tell him to come here and speak for himself.


Kungfu Bandit
07-27-2002, 01:22 PM
Yes, now we prove a beginner applies the internal against trained BJJ fighters. Oh, wait, but what about the color of their
hair, right, Gary? Meaning you will slime out of this one with some kind of stupid question, again, huh? Sorry, you proved who you are. Here's more proof:

Oh, and for those who say, "So what, why not go to the UFC?"
Try getting a 40 old in there, huh?
Our guys are family people who work for a living and have little time if any for a full time training program. It's like family and kids
come 1st. At age 40 they don't need to.

Now, I just cannot wait to hear the critics after this one?
"But you never told us...blah...blah...blah, huh?

Watch the jokers, now, folks. They will make you laugh at how silly they are. Here goes!!!!



I worked out Tuesday with my 240 pound Police Buddy.

Just to refresh everyone's memory, he is a Second Degree Black Belt in Kajukenbo as well as an accomplished grappler(blue/purple BJJ equivalent) under Royce Gracie. He trained there for over 6 years. He's a power lifter, benching, squatting and deadlifting record type poundage.

As a power lifterhe is **** Diesel.

He has fighting skills and his main training philosophy is
PUNISHMENT. Being a police officer 4 yrs he has great mental
fortitude and doesn't like to lose.

I alternated rounds using the internal and then just external
skills and wow what a difference in power, endurance and fatigue from the heat. I applied the King Dragon skills and was blasting away on the targets and heavy bag. As weird as it seems I was getting stronger as we worked out, total body pump. It was awesome.

Next, we fought balls out, shooting for the takedown/clinch.

The attempted takedowns were easily neutralized by the King Dragon skills, he was flattened to the mat many times.

I applied the 'Moving Energy' and I was in on him in a flash, blasted through him 2-3 shots and it was over.

If it were not for the protection gear we would have only been able to go once. The gear absorbed some of the impact but the strikes still penetrated into his body.

I held back with head shots as I was afraid to do some permanent damage. I mean he tried to bob, weave, feint body block to no avail.

Once the 'Moving' Energy was applied it was over no contest.

We go to the mat. I let him attain position and execute a submission and Wham I break out without effort.

Arms bars, key lock, kimura, neck crank, sleeper and chokes.
The 'Moving Energy' energy is amazing.

You just pop right out combined with the Jing. It was incredible.

In the past, I would always tap from certain positions and
submissions as he out weighs me by 50 pounds and is just way stronger than me.

He is getting frustrated so I turn up the volume and attack. The
positions and submissions I attained were incredibly tight and he
tapped quickly.

I used to limit my attacks and just survive the round as he would
easily overpower me.

Another great achievement for the internal system. I was outweighed by a younger stronger skilled opponent and persevered easily. With the 'Special Program' energy I was in and to his flank striking at will.

We definitely need to invest in some new headgear, similar to the
piece you use on the Multiple attack tape so you don't maim or kill anyone.

I hooked up with A BJJ Purple Belt almost Brown with
about 16 NHB fights under his belt. Same results. No contest.
Now, he wants to learn from me.

It should be fun.



Kungfu Bandit
07-27-2002, 01:34 PM
"I don't pay any attention to the facts because I already have my mind made up." Sound like anyone we know?

Beginner is available
for comment at:

AT 6'2, 245, SQUATTING over 800, BENCHING
AT 6'1, 190, 7 YRS. UNDER GJJ

ALAN never met us. He learned how to defeat 2 Royce Gracie
trained fighters with over 6 years of GJJ training at the same time, one a police officer at 6'2, 245 squatting 850, benching 600 and deadlifting 600 lbs. The other is 6'1, 190 under Royce for 6 years.

Both have substantial fighting tournament experience with a ranking of what GJJ would equate higher than a Blue Belt.

Alan learned this by following and mastering just several laws of the internal within a short period of days, not years.

He is available for comment at ACkenpo@aol.com

I would like to share my fighting experience with the Wu Tong system. I have several training partners that I have trained with over the last 6-8 years. I am no match for the police officer at 245
let alone 2 BJJ fighters at once.

I have a training partner who is a Police Officer at 6"2' and
weighs 245, he is not only strong but fast and flexible as well. He is has trained in BJJ and other submission styles since 1993. Suffice it to say he can ground and pound you... superb guard game or just break you with a number of submission techniques, especially leg locks. He can execute awesome take downs as well as full body lifts and slams. He has the heart of a Lion and hates to lose. The other partner is 6' 3" 190 pounds very fast, well trained and also proficient in BJJ he is well above Blue Belt level. He is also versed in other submission styles as well.

..The BJJ, ...we all did together under a Royce Gracie training
association as well as some of Ralph Gracies State representatives.

So their stand up is above average, they can dish it as well as take

... they are competent. They have sweat, bled been hospitalized as a result of their training and testing requirements and multiple competitions.

We prided ourselves for pushing the limit,

We have fought in many kickboxing , boxing, vale tudos, BJJ,
submission, wrestling tournaments. Our training was worse that the fights we were preparing for.

Yet, a teacher like Al can train you to achieve the skills he
posses' as well as explain the how and why of the movement, thus the principles and concepts that we all are getting exposed to.

If he does not explain them this means he doesn't trust you or want you to know as you might be a trouble maker.

As I wrote in part One the monk sets made me realize
I knew nothing about fighting, the internal is instantaneous,
and grows daily so we get stronger as we get older.

I let the 245 monster go first I did external only fought off for a few seconds and then slam, I'm on the ground.

Yet, when I apply the codes and the manipulations there and no
take downs successful against me, just a sore attacker as I drilled him with movements from Bagua.

It's as if he was impaled by the attack and either stumbled away
or was face down on the mat. I am feeling good at this point, like wow I have a clue. I try just the codes, instant success, and just the basic manipulation...

instant results not as devastating as both manipulations
together but I am standing up... no takedowns on myself.. I do them both
together and my partners are like what the "F---" have you been doing.

They are happy to be wearing hockey gear we modified for fighting and adds we need better headgear.

just awesome!

Now we try two on one, again, they both attack me...
opponent #2 makes contact, a takedown tried, it is nullified and then he is hit...it's over for him. There is no order to the attack either one tries to leg dive, double leg, lifts, slams, nothing nada, zip. I am like awesome. I can't believe it myself because I am definitely mechanical in my movements.

Next time I have several more principles to reinforce what I tried
just more layers of training to add to the arsenal.

Although I may sound barbaric in my training methodology, I am very grounded I just thrive on competition. I don't look for fights
and I walk away from dumb *******s that try to draw you out.



"If we do not explain how we do things...just means we don't trust you...don't want you to know...Besides, who are you that we need to explain anything or even answer to you? Hello?

Kungfu Bandit
07-27-2002, 02:32 PM

Alan only used basic internal energy against these two BJJ fighters.
These are BJJ fighters with 12-0 records.

I talked with the guys from the multiple attack training session the other day. The 245 lb. Police officer explained it's like being shot. You can't see the bullet you just feel the impact throughout your entire body. He described trying to take me down like being hit with a sledge hammer. My previous strikes were effective, maybe, like a mini sledge but all surface type blows without the full body impact.

In regard to head shots he said without headgear it would have been a coma like knockout with possible facial disfigurement if I
did not pull 99% of the strike.

The 190 BJJ blue belt said it felt similar with the exception of
having a solid base like a tree, rooted, immovable. He has an
exceptional base along with excellent wrestling takedowns, so he is used to finding the flaw in ones base. He said he never had a chance to de-stabilize me, he said he felt like he was running into a wall.

Instant pain stopping him dead in his tracks never having the
opportunity to flow into a second takedown because he couldn't
establish the first. Remember, this is with the above two individuals attacking at the same time.

The only success they had was when I went pure external and not only did they strike me but also put me on the deck within seconds.

We are planning a second training session later in the month,
probably the first weekend of August as work and vacation schedules are a conflict right now.

Talk to you soon


07-27-2002, 02:44 PM
So how much better is the Gimble 100 than the Gimble 80?

Well... 20!

07-27-2002, 03:19 PM

i can't believe i read this whole thread! :eek:
KC and ewallace - you guys are on great form! :D

Talk to you soon

Talking is having some form of dialogue and communication between both parties... that's not happening here...:)


Kungfu Bandit
07-27-2002, 03:44 PM
Mark P. testifies to this after just months with just Phase 1. He's
only 5'6, 150 and is defeating heavyweight NHB fighters with 18-0 records and 16-0 records in NHB tournaments including the Pam Am Games. Mark trains at a Gracie school. He says the heavyweights are running away after their first encounter with him.

Some have fought in the Pam Am Games and have lost badly to Mark at this Gracie school.

These Pam Am Game fighters tell Mark, who is 50 lbs lighter and some 5 to 7 inches shorter, after losing to him that he should go into the Pam Am Games and that he would win easily. Mark says he wants to go even though he is almost 40 yrs old.

Imagine what will happen when Mark gets to Phase 2 fighting skill levels?

Yet, he has never met us.

Hi Al,

I just wanted to give a bit of feedback on Phase 2
Friday I worked 11 hours and then went to spar. I
did a few reps of the internal sets before entering the school.

