View Full Version : Ban Red5a

07-27-2002, 03:50 PM
Do him a favor.
If he wants to continue saving the wc world
he will have to do it in person. Then perhaps (HE) will learn.


07-27-2002, 04:05 PM
let him talk. they are only words.

Alpha Dog
07-27-2002, 04:19 PM
What is more interesting than Red5angel's onanism is the fact that people here persist in flocking to his posts to "educate" him about manners, etc., and to show him the error of his ways.

Instead of banning, why not look to your own responses and adjust accordingly?

He always counters with "but I get so many replies," yet at least half of those are of the "shut up" variety. How many times do you vent your spleen before you realize you're being had?

Hau Tien
07-27-2002, 05:59 PM
Or if it bothers you that much, don't freaking read it.

I've been reading a couple "Ban So-And-So" threads that have popped up recently, and must say they're ridiculous.

If you don't like it, don't read the person's posts... it's very simple.

God... a lot of you guys whine like twelve year old girls :P

old jong
07-27-2002, 06:51 PM
I see no point in banning r5a.

07-27-2002, 07:12 PM
Or if it bothers you that much, don't freaking read it.

cant....resist......reading....annoying....posts.. ...

:D :D

07-27-2002, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by S.Teebas

cant....resist......reading....annoying....posts.. ...

:D :D
Hi S.,

Right on! :)

At first it was annoying, but now that everyone understands his peculiar psychological aberration, and no one gets upset, it's like tolerating young kids at a movie theater. Besides, next to Alpha Dog's Don Chisao, his threads and the corresponding accompanying insults are the funniest stuff on the forum.

If I ever engage in a contest of English grammar, spelling, or wing chun, I hope it's with him. :)

07-27-2002, 07:46 PM
Grendel says:
If I ever engage in a contest of English grammar, spelling, or wing chun, I hope it's with him.
Be prepared -atleast by 8 am CST Monday- the downtime compulsive pollution is likely to begin again..
I sometimes wonder whether Larry, Curly and Moe(and earlier versions of Curly) were the real pioneers in wing chun. They had discovered biu jee without working on their ma too much....when one of them asked "any thoughts?". Wu?

07-27-2002, 09:26 PM
Don't ban the guy, I get far too much enjoyment paying out on him.

Yuanfen, surely you've seen the "stooge-fu" documents?

Mr Punch
07-27-2002, 10:45 PM
When I actually read some of the stuff he says, he's pretty funny really.

But I don't bother replying to him and I think most people should stop.

Except anerlich and vts, cos you're really entertaining. Keep up the good work fellahs!

07-28-2002, 06:41 AM
hey mat, think of about the worst elvis impersonation you've ever heard & then think of me.
why thank you, thank you very much.

07-28-2002, 06:50 AM
whoops, forgot to add please don't ban him.
just in case i one day decide to visit laa laa land, i wish to at least know someone who is as all powerful as the leader of their squadron, the red5angel, you know, just incase i get myself in some trouble and need a worldly experienced man in my corner who knows how to fight the good fight.

07-28-2002, 07:05 AM
Anerlich-Stooge Fu documents? Unfamiliar with them.

BTW--several years ago on the net there wasa great comic essay bya wing chun guy--I wish I had kept it. The formula was -that he kept working on his wing chun skills (US Midwest) but his sifu moved away and
he never learned the defense against the frying pan kung fu.
His wife apprently was a confirmed expert in the latter.

07-28-2002, 02:25 PM
Ban Gazza and delete this thread.


I feel dirty having responded to your post of ****.

07-29-2002, 11:54 AM
The whole '6 degrees of separation' thing worries me.

What I mean is, the web is filled with skr1ptk1dd3z, and they might take this _permanent_ record as an invite to use their skills re: R5A, and maybe as a point of honor or a favor to a friend. He has upset a lot of people and hes not that hard to find.

Worse still, a sobering thought is that his sifu, Carl, is very present on the net. Attacks of this nature can lead to bankruptcy, which then leaves no-one with a school to train at.

Far all I know, its already beginning, but I seriously hope not. And BTW, no threats implied here, just concern.

07-29-2002, 12:09 PM
I didnt even see this one! Gazza, they have already tried this before, you should have atleast set up a funny, entertaining poll or something.........

07-29-2002, 12:58 PM
Are you l33t ?

07-30-2002, 06:59 AM
What, are you kidding? Naaaah. I know a few tricks and I've played around a bit is all- enough to know better than to underestimate who's at the other screen. Even so, I know a small coterie of "l33ts" with various morals- and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Thats what gets me worried re: R5A.

Maybe a little paranoid, but still credible. Oh, L33ts are not.

07-30-2002, 07:03 AM
Hey Face, are these the same L33Ts chasing Yuanfen around?

So if I am to understand you right, not only are a bunch of wannabe hackers going to come after me but also a bunch of 'L33Ts' as well? For the k1dd3z I can understand they have nothing better to do , but I think you guys overestimate the value people set on who is saying what in the internet, especially since anything that has been said has not been overly inflammatory.I dont know, if someone were on the web talking smack to me, I dont think I would waste too much time tossing and turning over it. Too many people who arent what they say on the internet to take it seriously. Any serious or L33t martial artist would know time is better spent trianing then chasing down internet personalities........

07-30-2002, 10:16 AM
R5A: Hey Face, are these the same L33Ts chasing Yuanfen around?

No. Yuanfen isn't paranoid, and thats a cheap shot.

R5A: So if I am to understand you right, not only are a bunch of wannabe hackers going to come after me but also a bunch of 'L33Ts' as well?

Same thing. potayto = potahto.

R5a: I think you guys overestimate the value people set on who is saying what in the internet, especially since anything that has been said has not been overly inflammatory

I've seen it start over less, in some circles. I'm not saying it will, just throwing out the possibility it can.

R5A: Too many people who arent what they say on the internet to take it seriously. Any serious or L33t martial artist would know time is better spent trianing then chasing down internet personalities

point one IS my point, but I come to a different conclusion. point two i agree with, but you'd be surprised: doing 'stuff' like that takes time, so you can get in a lot of training while you wait...

lastly, it doesn't matter if you agree or not. just pointing out a salient fact of 'net life. no need to go into it further.

07-30-2002, 10:34 AM
Well, the guys on the net dont worry me too much. They do what they do and I do what I do. As for anyone who wants to come after me, well, you are right, the chance exist but I am ok with that. you figure I am learning to fight anyway, so If I have to use it I have to use it. I wont go out of my way to though. No need, and I just feel that most people dont care. If it happens you will get a full report I promise!
The truth is, I am sure that at this point in my training there are a few people on the forum and such that could take me without breaking a sweat. Why would those guys even bother coming after me? Emin went after cheung because he was a master. Me, I am a 'nobody'. I do kow my training is good and I am training hard and if they want to touch hands or spar down the road I will have no problem with that.......

07-30-2002, 11:37 AM
Ah weren't talkin' no 'kung foo' theres....

Re: Yenhoi: LOL right with you! IIRC, you are the coder, here....

and thats about that, for me.

07-30-2002, 11:56 AM
Hello Guys,

This seems to have run its course and I am going to put this baby to bed now. I think it is obvious that, at this point in time, Red5angel will not be banned. Although there is hope for the future :D I wonder if certain people will appreciate that reference :confused:

Seriously, why keep wasting bandwidth on this topic?

