View Full Version : Unusual ways of forming the plain fist (seiken)

Former castleva
07-26-2002, 07:40 AM
You know the classic karate/general MA fist-fingers at the center of palm,thumb locking index and middle fingers.
There´s not much new about it.

What is interesting is though that some use variations for "better" performance.
I know Gichin Funakoshi used a fist which is similar to old seiken except that he tucks his thumb close to his index finger with tip of thumb slightly coming off the fist.
Quite hard to give you a good image of that,I believe it can be seen at articles chapter of www.fightingarts.com
Another interesting example is isshinryu-karate fist where thumb (tip) is tucked to the side of index finger while fist stays pretty much the same as previously,like in "bear hand".


07-26-2002, 08:37 AM
Sei Ken means "combined fist"