I sparred 6, five minute rounds and I was ready to go. The rest of the younger fighters were exhausted. Thank you Monk Sets.

During fighting, I varied between using the internal and then just
technique. Some guys are just overwhelming, when I use just technique. But as soon as I use the internal they have no chance, I do anything I want to them and it's over. I mean quickly, no rounds, etc? At first they could not accept it and were upset and angry but too hurt to come back. It seems they now accept me after weeks of the same.

They cannot take me down, perform any locks or bars, choke holds, etc. Before they can close I either knock them down or almost out. Sometimes, I wait and counter attack. They can't even recover after being hit and I'm 20 years older, they have 18-0 records, 16-0, 14-1, and they are Pam Am Game heavyweights. I mean externally they would clean my clock.

It surely feels great.

Thanks Al.

For the rest of you, keep up with your internal work, the rest will fall into place.


After being hit by Mark they tell him to be cool as they feel he is trying to kill them? He says he can't feel any effort.

Mark reports beating two at a time as well. Mark is shocked by this as these two younger guys are awesome fighters. The younger fighters respect him after he proved this to them.

07-27-2002, 03:53 PM
Kungfu Bandit - I for one appreciate the testimonials you are typing up for us. But most people think you're making this stuff up, and by posting it randomly, it just makes it look like you're an informercial trying to sell your product. Why don't you tell one of these nice gentlemen that you'll meet them? You have someone from all three cities you mentioned you'd be in, saying they'll meet you anytime. If you could get one of them posting a testimonial after meeting you, I'm sure that would be much more effective than what you're doing now.

07-27-2002, 03:59 PM
do u work in marketing Braden? :D


Kungfu Bandit
07-27-2002, 04:28 PM
I know, Braden, after we meet everyone, including your dream team of pro NHB? Then, you will wanted it video taped, huh?
It never stops, huh?

It's like this..."We train to stay out of trouble"...we know the facts will bring out the worst in those who do not want to be honorable.

I'm sorry to present these facts. We have many, many more
testimonials with e-mail addresses so we can't be making them up, huh? Just look for them on the testimonials.


My corporate position is at stake as one 'wannabe' took me to court for what happened when he just had to prove to me he could take me out...and then brought my company into it after
he pushed it. So please, no more, eh? If you like what you do stay with it. We did not push this thread, recall who did.

"You are not the enemy...the enemy is within. When you fail to achieve at your potential then you realize who the enemy really is, huh?" We are NOT martial artists nor are we proud of our fighting skills. But we do recognize the value of regenerating. Now, that's the real key, eh? No one wants to hear that's the real art. Stay youthful, prevent disease, retain vital energy, don't keep going down hill like the rest...get a better job. Grow up. Quit arguing like kids do. The skills are like a chess game. Defeat the enemy in several moves? The pros do it. Why can't we?
We are about helping others to achieve not beat each other up.
I'm 51 and realize how important it is to have vitality, health and
greater fitness. We just all have to grow up one day like it or not.

07-27-2002, 04:47 PM
Er... I think something got confused somewhere.

No one mentioned any pro NHB team, video taping, or anything else. Also, I have a great job... though I thank you for your concern, and am unsure as to how that came up. And certainly no one ever mentioned anything about taking you to court or trying to "take you out"!

You said yourself, "I would like to meet with you if I'm in Chicago but right now they have me flying to Texas and then L.A. for sometime. It is probably better I tell you the names of the Chinese masters he fought in person. It would be cool if I show you how and why these arts are so different."

Since you said that yourself, I assumed we were just trying to iron out the details to make it work! We all understand you have other obligations with respect to where you have to be. But we are most fortunate in having reliable people who will be happy to meet you anytime in Chicago, Texas, and/or L.A.!

What is the problem?

MonkeySlap Too
07-27-2002, 04:53 PM
KFB - I'm not looking to pick a fight - I'm just looking to see this first hand. No offence, but most schools that use testimonials are the ones who are fraudulant. i.e. OYD

You can ask around the board. Some of the guys on the board have met me, Water Dragon, Seven Star, Fa Jing, to name a few. I'm a pretty non-threatening individual.

I'll be in Chicago on the 10 & 11th, and I live on the West coast. So send me an e-mail at Visajoe@hotmail.com.

I would love to experience first hand the 'internal'.

Kungfu Bandit
07-27-2002, 04:58 PM
Braden, send me your e-mail address. It will be a blast if you are honorable.

07-27-2002, 04:59 PM
isn't this the same person who used to advertise the broken mirror bagua? I'm thinking that it is.

Kungfu Bandit
07-27-2002, 05:05 PM
Monkey Slap? What kind of remark is that? You have their e-mail addresses? What's the fuss? And Alan or Mark would die to entertain you...come on. Mark is in Chicago at this time. Alan would also be the man but he hails from Maryland. He would love to share this with you. We might even chip in for plane arrangements for you since he has a school. Can't be more fair than that, eh?

07-27-2002, 05:14 PM
Kungfu Bandit - You should try to organize something with MonkeySlap Too and/or Knifefighter if you can. Both of them will be in town with you (and it's a long commute for me) and also have more experience than I do, so would be able to give much better testimonial; not to mention provide for a more productive encounter. I've spoken to them both for years, and also know people who have met them, so can say with confidence both would be reasonable and gracious people to meet in this respect.

If you'll be out of town, maybe MonkeySlap can meet up with your friend Mark when he comes to Chicago? I'm learning some bagua myself, so I'm always interested in hearing about others who have an applicable approach to the art.

My email is on my profile here.

07-27-2002, 05:41 PM
Kungfu Bandit, you have to understand that the claims and "testimonials" made by the Mind Boxing group are a bit difficult to believe. I once talked to all about putting up some clips or some such to give people a little idea before spending their hard earned money on his products. His response? "I don't think this is for you", or something along those lines.

I decided to bite the bullet and order one of his videos. The material was okay, but nothing groundbreakind and definetly overpriced. Nothing that would turn one into an unstoppable fighting machine as they would have you believe. You know the old cliche "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me". I'm certaintly not going to buy anymore from him unless I'm given a good reason to do so. Why should we have to pay $60+ to see that "multiple attackers" video?

Something I don't get is how you claim that you can make people capable of beating down badass fighters within hours, then when asked why you don't have people competeing professionally you say they can't train full time etc. If they can become a whirlwind of destruction within hours why would they need to train full time?

At any rate Kungfu Bandit, my intentions are not to insult you. I've
always been quite skeptical yet still curious about the whole "Mindboxing" thing. I do live about 3-3.5 hours west of Chicago, perhaps we could get together sometime. I'm not looking to start trouble, but simply would like to find out if this stuff is all that some people make it out to be.

Kungfu Bandit
07-27-2002, 06:35 PM
Polaris, maybe you could fly to Maryland as well. We are willing to have Alan there for all. Can't be more fair than that. It's strange but you WILL feel the internal. Alan will let you grab one leg and hand it to you. He will let you put him in any hold, leg or arm bar including the Japanese cross body bar, rear naked choke,
side mount head lock, triangle choke hold, side mount, you name it.

He will allow you to try and punch him or kick him without counter-attacking. He will allow 2 or 3 of you to grab him or do anything your little heart desires.

You see, you can't see it...you gotta FEEL it. Hello? Gary that goes for you as well. Well, that ends the debate again, be there or quit it. I cannot be any more fair than this. We have given you all of the options you need to discover it for yourself.

Polaris, quit gripping already, one...one video and you made you mind up, huh? Be fair already, go there...then tell how weak it is.
Oh, please, no more excuses, everyone, please. Alan at 5'10, 175
awaits you. Hello? I can't wait for the next set of complaints, now. Whew!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's forget the testimonials, the facts, the nerds, GO THERE!!!!!

Kungfu Bandit
07-27-2002, 07:05 PM
Polaris, whose perception should we trust? Yours or this Singapore expert? Hey, but don't argue about this, go to see Alan.

Subject: Chinese practitioner, grew up with Malay & Chinese experts, Singapore

Date: 8/6/00 6:22:20 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: palow@s... (Patrick Low)

I grew up in Singapore where martial arts demonstrations by the
Chinese and Malays were relatively common and nothing I had seen prepared me for this video (seeing the 1st Demo 1 video showing the Silar arts along with th Bagua).

I felt at first both revulsion and exhilaration with the machine-
gun 'shock kicks' but I was fascinated by the fact that the ready
stance included the body weaving characteristic of Chinese internal arts. After seeing so many Asian fighting styles, even to anyone's untrained eye they could see this was an original style that was stripped of all flowery excess movement and aimed at stopping an attacker in the shortest possible amount of time.

By the way, is Eagle Production still selling the Demo 1 video? It
would be a shame to take it out of circulation. Likewise with the Kun Tao Snake video.

Comparing the MA video (Multiple Attacker video) with your older
pentjak silat Demo 1, I think a beginner would find the MA video more inspiring since it shows someone being systematically trained for a mere 5 days and being able to handle a grappler almost twice his size with simple, no-frills techniques. I think that part of the video is convincingly real to all but the most hardened skeptics.

