View Full Version : ATTN. AUSTIN TX Independants, And Enthusiasts

The Willow Sword
07-27-2002, 03:29 PM
I am wanting to get back into the training and sparring with like minded individuals who wish to develop thier skills outside of thier respective schools,, just guys getting together and sparring and learning from one another. i would like to hook up with some of you if that is possible. let me know whats going on.
my email address is whirlwindshield@earthlink.net

Many Respects,,,The Willow Sword

Chang Style Novice
07-27-2002, 04:34 PM
what part of town are you in? I'm near UT, and don't have a car.

07-27-2002, 07:22 PM
I'm in San Antonio. With enough prior notice I could probably make it.

07-28-2002, 12:04 AM
is this just a guy thing, or am I "allowed" to come :rolleyes:

I live in Killeen, about 45 mintues from Austin.

If there's sparring, gimme a time and a place and I'll be there :D

Kungfu boy
07-28-2002, 12:19 AM
...get up there I will sparr with you guys/gals(c'mon let kf cutie come ya'll) I live in Humble, outside Houston, but I might be going up there to see my bro so its possible.

Later guys and gals

07-28-2002, 12:48 PM
my boyfriend and i live here, and would be up to getting together to spar/learn whatever..... keep us all updated

The Willow Sword
07-29-2002, 07:13 AM
i am currently in Cedar Park but can get anywhere in AUstin.
this weekend would be cool to get things started. my girley friend is going out of town and so i have some time to myself.
lets coordinate. if you email me i will give you my phone number and we can set the details down.
i know that some guys get together ie:GREYMYSTIC and JWT and some others here in AUSTIN. i dont know if they still do though. But anyway lets do it. and YES females are welcome to join.
MAny Respects,,The Willow Sword,,(JAson Bratcher)

Chang Style Novice
07-29-2002, 07:32 AM

My current work schedule is m11:30-8, t.w.th 8-4:30, sat 8-4:30.

I go to tai chi people 6-8 t.w.th.f

Therefore, for me, daytime fridays and sundays are most convenient, although saturday early evening would be ok too.

You think it would be kosher to do this in a public park, as long as it didn't look too much like a real fight? I don't really know of any gym or what have you that would suit our purposes. Also, I don't currently own any pads or gloves, so I might oughta wait for a while to get some before I schedule anything.

The Willow Sword
07-29-2002, 07:42 AM
well i know of a park that is a cool one to do workouts and spar.
Walnut Creek park has an open field to do some good sparring and workouts. the later afternoon early evening times might be best as it is summer and the midle of the day would be torturous.

my schedule at dell is pretty tight but saturdays i have off and sunday after 6 pm.
Many Respects,,The Willow Sword

The Willow Sword
07-31-2002, 09:30 AM
How about this saturday around 6:30 at Walnut Creek park.

Coming from the south: take 1-35 or mopac and go north for I-35 travellers take the Parmer ln exit. turn LEFT ontp parmer lane and you will go past a Very nice looking buddhist temple and just past that is a sign(on the right) for the Walnut creek metropolitan park. its the big open field.

Mopac travellers: take mopac to Parmer exit. turn right, follow until you reach Nlamar and turn right. (follow above directions thereafter).

183 travellers. best way from there is 183 to mopac north to parmer and then so on.

So let me know if any of you in the area can attend and we can train and spar around and just meet. as far as sparring is concerned,,bring your own gear. we gotta wear some type of padding. and i think it would be safe to say that we are responsable for our own actions and we will spar at the level at which we all feel comfortable. as far as what I LOOK LIKE: ill be in the open field wearing a pair of black kung fu pants and a T-shirt, short blond hair and tall. Hope to see some folks there.

Lets make this a ongoing thing.
MAny Respects, The Willow Sword. :cool:

Chang Style Novice
07-31-2002, 10:17 AM

I mentioned I'm near UT and don't have a car, right?:D

The Willow Sword
07-31-2002, 11:06 AM
i COULD give you a lift but im not sure who else is going.

MAny Respects,,The Willow Sword

Chang Style Novice
07-31-2002, 06:29 PM
I'll commit right now to Saturday. I've emailed Jason about my circumstances that afternoon, and am eager to meet a few more folks ready to rumble (at levels ranging from gentle to no-broken-bones-or-noses-please)

Let's get it together, everyone!

-Austin, the tall guy with specs and a goatee (ie: almost any male under 40 in the city)

The Willow Sword
08-01-2002, 06:35 AM
okay folks lets reply, ill find a way to get intouch with the others that replied to this.

Many Respects,,The willow sword

The GREat Ro0ster
08-01-2002, 12:50 PM
so anyone goin this saterday...me and my girlfriend halfling might go up there...see yall later maybe

The Willow Sword
08-01-2002, 01:01 PM
chang style novice and kungfoocutie, maybe others if they are able to. i have emailed all that replied so i am awaiting other rsvp's
MAny Respects,,The Willow Sword

Chang Style Novice
08-01-2002, 06:26 PM

No, wait. I mean


Chang Style Novice
08-02-2002, 05:57 PM
TTT, since I see that Tom's hanging around.

Skipped class tonight, I'm a baaaad boy.

