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View Full Version : Cheap training idea

the running guy
07-27-2002, 10:15 AM
Here is a new spin on the classic Horse stance punchiing drill. I was inspired by 2 things:
1) Watching Javelin throwers train by perfecting their form against the resistance of a huge rubber band.
2) Those infomercials for Jackie Chan's "Cableflex."

Rather than shell out the bucks for a cableflex, just get some surgical tubing (most hardware stores should carry at least something similar). Cut the tubing so that when your fists are at your belt and the tubing loops around your belt that their is no loose tubing. Proceed to stretch the tubing with your punching drills. This should help add resistance to your punch, and demonstrate how to snap the punch back into the chamber (two essentials for a powerful punch). This training can be made more difficult by shortening the tubing or buying stronger and thicker tubing. So far, I've just trained punching, but I'm trying to figure out soome blocking and kicking drills. Let me know what you think.

"What's that on your uniform? a strarfish?"
"It's a palm tree blowing in the wind from me running past"
-From "The Tick" comic book series.

07-27-2002, 11:05 AM
I do that with my exertube. you really feel it in your shoulders.