But I don't blame anyone for being a hardened skeptic given all the quackery that goes on in commercial martial arts these days. However, I think even they would be convinced by the last section featuring Edrick

Here is a fully-trained practitioner of your art and if someone,
however skeptical, cannot see Eddrick's perfect timing and balance and the fact that he gets 20 shots in before the opponent hits the ground, then there is no hope that person.

Another section that got my attention was the double knife attacks. So far, I have been training in techniques against a straight thrust or a diagonal or horizontal slash. When I saw that demo, I realised that your average knife-wielding maniac would probably come in flying with crazy spirals and jabs--an approach which would render all external technique useless.

All the multiple attack demos looked messy in real time, but when I played them in slow motion, I was surprised how graceful it looked. To everyone who sees this tape: make sure you use a VCR with digital slow-motion.

Having said all this, I personally prefer the silat Demo 1, even
though the production quality is not as good. The first time I saw
that video I was so shocked I thought it was made by aliens (for
those who have not seen it, it is an extended version of the Edrick section of the MA video).

Take care,

P.S. He even likes the knife fighting? Gee whez. Gotta have an eye perception, huh? But don't argue about this e-mail. GO to see Alan.

Funny, we have not heard from some of the great skeptics, now, since we have a man awaiting, huh?

Kungfu Bandit
07-27-2002, 07:17 PM
Oh, oh, a pressure point Blackbelt fighting expert who achieved Immovable Body in one week. Come on!!!! Oh, well, but don't comment on this either, just go to see Alan. FEEL it!!!! Quit arguing!!!!

Mr. Colangelo,

As you know I have studied martial arts for 24 years. I have a Yondan (4th Black) in Kyusho Kempo, a Sandan (3rd Black) in Ryukyu Kempo under George Dillman, and Nidans (2nd Black) in Tae Kwon Do, Tang Soo Do, and Kanto Ryu Kenpo. I have also studied Hsing-I, Bagua, and Yang Style Taiji for a few years. I value my previous training but...

I HAVE NEVER BEFORE experienced anything like the things we are doing and accomplishing here!

Let me relay just one new found power that has come from JUST ONE WEEK of training!

Remember I told you that one of my goals was to become immovable, but that no matter what body position I tried, what breathing technique, where I put my tongue...my partner could push me over with a hard shove.

Enter the monk sets.

After just four days of doing the sets I asked my partner to try again, because I sensed that something was different about my body. I relaxed and went into Form one, dropped my arms and told him to push me as hard as he could. He did. It felt like I absorbed all of the energy of the strike. I said, "Come on... hit me like you did the other night". He attacked harder and I still did not move (internally there was a shaking much like waves in a water bed). At this point I was satisfied with my progress but still told him to go again. He told me later that hitting me was like hitting a water bed mattress(isn't that funny).

Over the next couple of days I continued to train hard and began doing the new sets and forms you have giving me. So last night we tried again.

This time I used no posture or stance just relaxed he began shoving, then stepping and shoving then running down...and slamming into me. The final time he actually ran and jumped and crashed into me. The funny thing was I did not move at all. My body position never changed more than 1 inch each way. I found a way to make it even stronger but I save that for our phone conversation. I am know going to get some of my "martial arts" buddies to try and move me any way they can.

Just think this has been only ONE WEEK of training. Just think what I could have done in 24 years.

Scott Watkins

07-27-2002, 07:20 PM
whose perception should we trust? Yours or this Singapore expert
Well, considering Polaris posts here, and the "Singapore expert" is once again a second hand testimonial, I would have to go with Polaris for $500 Alex.

Sorry KFB but a lot of folks including myself need a little more than 2 a.m. infomercial marketing techniques before we shell out $$$.

Kungfu Bandit
07-27-2002, 07:32 PM
ewallace, how about we pay for you to go to Maryland?
Can you make it? Oops, I can't HEAR you.

Kungfu Bandit
07-27-2002, 07:33 PM
Alex says, "You just lost, eh?"

07-27-2002, 07:35 PM
ewallace, how about we pay for you to go to Maryland? Can you make it? Oops, I can't HEAR you.
That would be fine and yes I could make it. And generally you don't need to hear when posting on a forum. Only functional eyesight is necessary.

If you are serious than send me a p/m and we can make the necessary arrangements.

Kungfu Bandit
07-27-2002, 07:40 PM
DONE deal!!! We will make the arrangements whereby you cannot back out.

07-27-2002, 07:42 PM
Outstanding. I shall keep the board informed of the events that unfold.

07-27-2002, 07:44 PM
Might I add that seeing as this will be in Maryland, I will not meet you in a park next to a tree with someone riding around on a bike as proof that this event ocurred. The other members will know why. If you need reference to this just look for posts by jf springer.

07-27-2002, 08:31 PM
Well I tried to be respectful Kungfu Bandit, so I'm not sure why you are getting all defensive with me. As far as "Alan" goes, unless you also take care of all the arrangements for me and do it this summer then it probably wont happen. I offer to get together with you, and now you want me to go to Maryland?

No that's not an excuse by the way. I really do want to experience this stuff first hand. If this stuff really is that good and I have to take a beating for that to be proven to me do you think I care? In fact I WANT it to be proven to me. We all want to be the best that we can do we not? If I find that "Mindboxing" is that path, then I will be more than willing to take it.

Kungfu Bandit
07-27-2002, 08:36 PM
Hey, maybe we can arrange it so that maybe you won't be mis-understood.

07-27-2002, 08:38 PM
Just in case money is an issue, America West has the best rates around right now.

07-27-2002, 08:43 PM
ewallace, how about we pay for you to go to Maryland?
Can you make it? Oops, I can't HEAR you.

DONE deal!!! We will make the arrangements whereby you cannot back out.

Just in case for some reason you decide to edit your previous posts, I am posting this as evidence of our prior conversations.

Kungfu Bandit
07-27-2002, 08:45 PM
ewallace? What's your e-mail address?

07-27-2002, 08:46 PM
nospam_ewallace@budweiser.com .

Of course, remove "the nospam_".

Kungfu Bandit
07-27-2002, 10:43 PM
This is what we are truly happy about...this is what most people ignore and don't have the guts to face...it's all about health and vitality...Show me the energy.

Date: Thu Dec 28, 2000 8:18 am

Willie Robinson was born with C.P., cerebral palsy. He is just 5'2,
120 lbs. but has the heart and spirit of a really great fighter. He
cannot walk like he should due to the damage sustained at birth.

C.P. causes crippling like effects in hands, fingers and legs. The
fatigue factor is one of the most debilitating factors of all
preventing one from enjoying a normal type of life.

Al said to give him Monk Set 6 over the phone and watch the results.

This is what the real monastic arts are about...when you see someone who needs help...

In a message dated 12/27/2000 6:30:35 PM Pacific Standard Time,
WllWctjlt writes:

(Cerebral Palsy)


TREMENDOUS ENERGY and feel REJUVENATED within just min. of doing the monk set's

These set's are truly GOD given.

My energy level was at 4 and now it is at 10.

My mental clarity is higher.

For the first time I feel mental confidence and internally powered to be a real martial artist.


Thank you ever so much,

Willie Robinson

07-27-2002, 11:00 PM
This is probably the biggest crock of shiite I have ever read.

Kungfu Bandit
07-27-2002, 11:06 PM
More crocks of truth. Man, the facts bring out the real crocks, huh?

It doesn't mean you get better for good, daaa, it means you can resolve the pain and stiffness, fatigue within the 1st sessions and yet heal yourself if you work at it daily. Whew!!!

Mr. Colangelo,

I would like to relay some effects of the forms that I have been doing lately.

I have suffered from asthma since I was a child. Having to take shots that would stimulate adrenaline production to be able to breathe. For the past 3 months this problem has come back with a vengeance. I work in downtown Houston and the pollution is pretty bad at times. I have had to use my inhaler at least 10 times a day while working.

There is a particular set of steps that I must climb to go a cash my checks. Walking up these is a monumental task lately. There are about 35 steps in the bank. When I walk up them I am winded at the top and have had to rest.

After three days of doing the forms, It was time to go to the bank. I decided to test my new found energy. I ran up the steps taking them 2 at a time. The amazing thing was that when I reached the top...I was not tired, winded or bothered by my asthma at all. It has been about a week of doing the exercises and I have not had to use my inhaler one time during this period. Also, I feel as if my cardiovascular shape has improved as well. My pulse rate is down from a resting 102 to 84. The benefits of internal training seems to never stop!

Thank you for sharing this information with me, It has changed my life for the best!

Scott Watkins

Kungfu Bandit
07-27-2002, 11:14 PM
Oops, here's more from Scott Watkins, that guy who studied martial arts for 24 years.

"I have a Yondan (4th Black) in Kyusho Kempo, a Sandan (3rd Black) in Ryukyu Kempo under George Dillman, and Nidans (2nd Black) in Tae Kwon Do, Tang Soo Do, and Kanto Ryu Kenpo. I have also studied Hsing-I, Bagua, and Yang Style Taiji for a few years. I value my previous training but...

Just wanted to continue the progress reports from doing the internal energy sets.

Please be patient with these sets, they will teach you if you will only listen. One of the things that I have found is that each posture of the Shen set has its own energy. PLEASE take the time to feel each one. This has made all the difference in the world.

