View Full Version : ESPN Shidokan

07-27-2002, 08:17 PM
It kicked ass. I was pretty karate kicks that I thought were useless used to knock people out. Pretty interesting tournament setup....first is bare knuckle..no face hitting. Then grappling gloves with an emphasis on throwing. Then boxing gloves, knees aloud..didn't see elbows, and lots of gorgeous throwing.

The throwing roung involves a few seconds of grapling for a quick submission and then they get back up.

This "Triathalon" of martial arts was the most entertaining fighting event I have ever seen.

some excellent fighters

07-27-2002, 08:20 PM
I started a thread about this a couple months back. I really liked that format. It is relatively unknown and a great test of all-around skill.

07-27-2002, 08:23 PM
That's a nightmare of a competition, you have to be three fighters in one. My favorite was the full contact karate, and you could tell the more kickboxing type guys hated it. That Lithuanian blasting that French fire plug across the ring was amazing. And he landed axe kicks, several kinds of spin kicks and had good hands. Great stuff!

07-27-2002, 08:31 PM
Stacey, was this just on tonight? I'm watching boxing on HBO and I'll be ****ed if I missed that.

CD Lee
07-27-2002, 09:40 PM
This Shidokon rocked major! The last one I saw..that i saw, sucked major. But this one had real, I cannot believe I am going to say this...Karate techniques!

Amazing throws!

MA fanatic
07-27-2002, 09:48 PM
You guys, check your cable guide. I'm sure they'll repeat it. They usually do. But, they may repeat it during the day or in the morning. You would have to set up your VCR. Shidokan actually started in chicago. Some real tough guys in it. Originaly Shidokan only had bare knuckle karate style fighting (points were awarded for perfectly exicuted throws as well). Kung Fu and TKD fighters were invited. Actually, originally, I saw many more guys from various arts in the sport. As the sport advanced and added the Muay Thai component, then added the No Rules grappling segment, only a few fighters stuck around. It's one of the toughest tournaments to win.

Stacey, I have to say that karate (well some of karate systems...shidokan, saidokan, and kyokushinkai primarily) has some of the strongest kicking arsenals. These guys shatter bricks with their toes. Even more important, these guys condition their bodies to withstand full power kicks to body and legs. Some karate fighters are the most conditioned martial artists in the world.
MA fanatic

07-28-2002, 10:31 AM
man i try to catch that everytime ESPN shows it. those cats are no joke. The last show, that Lithuanian cat was SERVING heads. he was fast, strong, had quick hands. he took apart whomever he fought. i was impressed.

ESPN needs to show that more often. alot more.

07-28-2002, 10:44 AM
go to kazaa and do a search for karate. you can find some good kyokushin stuff. they are short, but they are good.

07-28-2002, 09:50 PM
yea man i downloaded all kinds of wushu from Kazaa. i'll try Kyokushin too. got a clip of a Muay Thai vs. TKD match. the TKD practitioner gets knocked down repeatedly.:(

got some capoeira clips, alittle Shaolin forms demos..some good stuff to watch.

07-29-2002, 06:00 AM
Don't forget that Cung Le the amazing sanshou fighter, won this event just a few years ago with tons of spectacular highligts including a KO punch and great throws.

Chang Style Novice
07-29-2002, 06:28 AM
So this has nothing to do with those Paul Mitchell sponsored forms competitions that mostly involve 14 year old mulletheads twirling chrome nunchaka while doing cheerleader routines and screeching kiai like they just had a wasabi enema?

And I missed it?

Please please PLEASE! announce to the forum when this stuff is going to be on - I very rarely check tv listings for ma related stuff, since theres so little of it. And I almost completely gave up on ESPN as a source for good stuff.

CD Lee
07-29-2002, 07:54 PM
Chang Style: Hilarious!!!

Those kids sounds like someone has them by the nut sack! It is like absolutely distracting. Even my kids watched a few of those with funny looks on thier faces, asking me, Dad, why are they yelling like that?

No Chang, these guys were really good the other night. The last one I saw a while back, sucked badly. This time they showed up in shape with good technique. I mean, they did some bad **** to each other.

What I totally don't understand is why they can kick to the FACE in the Karate rounds, but not hit to the face??? I mean a kick is dangerous too right?

07-29-2002, 09:09 PM
Yeah, pretty good contest. It's been on before and will be again, I imagine.

07-31-2002, 02:40 PM
ditto on chang ...

please announce when this stuff is going to be on. i work 8-5 m-f and then teach until 8 or 9:15 m-th, so i'm almost never at home. but i can ask my roomy to tape it, so please let us all know. :)

07-31-2002, 08:10 PM
I thought it was interesting how the winner used full fledged spin kicks and axe kicks, which aren't supposed to work. I'd love to see Marvin Perry go up against that guy.