08-02-2002, 09:57 PM
Hey all

If sat is still on I'll try to make it..is it still at the park off parmer @630


The Willow Sword
08-03-2002, 10:09 AM



Chang Style Novice
08-03-2002, 06:39 PM
Here's what happened; Willow picked me up after work, and we got to the park ~45 minutes early. We spent the time stretching, talking about what kind of training we'd had, shooting the breeze. Then GGL showed up, and we started demonstrating forms. After about 20 minutes of this, the sky started pouring rain, and GGL took off. Willow and I retired to a nearby watering hole and continued BSing for two beers. Then he dropped me off by my place, and we agreed it was a good idea that just got timed wrong.

More to come!

The Willow Sword
08-04-2002, 06:23 AM
what he said.

MAny Respects,,The Willow Sword

08-04-2002, 10:02 AM
Ok, we were there too. BUT we left a few minutes late and were going to be about 15-20 minutes late. I got up to parmer and I-35 like you said, then turned left on Parmer and drove and drove and drove looking for a buddhist temple, just like you said. WELL........ little did we know, you were suppoused to turn left onto Lamar from Parmer(not mentioned in the directions). We accidentally turned on Lamar after we drove past 620 and turned around going home. It was of course pouring when we got there and there wasn't anyone left. Your directions you gave us failed to mention to turn onto Lamar at all. That's why we weren't there. We really did get all our stuff ready and go up there, but by 7:30 or so, you guys were long gone. We have to try again, now that I know the directions to the park. :) Glad you guys had fun for a bit.

The Willow Sword
08-04-2002, 11:57 AM
sorry about that. (my dyslexia acts up on occasion) well i am glad that you were able to find the place and that is where we will mett again. We got rained out so we didnt get to spar,,we just showed our forms and then it rained.

i expect that our next meeting would be next saturday,,but everyone needs to get intouch with me via my email address.

Many Respects,,The Willow Sword

08-04-2002, 12:09 PM

I live in Denton and train in Wing Chun. I'd be interested in meeting/sparring some folks from the forum. Perhaps some of my brothers/sisters would be too. I'll keep an eye out for the next get together. PM me about the next event and I'll see if I can make it. As of yet, I've only touched hands with WC and 7* Mantis. What other styles might be there? Looking forward to it.

The Willow Sword
08-04-2002, 12:16 PM
touching hands with a hsing y pakua guy.

GGL is shia jiao
changstyle novice is chang style taichi.

im not sure what hafling does.

you can correspond with me via email whirlwindshield@earthlink.net

Many Respects,,The Willow Sword

08-04-2002, 12:59 PM
Next time.. no wave hands like clouds OK.. that sucked.. but it was kool to see some other forms.. like they said within a matter of minutes I was drenched... and I really like to do it again..


08-04-2002, 03:09 PM
Sorry I couldn't make it. I had kungfu, would have rather skipped basic gim moves all night!

If I can come at all it'll have to be the 10th I have Nationals in Arlington the 17th and the Masters the following weekend.

none of this form stuff where's the action?
:p ;)

I hope to come! Need a chick to pump things up!!!

Talk to ya'll soon

The Willow Sword
08-04-2002, 03:58 PM
thats next saturday right? but uhh if you have nationals dont you think that you should take it easy on the sparring? you dont wanna get injured and not be fresh for the tourney.

Many Respects,,The Willow Sword

08-04-2002, 04:41 PM
Rest up?! I won't get injured :D I'll be fine, its only AAU Nationals.

I appreciate the concern but I'm a tough girl I can take it.

Just let me know, could it be possible to have it earlier?

08-04-2002, 05:36 PM
I can't make it next week or a few weeks thereafter. ill be out of town before the fall semester starts up again. Rooster, my boyfriend, will be gone too. Maybe when we get back towards sept we could meet up with you guys. Till then, keep us updated.

future man
08-04-2002, 06:58 PM
Hey all,

Sounds like fun. I just saw this thread, but I couldn't have made it yesterday anyways.

There's a chance I might be able to make this coming meeting though... Same time, same day, same place?

Hey Austin,

Long time... Hope you've been well.


Chang Style Novice
08-04-2002, 08:53 PM
Mostly pretty good, John, though I wish I could get to TCP more often, and I have a really unpleasant job. Are you still going to class pretty regularly?

I'll go again next week, but I get the idea it'd be a good idea for me to invest in some pads and stuff - I'm a lot less experienced than most around here, it seems.

The Willow Sword
08-05-2002, 07:42 AM
THIS SATURDAY the 10th same time same place. 6:30 pm at Walnut creek park. on the i-35 directions i need to revise it as i was dyslexic at the time of writing them.
from I-35 coming north you exit parmer and turn left at Parmer. (those coming south turn right)the next LEFT at the light is Nlamar (turn)then you go for about a 1/4 mile ,you will pass a buddhist temple on the right and just past it on the right is the entrance to the park.

Many respects ,,The willow Sword

future man
08-05-2002, 07:57 AM
What kind of sparring/practice is everyone doing (or planning on doing)? Full contact? Half speed? Pads/Gloves? Chi Saw? Throwing? Chin Na?

The Willow Sword
08-05-2002, 08:34 AM
Sparring will be up to the individuals that engage with one another. i will have to INSIST on sparring gear.
it is really up to whomever what the contact will be. i like to do free form sparring. it makes for interesting bouts.
anyone else want to contribute to this???

Many Respects,,The Willow Sword