Now for the progress:

I have added the sitting sets to my daily practice for about a week now. I now notice a soft hum in my body for several hours after doing the sets.

A few weeks back I was scheduled for pre-surgery tests to have my gall bladder removed. Today, I can eat what ever I want and I have no more pain, swelling or fatigue from this problem. The doctor said that I have a severe infection in the gall bladder that was causing it to not perform its function and cause enough pain for me to miss many days of work. Now, thanks to Al Colangelo's generosity in sharing the information on health, diet and internal exercise the infection is gone, and with it also my need for surgery.

My skin has changed from a slight shade of yellow to a very healthy pink-tan look.

The health benefits continue to astound and amaze me

Scott Watkins

Kungfu Bandit
07-27-2002, 11:17 PM
Just a word or two on the Monk Sets.

To recap to date the addition of the Monk Sets to my life has:

- Caused my asthma to recede to the point of being non-existent (I went from using an inhaler 10 times/day to running like I was 18)

- SAVED me from surgery by correcting the problems with my Gall Bladder. I was in so much pain daily, I would miss work and have to be in bed the majority of the day. I can now eat whatever I want to and NEVER have any pain or complications.

- Reduced my blood pressure from 140/90 down to 127/77.

- Reduced my resting pulse rate from 101 to 87.

- Loss of 13 lbs. of FAT...and still going.

These are just some of the physiological changes that can only be attributed to the Monk Sets. I have not added or changed any other part of my diet or level of physical activity.

Before starting the Monk Sets I had no idea how low I had sunk. Each day I feel better and better and this reminds me even more of where I started from. It seems that I wasn't living, I was dying. Day to day stresses, work, no energy problems sleeping and more had taken their toll on me. Yes, I was a martial artist but I was out of shape physically, mentally, and emotionally. I was slowly killing my will, my spirit and my body. With the addition of the Monk Sets my whole outlook on life has changed, my health has never been better, my martial abilities have increased exponentially, and my emotional and mental states are superior.
Now thanks to Sifu Al Colangelo and the temple arts

I am no longer just surviving I am THRIVING!!!

Scott Watkins

Mr Punch
07-27-2002, 11:33 PM
Accidentally popped into this thread again and thought that the above post was actually by the man posting... interesting, I thought, this guy Tom does have some personal experience he can talk about to back up the complete ****e coming out of his fingers along with all the chi...

then I thought, hold on, it's now a 'Scott' testimonial.

How has 'Monk Fist' helped with your multiple personality disorder Tom?

Your teachers may be the real deal, but nobody's gonna believe it from here until one of 'our men on the scene' has actually been on the scene.

So what does it matter? Why do you need to prove it to us? Come on pal, you're a PR boy aren't you? Next stop McDojo.com, and every other board that the other KFO members post on...

Gazza had some perfectly polite, reasonable questions to ask of Big Gay Al (he's super, thanks for asking) , and got NO ANSWERS, followed by SPECIOUS CRAP (look it up). And then you jumped in with NO HELP WHATSOEVER. Thanks for coming.

I'm waiting patiently for the KFO guy's reports of being taught useful internals in two days, or even experiencing anything like you described. Until then, I'm sorry I even barged into this bunch of ****!

Kungfu Bandit
07-27-2002, 11:39 PM
Well, how about you showing up then? Oops, you can't? What happened? Your foot is up your...where?

Gary started this and we will finish it. Too bad, get out of town
Jesse if you can't take it. Facts hurt, huh?

Mr Punch
07-27-2002, 11:39 PM
BTW, I'd like to apologise for some of the abusive nonsense I have just typed and the downright insults to the venerable Wierd Al Colangelovich . I'd like to but I'm not going to, cos I'm in a really bad mood, and I'm fed up of reading about **** masquerading as some kind of martial art every time I pick up a magazine or log on to the beloved KFO.

I'm happy Al Colangelo has made so many people happy, and has changed the life of so many sick people. He is serving a useful need in the community as well as making a lot of money no doubt. But the martial claims need more backing up I'm afraid.

Edit schmedit.

Mr Punch
07-27-2002, 11:43 PM
Originally posted by Kungfu Bandit
Well, how about you showing up then? Oops, you can't? What happened? Your foot is up your...where?

'Man', I'm glad I didn't apologise: you just made my response sound mature! :D I can't show up because I live in Japan. My foot is in my slipper.

Gary started this and we will finish it. Too bad, get out of town
Jesse if you can't take it. Facts hurt, huh?

Gary started asking you polite questions, out of a genuine interest, as one of his students was going to go along and he was considering it. Who is Jesse?! Haven't seen any facts yet.

Kungfu Bandit
07-27-2002, 11:44 PM
Hey, I might be flying to Tokyo in December. For an English teacher maybe we can talk? Who knows? We now have a few
on here who have the balls to show up and travel to see one of our guys. Ever get here to the U.S? If you don't have what it takes go and visit Gary. He likes to ***** like you do.

Kungfu Bandit
07-27-2002, 11:55 PM
"Gary started asking you polite questions, out of a genuine interest, as one of his students was going to go along and he was considering it."

Gary had no such intention. I spoke with Al. He wants to act like he knows. Surprise is awaiting. Hello?

"Who is Jesse?" Uhhh, Jesse James?

"Haven't seen any facts yet."

Oh, yes, you have but you prefer to squack a lot, huh? How are the ducks doing this time of the year in Tokyo? We have a bunch of students who live there. What's your e-mail? I'll have them
contact you. Maybe they can show you the facts if you got the balls? Dobut it, just all yap like Gary.

wushu chik
07-28-2002, 12:20 AM
OK, my head hurts...

Where do I sign up?? I think it's time I jump on the "Full of Sh!t" bandwagon as well. It's time I sold out, and became part of the "Secret Monk" club!! I am going now to buy the vids....wish me luck guys!


Kungfu Bandit
07-28-2002, 12:24 AM
Hey, we don't deal with chicks, so your being full of ****, is self-explanatory. And to sign up? Since no balls, better stay with
Barbie Dolls, this stuff is way over your head, huh?

Mr Punch
07-28-2002, 12:24 AM
Originally posted by Kungfu Bandit
Hey, I might be flying to Tokyo in December. For an English teacher maybe we can talk? Who knows? We now have a few
on here who have the balls to show up and travel to see one of our guys. Ever get here to the U.S? If you don't have what it takes go and visit Gary. He likes to ***** like you do.

I am an English teacher, you silly boy. Your syntactic structure, once again, has made your meaning a little ambiguous, but were you trying to say you needed an English teacher?

Will they show up AND travel? Which will they do first? Is this another spooky internal trick?

If ever I am in the area, I would love to visit Gary, he seems like a nice respectful man who knows what he is talking about, having done a lot of research and training.

If you do come to Tokyo (serious voice), please email me (my address is in my profile) and we'll meet up sometime. I too, would like to experience your style first-hand. I have some friends too, including the Hawaiian Shooto champion (number 2 in Japan), and one of the Okinawan Shorinji champions, plus a good BJJer who would also probably jump at the marvelous opportunity. You could even run a multiple attacker seminar... ****, I just can't keep that serious voice for long!!! :D

Serious about your trip to Tokyo though. I AM interested, but I'm not strong enough internally to hold my breath about it.

(just checked 'preview reply') We appear to be cross-posting. Good, you have students in Tokyo. Please do give them my email and we'll have meet up. I do expect contact.

By the way, for someone aged 51, Mr Marsh, you post like yet another childish keyboard warrior. And for someone who has trained internals for 30 years, you sure do get riled up easily. It will be interesting to see whether the students here have more respect or better humour! I have acquaintances who train internals here too, so maybe they'd be interested.

Mr Punch
07-28-2002, 12:28 AM
Originally posted by Kungfu Bandit
Hey, we don't deal with chicks, so your being full of ****, is self-explanatory. And to sign up? Since no balls, better stay with
Barbie Dolls, this stuff is way over your head, huh?

OK, you pin-dicked sexist *****: now I can't believe I was really starting to feel remorseful for being so abusive. And I can't even believe you're a fuwwy-gwown 'man' either...

Chris McKinley
07-28-2002, 12:30 AM
I wouldn't care at this point if Al Colangelo were some kind of martial messiah...if this is how he allows himself to be represented online, I would never consider learning how to tie a shoelace from this man. While some have been rude and obviously baiting in their responses on this thread, there are STILL some very polite, very simple, very objective questions that have yet to be answered. Rather than establishing rapport with potential customers/students of Colangelo's, some of which have stated their lack of bias, this person chooses to insult everyone on the thread instead. I'm not sure exactly which class it is in a marketing degree where they teach this strategy.

Anyway, without answers to the original questions and, at this point, without reparatory explanations and apologies from Kungfu Bandit, I will have to assume that Mr. Colangelo's entire operation is tainted with fraud. What a shame if he's really a quality teacher with quality information. Too bad he doesn't take more care in controlling how he is represented to the buying public.

Mr Punch
07-28-2002, 12:33 AM
OK, it's only a... teenage TROLL

disengage -

from -

thread - !

I will be waiting for contact from 'your' 'students' here, though. Please do not disappoint me.

wushu chik
07-28-2002, 12:34 AM
Originally posted by Kungfu Bandit
Hey, we don't deal with chicks, so your being full of ****, is self-explanatory. And to sign up? Since no balls, better stay with
Barbie Dolls, this stuff is way over your head, huh?

