View Full Version : wing chun & weights

wc student
07-27-2002, 07:56 AM
who uses weight training with their wing chun? what type of training is being used? thank you for your ideas

07-27-2002, 10:47 AM
I do. Although that if you compare the time invested in weight training to the time invested in continuous striking (high speed, into the air or against a bag), it is considerably less. Also, I usually stretch for 10-15 minutes my arms after doing weights (I consider this important). I've observed that if done right, a little bit of weight lifting can increase speed. Obviously you have to invest even more time on performing the techniques in a relaxed manner. Hope this helped... :cool:

07-27-2002, 12:30 PM
I gave up on weights, push ups, pull ups etc.

They made me too stiff in the shoulders and I found it detracted from my training. I have a tendency to bulk up easily, so it may be different from person to person.

07-27-2002, 08:26 PM
For myself, I found weight training to be extremely beneficial to WC. One of the reasons for this IMO is that it gives you more control over different muscle groups, making you more aware of your use of them. As an example, can you flex your lat at will(without contracting neighbouring muscles? This can be a valuable bonus as contracting/relaxing the correct muscles at the correct time in WC is obviously very important.

For those that say that it will be detrimental to their WC without actually trying it are possibly missing out on a potential edge. For those that say oh no it will make me too big and slow - you're not going to wake up one day, look in the mirror and see that you've suddenly turned into the Icredible Hulk overnight! lol Look into most professional sports and you'll see that weight training is used throughout to enhance speed and power.

07-29-2002, 04:56 PM
Weights are useful in WingTsun later after Chi Sao

First of all a WingTsun student must learn get rid of rigidity!

They go through a series of events!

Give way to your strength
Give way to the opponents strength
Use your opponents strength
Add your strength