View Full Version : Best Mook Jong Use Videos

Rolling Elbow
07-28-2002, 10:05 AM
Who is going to recommend a good Mook Jong video that breaks down the forms and really demonstrates how to flow between techniques rather than looking like a stiff old dummy working on another stiff old dummy?

Do NOT suggest "Slam Set" as I can learn a modified set that is ten times better from my instructor. BUT seeing as work has taken up most of his time these days and he is thinking of going small scale commercial, there has been no real time to work the dummy when he does have time for a small group of us get together. SO, I am interested in a good tape that will give me more insight into how to work the dummy. Thanks!

07-31-2002, 11:13 PM
I see no one replied, and I haven't been to this forum in a few days cuz I've been really busy. So, let me try to help you out.

Ok, first of all, I haven't seen it, but I'm pretty sure the Slam Set sucks.

Now, I have a few things. I have Augustine Fong's Wooden Dummy Form video, which is ok. I like it because I can see how he flows through the form. I have Yip Chuns 116 Movements Wooden Dummy Form book (the gold one) which is very cool for explaining each move, and then I can use Augustine Fong's video to see how they flow together. I also have a video cd I got off of eBay with a bunch of stuff on it including Yip Chun performing the wooden dummy form at a seminar (but it's on this weird ass dummy that is mounted with springs and bounces around a lot every time he hits it. Weird). I don't use this video cd much, but it's kind of cool to see Yip Chun do his thing.

Hope that helps. How's the dummy coming along?


Rolling Elbow
08-01-2002, 09:05 AM
Long time no speak Iron!

I received your manual the same week you sent it thanks! I too will vouche for it, well written and clear.

My Jong is going slowly, weekends are only real time I can undertake the project and I have not been around for most of them. Hoping to complete the Jong next weekend.

You are right, the Slam Set is brutal. I have heard both good and bad things about Fong but imagine that the 116 dummy techniques are merely a guideline and open to interpretation. You know, out of all the masters that i have been looking into, one man strikes me as actually having useful info and realistic training methods. Duncan Leung was one of the Yip Man lineage inheritors but he is very understated and doesn't bother with the ****ing matches. I like the way his students move. there are plenty of vids on his site if you do a search so let me know what you think. I am thinking of taking a chance on his dummy video!

08-01-2002, 01:00 PM
The best WC video I've seen is WSL's $15 one at amazon.com. This video is awesome because it's like this:

"This is X technique and this is how you use it."

No offence to Augustine Fong, but his videos are tough to learn from. It's like... here's a combination, but we won't tell you the names of the techniques in it. Here is one use for it. Ok let's watch it in slow motion again (all Panther videos are like this, tho)."

At the end of the WSL video is a preview of another video with him doing the dummy form. This video was never released, however, but it may have been recorded because they do have footage of it at the end of the first one. (Or, it could be he just did a little dummy stuff specifically for that video as a preview).

I dunno. This was kinda off topic anyway but I thought it might be of use.

I also have a CD with Yip Chun doing SLT. He looks very different from everyone else doing it. At the risk of offending the entire WC community, I must say that it looks a bit sloppy and/or half assed. Maybe it's just such a high level of skill that I can't comprehend it, though.


08-01-2002, 08:13 PM
but i know when my sifu made his, they filmed him and then took and edited the film down. then they added this cheeessy music and lame video efects at the begining. ugh

08-01-2002, 11:43 PM
I actually just placed an order for WSL's video today. I didn't know Amazon.com had a WSL video for only $15 ($17.98 after shipping). Hope its good.