What? You don't deal with chicks?? Are you guys a bunch of ROMOS? That's ok, I am almost positive that barbie dolls are more in touch with their stuff than you guys are! It's ok though, I understand....I will stick with my art. You're right, I don't have testicles...but I think I have WAY MORE BALLS than you do....

um, that sounded really wrong, but the rest of you guys get the point!!


Mr Punch
07-28-2002, 12:35 AM
Originally posted by Chris McKinley
... some have been rude and obviously baiting in their responses on this thread...

Sorry about that Chris, my bad, this geezer was just really winding me up.

Maybe I need a rest from the forum!

Chris McKinley
07-28-2002, 12:37 AM
And btw, not dealing with someone because they are female and assuming that any particular intellectual concept is beyond them for aforementioned gender reasons is what I call chauvinistic. More to the point, it makes Kungfu Bandit a good old-fashioned ass-hole. Don't like it, Tom? Too bad. Unless and until you can bring it instead of singing it, I don't give a rat's ass. You're a coward and confidence man, yet you're only skilled at the former.

07-28-2002, 12:40 AM
OK, as many of you know, I don't usually do these types of threads. Al Colangelo is clearly guilty of hype. The actual content may or may not be valid, but it is so steeped in incredible suggestions that the style loses credibility.

However, I have gone through the site www.mindboxing.com. I can't find where it claims that students can learn to defeat any opponent in just a weekend, or any other such unlikely claims.

It is possible the site has been recently edited in response to criticism. I just wondered if someone could point me to the place where such a claim is made.

Granted, there are some very questionable elements such as strange interpretations of traditional principles, unlikely testimonials that all sound like they were written by the same semi-literate person, and "a Monk who needs no name recognition".

None of these things bothers me nearly as much as the aforementioned claim. If such skills did exist, and have existed as long as is claimed, they would surely have floated to the surface as the definitively superior art. Also, if they were so quick and easy to acquire, it would quickly become common knowledge.

Tom/Scott - Before you go on about how the art is not about defeating external opponents, how it is a healing art, etc, save your fingers. I fully understand that these other claims are very achievable with some effort and practice. I specifically take exception to the aforementioned claim.

Does such a claim exist? If so, where? Who made the claim? Is the claim explicit or inferred? I am not interested in Tom/Scott's claims unless he officially represents Al Colangelo.

So, can anyone show me where this type of claim was made?

Best regards,

Brent Carey

Kungfu Bandit
07-28-2002, 12:44 AM
Chris? Chris McKinley? The one who started this mess along with Gary? Talking about learning from Al? Naaaa, never happen. Al has made it quite clear we don't want customers, get it? We don't need people who are derilicks, skeptics, wannabe's. No, you should go down the street to the local mess hall. Don't start preaching now boys, it's wayyyy past that time. Time's acoming for the proof and you gotta pay the fiddler, eh? We'll find out what you really are made of...

We don't want the buying public. Hello? The honest, sincere people who have found us are in the thousands and they stay.

Sorry about your mis-information on us.

(customers? buying public? money making? Whew, are you ever in
another fantasy land)

We be about everything except your cheap, ******* martial arts
clowns. We be about health, daaa, vitality, regeneration. Ever hear of it? Better catch up. Life has no mercy.

"Life's tough enough without being stupid." John Wayne
If you don't have the health and vitality you are NOT even in the game. Hello?

07-28-2002, 12:50 AM
Originally posted by Kungfu Bandit
We don't need people who are derilicks, skeptics, wannabe's.(..) Time's acoming for the proof and you gotta pay the fiddler, eh? We'll find out what you really are made of...And you plan to prove this .... how? You certainly can't prove it if you turn away everyone who isn't already convinced..

Kungfu Bandit
07-28-2002, 12:52 AM
Originally posted by BrentCarey
OK, as many of you know, I don't usually do these types of threads. Al Colangelo is clearly guilty of hype. The actual content may or may not be valid, but it is so steeped in incredible suggestions that the style loses credibility.

However, I have gone through the site www.mindboxing.com. I can't find where it claims that students can learn to defeat any opponent in just a weekend, or any other such unlikely claims.

It is possible the site has been recently edited in response to criticism. I just wondered if someone could point me to the place where such a claim is made.

Granted, there are some very questionable elements such as strange interpretations of traditional principles, unlikely testimonials that all sound like they were written by the same semi-literate person, and "a Monk who needs no name recognition".

None of these things bothers me nearly as much as the aforementioned claim. If such skills did exist, and have existed as long as is claimed, they would surely have floated to the surface as the definitively superior art. Also, if they were so quick and easy to acquire, it would quickly become common knowledge.

Tom/Scott - Before you go on about how the art is not about defeating external opponents, how it is a healing art, etc, save your fingers. I fully understand that these other claims are very achievable with some effort and practice. I specifically take exception to the aforementioned claim.

Does such a claim exist? If so, where? Who made the claim? Is the claim explicit or inferred? I am not interested in Tom/Scott's claims unless he officially represents Al Colangelo.

So, can anyone show me where this type of claim was mode?

Best regards,

Brent Carey


At least you are a thinking person, thank you. No, we have not made any claims about instant this or that. yes, our 600 testimonials suggest whatever you want to infer. They claim the benefits not Al or us.

It's simple. Forget about us and buying anything. The site says that right up front. No, we don't want nor need your money.

But we will fight about what we know is empirical evidence. It's shameful that people know nada about the real internal.

"Life's tough enough without being stupid."

wushu chik
07-28-2002, 01:02 AM
Originally posted by Kungfu Bandit
"Life's tough enough without being stupid."

Is it just me, or does this quote strike you guys as funny coming from HIM??

Hey, Kungfu Bandit, I learned from a "secret Monk" as well. I bet I could make you 1000 times better than what he made you, in only a few minutes....it won't cost ya much....just a few hundred bucks...you wanna jump on this one too?? :rolleyes:

Why is it all these guys say "Secret Monk" or something to that effect? These people are just getting way out of control with all this happy horse sh!t.


Kungfu Bandit
07-28-2002, 01:06 AM
"You're a coward and confidence man, yet you're only skilled at the former."

Well, here's the deal then con man...

Now, will Chris McKinley, the man who quotes from Gary have the balls to show up to see Alan? Yeah, end of tough mouth, Chris.
Come on, show or get the hee haw off of here. Gary? Same deal, pal. You two started this thing. Let's find out. I'm sick of the wannabe's even though Al tells me to end this. I am but...
that's the deal.

07-28-2002, 01:09 AM
>our 600 testimonials suggest whatever you want to infer.

Testimonials are absurdly easy to fake. We have only our trust in the honesty of the source of the testimonials to use when evaluating them, and clearly, this renders the testimonials useless when the validity of the material described in the testimonials is in question. Since for purposes of examining the credibility of your claims we must arbitrarily make the assumption that the source itself is utterly fraudulent until demonstrated otherwise by indirect means, the testimonials are of no use whatsoever for this discussion.

Several quite reasonable methods of demonstrating these claims have been offered. None have been accepted. This in itself is a datum. Until one of these entirely reasonable tests are done, the entire set of claims, due to the "Physical impossibility", that is, the fact that claims are made which violate the experience and understanding of a large number of authorities on the matter, render everything claimed, as well as every single testimonial given, to be lacking in the most simple and rudimentary standards of evidence.

Chris McKinley
07-28-2002, 01:11 AM
Hi there, Tom. Just to help you keep your facts straight....Gary started "this mess" of his own accord. He called me one afternoon asking me about my opinion based on the claims made by both Al Colangelo and his students on one of Al's videotapes. I told him exactly what I told the readers of this thread on my first post to it. Namely, that even if Al had the best information out there, he is acting as a charlatan for advertising it in such a blatantly untrue manner. I did add one other comment to Gary in private conversation that I didn't include in my post. Again namely, that the idea of "freezing", AS IT IS DESCRIBED on the tape is 100% pure grade bull**** from a Traditional Chinese Medicine point of view. Yes, there are related concepts taught as possibilities, both within the domain of martial and healing arts. However, such methods are reliant on the cumulative influence of such a variety of factors that it renders all thought of teaching it as a reliable, consistent method for combat completely moot.

About learning from Al, you're right...as I stated quite clearly, it will never happen. I wouldn't accept 5 minutes of teaching from the man if he begged me and/or offered me cash. BTW, I'm not sure what a derilick is. If it's anything like a derelict, than it simply does not apply to me, though I don't see why a person's having a home ought to be a criterion for martial training.

RE: "Time's acoming for the proof and you gotta pay the fiddler, eh? We'll find out what you really are made of...". There shall be no such transaction occurring.....with a fiddler or any other kind of person. Unless, of course, this statement is a threat of physical violence, in which case and in good conscience, I ought to bring up the legal/ethical appropriateness of such a comment on a public forum, not to mention the intelligence of such a choice. No, there shall be no reckoning since I have not requested nor demanded one. Neither do I suspect that there shall be any answering of the original questions, any apologies to those insulted by you, or any provision made to those on this thread who offered to meet with you on legitimate grounds.

