View Full Version : How often do you train?

07-28-2002, 07:03 PM
What is your training routine like?

Are you casual about it ... only working out when you go to class, or do you workout on your own as well?

How many hours do you dedicate to your art on a daily and weekly basis?

07-29-2002, 10:05 AM
I try to go to class each day that it's held. This would be on
Saturday and Sunday "morning" (starts at 11am which is my
usually lunchtime) and on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nights.
Class is 1.5 hours long. I try to get there an hour before class
and leave about half an hour after class. With the 60 minutes
(total) commute I spend pretty close to 4 hours on Wing Chun
each of those days.

Not all of this is training time, obviously, and other things (e.g. watering plants, vacuuming the floor, answering questions
from beginning or perspective students, changing clothes, etc.)
usually keep me from working on everything I should be working
on. There's just too much stuff to work on!

I try to also practice at home on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but
other obligations (or the fact that I'm just too tired from work)
usually keeps that practice to a minimum (forms, wallbag, etc.).

I find I'm better about working out when there's a set schedule
for it. Just getting up and practicing isn't as easy or reliable in my
case. I have too much other stuff on the stove and easily get

As for being casual about it. Sometimes working hard at Wing
Chun is the most important thing to me. Other times, it's still
important but other things start edging it a bit more to the side.
I always try to go, though. Just being there often helps keep me

Of course, there are some times when I just can't practice (trips,
illness), but sometimes the brief intermissions help out my
mindset, if nothing else.

07-29-2002, 11:59 AM
Everyday! Just about anyway. Sometimes I take a day off just about every other week, to relax but I almost always do a minimum of two hours in the morning, at lunch when there is space available here at work and then an hour to two hours in the evening. I go to class tuesdays and thursdays, and those are two hours as well.

07-29-2002, 03:30 PM
I'm always training on the inside :cool:

I take each day as it comes. There's three days of classes a week I always try to get to, one of which includes an hour of sparring and/or rolling.

A group of us including my Sifu spent a weekend in the country, training hard but also kicking back, 8K runs over hilly terrain both mornings, then an hour of drills, upper body conditioning and forms, then stretching and meditation (also called sleep).

Also practiced knifework, uno baston dos manos, two hours of vale tudo in a paddock, even indoor rock climbing at a place nearby. Plenty of R&R between the exertion as well. 'twas a hoot.

Last night my wife was out, so I did a half hour of bagwork in the garage then an hour of yoga and ROSS in front of the tube.

My first instructor , as good a KF practitioner and teacher as any I've seen plus successful in another career and as a family man, told me, Kung Fu should be part of your life, not your whole life.

Alpha Dog
07-29-2002, 04:26 PM
no matter how hard you are training, I am always working a little bit harder...

07-29-2002, 04:45 PM
5 mornings per week, 7:30 am - 8:30am
plus, 6.5 hours class time throughout the week

07-30-2002, 06:30 AM
Every Morning: Wake, Stretch, Jog, SLT, Shower.

M/W/F/S Morning class from 8:30 to 10
Sunday Morning class from 8:30-1pm+

M/W/Th Night class from 6 - 8

Every day in addition I attempt to get 3 hours of 'workout' which consists of 1 hour footwork drills/jumping rope, 1 hour technique, then 1 hour actual workout. Usually only happens for 3-4 days in a row, then I rest for 3-4 days.

08-01-2002, 04:06 AM
I train from 5a.m. to 8p.m. Monday-Friday and 5a.m. to noon on Saturdays.Sunday OFF. My training is broken down into sections thru out the day. My classes are 2 hours hands on with each one of my students. Once a month seminar for 4 hours. Believe it or not.

08-01-2002, 04:49 AM
Originally posted by Dragonhand
I train from 5a.m. to 8p.m. Monday-Friday and 5a.m. to noon on Saturdays.Sunday OFF. My training is broken down into sections thru out the day. My classes are 2 hours hands on with each one of my students. Once a month seminar for 4 hours. Believe it or not.

Oh man, red dude is gonna be so pi$$ed when he finds out someone trians more than him. :D:D:D