As far as I'm concerned, you're still a coward. The rest of your post makes you appear innebriated at best, hallucinatory at worst. You appear to be changing strategies on us currently. You now seem to be attempting to make it sound as if everyone EXCEPT you and your organization has made unsubstantiated claims and that now you are taking it upon yourself to call US out on it. Interesting twist. Not particularly effective, I'm going to guess, based on the intelligence of those posting, but it doesn't hurt to try. Especially when you seem otherwise to be losing this battle so horribly.

What a shame that a potential opportunity to further honor the teaching of Al Colangelo in an on-topic forum was instead squandered and his name has now been rather strongly associated with the stereotype of martial arts frauds. Oh well.....live and learn, I suppose.

07-28-2002, 02:31 AM
i just looked at the website.... it was posted here a while ago before. I'm trying to find the thread before...

There are 2 pics of Yip Man in the picture section... do you have any link to yip man wing chun? :)

Also, nice photography in one of the pics... i could do that myself if i had a strobe light or multiple exposures on a single film... It's nothing to do with Internal though, unless i influenced the photographer :D

good luck,

07-28-2002, 08:35 AM
I'm surprised that nobody has queried the presence of Christian fundamentalism in Mindboxing. When I investigated this some time ago the replies I received were saturated with religious allusions, and it made me think that perhaps in my case "this isn't for you" was good advice.

Perhaps some others of you have noticed this?

Perhaps KFB can add something about the origin of his fighting art, and the role one's beliefs play in becoming a Colangelo student?

07-28-2002, 11:33 AM
I see not much has changed here, questions still unanswered, more "testimonials", less fact, more fiction. But Its gotten interesting, I hope Mr. V.P. here will meet people in these three states as mentioned!

"Gary had no such intention. I spoke with Al. He wants to act like he knows. Surprise is awaiting. Hello? "

Who are you to tell me what intentions I had? I was genuinly interested, as is my new student who prior to meeting me had purchased a few of Al's tapes. Im sorry, but Al, and you have both failed in answering legitimate questions. What sort of suprise? I hope for Al's sake this is a cake or something similar.

"Come on, show or get the hee haw off of here. Gary? Same deal, pal. You two started this thing. Let's find out."

I am not about to spend my hard earned money to fly somewhere and see someone pretend to "go internal" on me! If you are willing to pay my way as you offered Ewallace I will come up sometime.

"Time's acoming for the proof and you gotta pay the fiddler, eh? We'll find out what you really are made of... "

Wow, is that a threat? Or a challenge? I suppose when you cant answer questions, useless threats are your default setting?

I hoped this thread would bring out some serious answers, but it is obvious that some of Mr. Colangelos people are not interested in real discussion. Im sure if they could explain one of these miracle insta-internal concpets to us all ,that Mr. Colangelo would have more money from selling more secrets like it than he would no what to do with! But that would only make sense from a marketing perspective if the information was as advertised. It is clear from the strategies taken on by his Marketing rep. this is not the case, a sad state of affairs.

I suppose when someone gets killed becuase they think they are untouchable, this false advertising and hype will be actionable in a court of law.

Re Brent C.
You asked where the claims where made? Many in his demo vid, but click on his programs link and read about what he teaches..here are a few.

"8. Real Kuntao Silat - never be touched, struck or taken down.

9. Real Tjimande Silat - strike at will and never get beaten"

Gary R.

07-28-2002, 01:05 PM
Hey K.F.B, where are you going to be in Texas? I'd love to meet up and see what you have, if you're anywhere near the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. My email is pd75080@aol.com

07-28-2002, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by gazza99
Re Brent C.
You asked where the claims where made? Many in his demo vid, but click on his programs link and read about what he teaches..here are a few.

"8. Real Kuntao Silat - never be touched, struck or taken down.

9. Real Tjimande Silat - strike at will and never get beaten"
Thanks Gary,

Of course I haven't seen the video. I'm a little confused. Do you have to pay for this demo video so that he can explain to you why you should pay him for more videos or seminars? That's like paying for an infomercial.

The statements "never by touched, struck or taken down" and "strike at will and never get beaten" are not very controversial really. I don't see where any claims are directly made. They are strongly suggested by these statements, but not directly made.

I could also list these two items as things we train towards. It is not clear whether these are goals or guarantees. I think this is suggestive marketing, but not really particularly scandalous. Slippery perhaps, but not alarming.

I would suggest that Mr. Colangelo might want to clarify the difference between goals, instant benefits, and guarantees. Also, if I was making such suggestive statements, I should think I would be glad for the opportunity to explain in more detail to someone with genuine interest.

So, I just don't see anything newsworthy. The only thing interesting is Tom's reaction to questioning, his relationship to Al, and Al's own reaction to questioning. I have to say that if anyone infers that this is some sort of instant magic bullet, shame on them. I just don't see where it makes any such claim.

However, I fully support the pursuit of this matter for entertainment purposes. If someone can provoke Tom into making another statement like his testicles comment, I think we will all be entertained. It's like watching a train wreck in slow motion.

I want someone to prove that Tom and Al are one and the same, and that he is the one that wrote all of the testimonials. Has anyone else noticed that all of these bear the same semi-coherent writing style?

Best regards,


Water Dragon
07-28-2002, 04:29 PM
I'd like to see what you have. I've trained for two years w/ MonkeySlap's school in Shuai Chiao and Kun Tao. Before that, I studied in William CC Chen's system for 5 years. I also trained BJJ for 6 months with Dino Costeas. So, I have a huge interest in anything internal that deals with blades and grappling.

I stay in NW Indiana, about a 20 minute drive from the South Side. Fa Jing and I also work out regularly in Grant Park. We'd be more than happy to have another training partner. Or, if you want to come down to my house, we can kick up the grill and toss back a few beers afterwards; or my wife can make some Mole if you like Mexican food.

If you ARE in Chicago when MonkeySlap is hosting the seminar, come on down. I'll ask him to waive the fee for ya. If not, I'll cover you myself.

wushu chik
07-28-2002, 04:42 PM
Awww...WD, you are such the gentleman! It's nice to know that you guys are willing to look into this stuff. I was serious about buying the videos. But alas, I don't have any balls! So, I can't roll with the big dawgs apparently!

Oh well, I'll live. So, who want's the $150.00 bucks to buy the vids for me? Since I am a female, and can't do it myself, I should have one of you guys do it for me :D


07-28-2002, 04:44 PM
I'll take that $150 Wendy. But I simply cannot be held accountable if for some reason you receive some used Veggie Tales and Dora the Explorer videos.

Water Dragon
07-28-2002, 04:47 PM


wushu chik
07-28-2002, 04:48 PM
Thanks E, but um, no thanks. LOL. Anyone ELSE??

Oh, and Brent..I doubt KFB will return and post on this thread...it seems to me that he's been told by Al that he's not "ALLOWED" to post here...or that's what I got from his post earlier on the thread. Funny, Al probably told him the "Secret Monk" would be upset or something.....oh well!!


07-28-2002, 04:48 PM
**** bro, who are those tapes REALLY being watched by?

07-28-2002, 11:19 PM
... er, I mean, kung fu bandit.

You never replied to my e-mail about hooking up when you are in LA.

07-29-2002, 12:15 AM
""8. Real Kuntao Silat - never be touched, struck or taken down.

9. Real Tjimande Silat - strike at will and never get beaten"

What happens if a kuntao silat and tjimande silat practioneer's fought each other?

07-29-2002, 12:47 AM
I just got an e-mail from Al, er I mean Kung Fu Bandit, that he was planning on meeting with me next week when he is supposedly coming to LA. Unfrortunately, he now considers me to be a smartass and won't be meeting me. What a coincidence that I recieved no replies from him till after I made that last post even though I e-mailed him and made several posts to him a few days ago and he has been posting here continuously since.

Tom, Kung Fu Bandit, Al, or whoever you are:
Methinks you are either a liar or coward or both.

07-29-2002, 09:06 AM
I suppose if Al is not KF bandit, he still knows about this thread, Ill invite him to come and enlighten us, or at least send him some highlight quotes from the thread.

Does anyone have anything they would like me to quote you on?


07-29-2002, 09:10 AM
Yes, please thank Al for bringing all of us KFO posters together, from Knifefighter to you Gary we all agree on something.

07-29-2002, 09:10 AM
check your p/m Gary.

07-29-2002, 09:49 AM
As you probably already know many questions are being asked about you at www.kungfuonline.com . Apparently your alledged V.P of Marketing (Tom Marsh) is there severely damaging your credibility. He has said you do not train women in a very vulger manner, made various threats, insults, and provides no fact, and does not answer serious questions. If you would please visit the main discussion forum and enlighten us all.

If not here are some highlights and quotes from your Marketing rep. that may come back to haunt you. Im sure the local womens rights groups would love to hear the second quote!

""Don't start preaching now boys, it's wayyyy past that time. Time's acoming for the proof and you gotta pay the fiddler, eh? We'll find out what you really are made of..."- Tom Marsh

""Hey, we don't deal with chicks, so your being full of ****, is self-explanatory. And to sign up? Since no balls, better stay with
Barbie Dolls, this stuff is way over your head, huh?"- Tom Marsh Marketing V.P-mindboxing .com

other quotes-
"Anyway, without answers to the original questions and, at this point, without reparatory explanations and apologies from Kungfu Bandit, I will have to assume that Mr. Colangelo's entire operation is tainted with fraud"

"I decided to bite the bullet and order one of his videos. The material was okay, but nothing groundbreakind and definetly overpriced. Nothing that would turn one into an unstoppable fighting machine as they would have you believe. You know the old cliche "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me". I'm certaintly not going to buy anymore from him"

"I honestly don't know how ppl like Colangelo can sleep at night knowing that there are poor unfortunate souls out there desparate enough to believe his advertising and potentially putting their own lives at risk because of it."

"please thank Al for bringing all of us KFO posters together, from Knifefighter to you Gary we all agree on something."

07-29-2002, 01:25 PM
This thread is really, really funny. I love how "Tom" keeps relating to us what "Al" has told him to do. Talk about sounding schizophrenic.

I would say this. You guys have probably noted the increasingly threatening tones this guy is using. If he is mentally unstable, I would be wary of meeting with him on anything other than neutral grounds.

That mindboxing web site is ****ing hilarious. Did you see the pictures of Al at the Indonesian web site in DC? He poses with the doorman in several of them, and adopts some sort of pseudo-martial stance out in front of the joint. Most of the Indonesians in the joint seem to be looking at him like he's a drifter or madman or something.

It's exceedingly unlikely anybody will succeed in meeting with this fool, but I certainly hope a meeting happens and posts the results here.

This guy belongs right in there with Rich "biker" Mooney. Notice how the pattern is the same? Attempts to appear reasonable, followed by angry, incoherent and vaguely threatening responses, followed by posts by alternate identities (in Al's case, these bogue testimonials, in Rich's case, his "napoleon duarte" identity).

And I love the part where he talks about "thousands served" (i.e., the notion that there are thousands of people enrolled in his mindboxing crappola). I figure it's pretty much just Al, a couple of friends, and a P.O. box running this whole mindboxing scam.

07-29-2002, 01:29 PM
The claims on his site really remind me of those comic book adds a la Count Dante. What's sad is that the "count" could more or less back up his claims, being, evidently, a decent fighter (not to mention hair stylist and criminal).

We've got the following:
Ashida Kim (flamboyant, egomaniac and paranoid freak, starring in his own porn videos--see "Amorous Adventures of Ashida Kim")
Rich "biker" Mooney (at least he never claimed you could learn his magical tricks in one or two hours)
John "Count Dante" Keenan (who was a fighter at least)
Al "mind boxing" Colostomybag

Anybody I forgot?

MonkeySlap Too
07-29-2002, 01:32 PM
John C Kim - "Champion of ALL Asia" Criminal, con artist, and cult leader.

THe only difference is I'd bet everyone on that list could beat up John C Kim.

07-29-2002, 01:35 PM
Ah yes, Iron "seven story" Kim. Thank you for reminding me.

And I forgot,
soke Harley "sexual shockra" Swiftdeer, huckster extraordinaire.
See http://www.ten-no-kishi.com/sokes-lineage.htm for details (don't let this relatively inocuous page fool you--this guy is all about getting together for group vaginal massages, see http://www.tantra.com/energy.html and especially http://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/issues/2002-06-13/feature.html/1/index.html)

Rod "I will roshambo you for it" Sacharnoski
Grandmaster Irving Soto

07-30-2002, 09:44 AM
This one is funny, I dont know who should hate him more, the Neijia communtiy, or the MMA community?

"I had a few words with Mr. Colangelo a couple of years ago. He had on his website that his practitioners had defeated a Machado black belt in a street fight. I called and asked which Machado BB it was (there are only like 10). He wouldn't say.

When I told him to take the reference off his web page he threatened me a few times and promised to send some of his Samoan mafia friends to my house to let me "experience mindboxing for real". Then he started calling me up everyday on conference calls with his students from around the country where they would tell me how great mindboxing was and how it was "just like cocaine".

I gave him my address and he promised to send his representatives in Houston, TX to come see me. I offered to go see them, but he never would give me their school address. He eventually took the Machado reference off his website."


07-30-2002, 11:48 AM
Has anyone checked out his forum?

Mindboxing Forum (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mindboxing/)

There are 581 posts. Just about all of the posts are by the same person. I flipped through the list of posts (because I'm bored at lunch), and all but three were by the same poster. That is scary.

07-30-2002, 11:53 AM
Thats Al posting, its a newsletter forum apparently.

07-30-2002, 11:57 AM
Looking at that forum makes me think the man may be a little obsessive.

Chris McKinley
07-31-2002, 03:07 AM
I've just had the opportunity to review the Multiple Attackers videotape by Al Colangelo recently. I thought it might shed some light on the current slow-motion demise of his credibility taking place in this forum. Before I get to it, it should be noted by potential customers that this tape is in no way an instructional video, even though that fact is not revealed in the advertising on Al's website. It is, in fact, a 1 & ½ to 2 hour long infomercial for the Al Colangelo system of combat. This of course begs at least 2 questions: 1) why is the consumer asked to spend $60 merely to see an ad for Al's material? This brings to mind the term "chutzpah". 2) Let's assume I'm a completely naïve consumer with no martial arts experience and, for whatever reasons, I'm absolutely sold on the Al Colangelo system....lock, stock & barrel. Now what do I do? I have just ordered, purchased and received what I thought was Al's method for dealing with multiple attackers only to find out that it's an AD for Al's method for dealing with multiple attackers. At what layer of purchasing do I actually receive the "how-to", the instructional portion of the system? There are three other videos that Al sells....are they too further advertisements for Al's methods?

To make what was originally a very long post substantially shorter, I'll cut right to the chase and reveal what Al touts as the Dim-Mak Poison Hand Death Touch Iron Palm (a confusing if not contradictory title at best that attempts to fuse Taoist and Buddhist unrelated concepts together). Here it comes folks, drum roll please......it's a friggin' basic flat hand, cupping palm strike from Baguazhang delivered in a diagonal forehand manner with the right hand exclusively. Not that it really matters, but it's executed from a Tiger posture, which in Al's case means a crude typical bow stance with the weight on the front leg and the strike delivered with the opposite side hand.

Now, quite literally, this is something I teach to my brand new beginner students of Baguazhang on either the first or second day of their training. Is it because I too, like Al, believe that genuine internal striking ability can be taught/learned in a matter of hours instead of years? Well, no.....not exactly. Real neijia skill still takes dedicated effort over time, typically many years. I teach that strike so early in a student's training because there simply isn't much of anything more simple or basic that I could teach them. The move is hardly the pinnacle of advanced internal skill that Al hypes it to be. There are only two differences between what Al does throughout this tape as Iron Palm and what I teach my new students: 1) Al does use a little bit of anjing, which to those unfamiliar with neijia concepts, means an expression of wavelike energy. "Follow through", to put it oversimply, though in Al's case, a more sophisticated definition is not called for. 2) I teach my students a helluva lot better structure and mechanics than anything Al displays anywhere on this tape. For someone claiming to be an internal artist capable of reproducing his skill in others in mere hours, his internal structure.......hmm, what's the appropriate word........ah, yes........sucks.

For the first ½ to 2/3 of the tape, we are shown repeated demonstrations of the same basic "attack" on Al by the three grapplers. What this means is that the three line up facing Al and each, in turn, one at a time, advances on Al at a moderate speed. Al delivers the basic Bagua palm strike to the head or shoulders of each grappler, causing the man to list ever so slightly to one side in reaction to the blow. After the strike, the grappler continues moving away from Al in order to give the next man in line the opportunity to approach Al and be "taken out". Now, maybe it's just me, but I've actually taken out an opponent on more than one occasion and, to a man, they were rendered at the very least unable to prosecute the attack further, if not worse. Maybe my definition of the phrase is a little different than Al's though. We do get to see one major variation on this pattern of attack. That is, each grappler approaches Al as before, only this time holding a large Thai-style pad which Al strikes. This is apparently to prove that even through a heavy pad, Al's strikes will still "take out" three grapplers.

Still, after all this, it's somehow hard to be mad at all the demonstrated nonsense. Sure, the "grapplers" were merely big men demonstrating not even a shred of high school level grappling skill. Sure, they "attacked" Al one at a time instead of all at once. Sure, they not only weren't taken out, they could have easily continued their attacks as if they hadn't been struck at all. Sure, they wildly exaggerated the effects of Al's blows in each series of testimonials with comments like, "if it can stop me, it can stop anybody". Yet....through all this, there's a certain something about the whole mess, maybe just about Al himself. If nothing else, his infectious enthusiasm for what he's doing makes it hard to be mad at him about the fraudulence of it all, like a new puppy adopting a wounded look when you scold him for chewing up your shoe.

Al treats his discovery of one of the most basic palm strikes of Baguazhang with such genuine giddy enthusiasm that it reminds you of a young child finding a brand new training-wheel special under the tree on Christmas morning and declaring, "Wow! Gee, Mom & Dad....this is the most fastest bike in the whole world!" In other words, watching Al is kind of cute, albeit in a somewhat nauseating way.

So there you go, folks. I've let the martial arts magic bullet cat out of the bag now. You can all collectively end your current memberships, sell your uniforms, and quit training in whatever obviously inferior methods you have currently been employing and march on down to Al's place to sign up. Line forms on the right. Do remember though, Al isn't doing it for the money....he's quite particular about whose money he'll take in exchange for video advertisements. He only wants YOU, not just anybody.

In the interest of fairness and perspective, I should mention that under most circumstances, I normally do not take the time to call out or otherwise debunk those I've run across in my 27 years of martial arts experience whom I consider to be suspect or outright frauds. I have normally neither the time nor the interest to do so. Like everyone else who takes this stuff seriously, there's too much training to be done. What makes this particular occasion different is not the goofiness of the material reviewed thus far. That was merely entertaining enough to share. What to my mind justifies the public commentary is a short little portion near the very end of the tape in which Al demonstrates his methods for going empty hand against a knife-wielding and then a short club-wielding assailant. A method which he claims will allow the practitioner to not be touched by the weapon. As "proof" of this, he uses the age old demonstration of having the attacker come at the defender with a magic marker, a method used to safely illustrate just how many times a defender might be cut during a typical knife attack.

Despite the fact that we are never clearly shown how much or how little the defender got marked up during the mock attack, the real problem I had with the material shown is that the next person who attempts it in a real knife attack will likely be killed. The attacks shown were woefully unrealistic, with the knifer attempting only one or two strikes or cuts over the span of about 5 seconds, and with those attacks swinging short of the target anyway. For those of you who do any realistic knife training or who, like me, have faced a blade in a real-life encounter, you know the utter fallacy of Al's presented scenario. It is precisely because I have been there that I take exception with Al Colangelo's material as shown on this videotape enough to write such a lengthy post. It is my opinion that the material shown (if not ever actually taught) on this tape is potentially dangerous and even life-threatening to students who may attempt to use it to save their own lives in a real street attack involving a knife. If not for this section, I could easily have ignored the overhyped silliness on the rest of the tape. Caveat emptor, my friends.

07-31-2002, 06:09 AM
Thanks for the review of Al's infomercial tape. It's a shame that people buy this garbage without knowing any better thinking it's legit. Al needs a good old fashion A N AL fisting.

07-31-2002, 08:12 AM
Here is a short segmant from one of Al's video series on womens self defense and also how to deal with knife attacks.


Judge for yourself !

07-31-2002, 10:09 AM
Nice post Chris, Ill be quoting that one in my next and last email attempt to AL, the knife thing just puts it over the top, its criminal.
Funny clip Mojo!

To our great suprise Al hasnt emailed me back since I called him out on everything. Perhaps a few of you should send in your comments! His email is EAGLEPROT@aol.com


07-31-2002, 10:23 AM
Nor have I received anymore emails from "Tom" about flying up to Maryland since the first couple of emails Saturday night.

MonkeySlap Too
07-31-2002, 10:42 AM
I guess this means I won't get my trip to Maryland...too bad.

Kinda weird how all those posts read the same on his bulletin board, huh?

Chris, you're killing me with the review. If it wasn't a commercial tape, I'd be begging for a copy I can put in my 'hilarious MA Videos' collection I show at parties.

Oh, well. Funs over. Too bad.

08-02-2002, 02:49 PM
Still awaiting answers, im sure Kung-fu bandit/Al wont be coming back for more punishment. I just hope nobody gets hurt by this type of crap, it gives the Neijia arts, and MMA a bad name.


08-02-2002, 02:59 PM
makes all the rest look good though (CMQ, Temple...) :D


CD Lee
08-02-2002, 08:49 PM
Love this quote from the web site testimonials:

(Chuck has had problems with what is known as 'Fire' symptoms due to over working the body with incorrect methods from a former teacher. He has insomnia, a quicker temper, overweight and bad mood swings due to this teacher's methods. It can cause kidney and liver weakness as a result with numerous complaints about fatigue, depression and much more.) After just one night of working with the Monk set that stimulates the sedative meridians he reports the following:

Dude. My teacher is killing me! What if your teacher is a woman and she makes you hot? Is that a 'fire' problem?

08-04-2002, 04:49 AM
I cant believe I missed out on this thread (I just spent the last 45 minutes reading all of the posts). Come back KFB. I think we can all agree that it just won t be the same around here without Al, Alan, Tom, the monk, Doc Chang, Leung Lien, Keith, all of Royce Gracie's students who were supposedly beaten by this "one day" system, Mark P, Patrick Low (he's from Singapore, oooh ahhh), Scott Watkins, Willie Robinson, Barbie Dolls, and of course, John Wayne,

We will miss you greatly buddy, and I think I speak for us all when I say that you brought something to this forum that few will be able to top. A stupidity so pure that all of us are a little dumber for having experienced it.

Finally on August 5th 2002, I suggest everyone buy the liqour of their choice, get completely hammered, and then type testimonials from fake people as to why their system is better than all others. I think its the least we can do.

MA fanatic
08-04-2002, 05:48 AM
You guys,
Mindboxing threads had been posted on www.mixedmartialarts.com (Link to all promoters, tournaments and top fighters...most top fighters are on that forum if you want to talk them yourselves) Underground forum for years now. I have never seen any Mindboxing in action, so can't speak for the style. Perhaps the guy and his students are awsome. I know NHB people are willing to fight him, but no one will go over to his school simply because that's not done. The John Marsh Vs. San Soo guy was different. They San Soo guy posted a challenge claiming he could defeat BJJ. Money was offered and time was scheduled. Otherwise, people rarely just walk into schools just because of something on the web site.

I think that if someone makes claims of having some mystical powers (which may or may not exist), he should prove that. If that same individual claims to be able to use those skills against NHB fighters, he or his top students should enter some NHB tournaments. Don't you think it's strange that after all this talk of having some deadly system which can create a virtual chi shield around a human, NOT A SINGLE MIND BOXING GUY EVER STEPPED FOOT IN THE RING. DEMONSTRATING SUCH SKILLS AGAINST TRAINED APPONENTS COULD BE THE BIGGEST ADVERTISING FOR INTERNAL STYLES. MYTHS WOULD BE DISPELLED. ALL INTERNAL STYLES WOULD BE RESPECTED. NOT TO MENTION THE BUSINESS BENEFTS. But of course we once again hear stories, legends and myths. Nothing new about that.
MA fanatic

MA fanatic
08-04-2002, 06:06 AM
I've seen a free tape which one can order through BB Mag. about "magic of fighting" or something like that. The head instructor was a specialist in Kuntoe and claimed to have speical powers (hypnosis, mind over matter, healing, etc. etc.). The crook even had a nurse on (who looked like some brainwashed freak) the advertisement video who claimed that Cancer patients are cured by Kuntoe (and some other indonesian methods). I called the guy stating that I"m at therapist and work for a hospital, and wanted to know more about the "healing aspects" of his art. My calls were never returned. Anyway, a few months past and I met a student from that same school at one of the martial arts seminars (a seminar conducted by a well known fighter who's name I can't mention). Anyway, this guy kept saying that martial arts are in sad shape and his teacher has all the answers. Finally he got into a sparring match with the guy leading a seminar and got beaten silly. He was tossed around like a little kid. Finally the man running the seminar gave his attacker a dull metal knife (training tool), and said "see if you could stab me with this." The guy tried and almost wound up KOed by a few sharp shots in the jaw and throat.

As for Mindboxing defeating Machado bb, that is a rumer which was dispelled years ago. IT's a blatant lie and nothing else.
MA fanatic

MonkeySlap Too
08-04-2002, 09:11 AM
I can do you one better. A friend of mine gave me the complete 'level one' training series on video tape from the 'magick' guy. This stuff is really funny on a wide range of levels. As seems to be the norm for these guys, there is a few decent things mixed in with a lot of nonsense.

Complete with the 'I can turn into a tiger' testimonials.

Oh, and the big secret to spiritual boxing is to pray. Which I gather is pretty good advice, as you might as well make peace with your beleifs as you'll get your behind kicked if you plan to use 'magic' in a fight.

I can see it now: "Dang idjit, he done brought magic to a street fight."

The Willow Sword
08-04-2002, 09:24 AM
It suprises me that alot of people fall for this stuff. i am a firm believer in CHI and what chi is capable of, HOWEVER, from a REALITY perspective, the stuff that this guy is claiming is far fetched and has no basis for anything real. ive looked at this website and seen the big guys there that have testified to this persons abilities. Maybe in a controlled situation(ie:demo) this joker can manipulate or psych out the opponent, but in a situation where you need to defend yourself quick i hardly think that they attacker is just going to stand there and allow you to build your great big ball of evil dark chi. hahaha. i would like to see MR. Colangelo go to a UFC fight and demonstrate first hand this amazing ability that he has and prove to the world that he ACTUALLY CAN overtake a UFC fighter or MMA fighter. i think we will all be suprised when he gets plastered to the mat and choked out, or have his face drilled by a meaty fist.
in my experience with chi generation, THERE is the ability to focus ones INTENT and damage ,at the point of impact, someone internally. i dont think we will ever see this guy really be put to the test. i wonder if the UFC has contacted Mr. Colangelo and invited him to participate?
Many Respects,,The Willow Sword